10 Introducing CSS and Selectors Flashcards
What are the 3 parts to a CSS rule?
selector and declaration
Select element
define how it should be styled
A declaration contains a property and a value
So you basically select an element, you select a property to change, then you set the value.
Use a css style sheet
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” type=”text/css” />
What is the format of the ‘type’ attribute in a link tag?
It's a mimetype type/subtype ex: text/css image/apng image/avif
An html page can have multiple stylesheets
t or f
create a series of css rules for a page (not linked, not inline)
<style type=”text/css”>
h1 {color:red;}
p {color:blue;}
create an inline css rule
< p style=”color:red; more”>
Do a universal selector (all elements on page)
- { }
Select by element type
Select multiple elements by types
h3 { }
h1, h2, h3 { }
elementtype {}
Select a class
.classname {}
Select a class within a certain element type
h1. classname {}
elementtype. classname {}
select an id
idname {}
select an id within a certain element type
h1#idname {}
elementtype#idname {}
select an id within a certain class and element type
h1#idname.classname {}
order doesn’t matter
select target elements that are DIRECT children of another
no spaces
Targeting children works with other chained elements
t or f
p#b>span.c {
color: red;
Target all direct children of another element
What happens with this code? <style> div#b>div.c { color: red; } </style>
<div id="b"> fsad <div class="a"> afds <div class="c"> afds </div> </div> </div>
> only targets direct children
Target the specific children/grandchildren of the specific element
div#b div.c {
color: red;
What style is changed
<style type=”text/css”>
div#a div#b>div {
color: red;
<div id="a"> asdfasfd <div> asdfasfd <div id="b"> asdfasfd <div> asdfasfd </div> </div> </div> </div>
the div child of div#b
Target the immediate next sibling only
h1+p {}
Target all next siblings
h1~p {}
Which divs are affected by the style? div#b+div { color: red; } <divid="a"> aaa </div> <div id="b"> aaa </div> <div id="c"> aaa </div> <div id="d"> aaa </div> <divid="e"> aaa </div>