This class was created by Brainscape user Emma Hill. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

2nd year buzzwords
Cherry red spot at the macula,
Tear drop or blood level in sinus,
Failure to adduct
137  cards
antibiotic man
What is the treatment for meningitis,
What is the treatment for meningi...,
What do you add to the treatment ...
64  cards
ENT anatomy
What are the small hairs in the n...,
What kind of cartilage is nasal c...,
What bone forms part of the roof ...
209  cards
endocrine random anatomy
What does the prevertebral deep f...,
What is the name of the fascia th...,
What 2 muscles does the investing...
42  cards
ophthalmology infections/trauma
What is dacrocystitis,
How does dacrocystitis usually pr...,
What is the treatment of dacrocys...
88  cards
diabetic drugs
What 2 types of diabetic drugs ha...,
Sulfonylureas act by displacing t...,
What effect on the blood sugar do...
94  cards
insulin regimes
What is the onset of action of ra...,
What is the peak action of rapid ...,
What is the duration of action of...
41  cards
endocrine basic principles
What makes up the diencephalon,
What makes up the rhombencephalon...,
How is the action of a hormone te...
210  cards
What is the inheritance pattern o...,
What is the affected gene in men1,
What kind of gene is the men1 gene
39  cards
endocrine imaging
How is the pituitary gland viewed,
How is the thyroid gland viewed,
Where is the pituitary gland located
8  cards
adrenal gland
What are the 3 zones of the adren...,
What is made in the zona glomerulosa,
What is made in the zona fasiculata
158  cards
What vertebra levels is the thyro...,
What is the part called that join...,
What tracheal cartilages does the...
213  cards
thyroid cancer
What staging does fna give,
What does thy1 indicate,
What does thy2 u2 indicate
111  cards
Where is the pituitary gland found,
What does the pituitary gland lie...,
What effect does a pituitary tumo...
130  cards
parathyroid glands
What are the parathyroid glands c...,
What do the parathyroid gland chi...,
What does pth act on
89  cards
What is involved in type 1 diabetes,
What is the inflammation seen in ...,
T1dm has a strong link to what hl...
226  cards
renal physiology part 1
What is osmolarity,
What is the units of osmolarity,
What kind of solutions are body f...
344  cards
renal physiology part 2 - acid base balance
What is the ph of arterial blood,
What is the ph of venous blood,
What is the average ph of blood
113  cards
1st year buzzwords
Ig found in mucosa,
What produces endotoxin,
What produces exotoxin
204  cards

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year 2

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