04-18 Appendix G-Duties of a Police Officer-Subsection 42(1) Police Services Act Flashcards


The duties of a police officer are set out in subsection 42(1) of the Police Services Act (PSA). These are
a) preserving the p—–
b) p——— crimes and other offences and providing assistance and e———— to other persons in their prevention
c) assisting v———– of crime
d) a————- criminals and other offenders and others who may lawfully be taken into custody
e) laying c———– and participating in p———–
f) executing w——— that are to be executed by police officers and performing related duties
g) performing lawful duties that the c———- assigns
h) enforcing m————-


a) preserving the peace
b) preventing crimes and other offences and providing assistance and encouragement to other persons in their prevention
c) assisting victims of crime
d) apprehending criminals and other offenders and others who may lawfully be taken into custody
e) laying charges and participating in prosecutions
f) executing warrants that are to be executed by police officers and performing related duties
g) performing lawful duties that the chief of police assigns
h) enforcing municipal by–laws

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