10 Markers with item Flashcards


Applying material from the Item, analyse two ways in which demographic trends since 1900 may have affected the nature of childhood in the UK today.


One change - According t the item … is through the increase in life expectancy. This means that people are now living longer because of improved education , better health care and introduction of the welfare state. This suggests that the nature of childhood today is improving because it means that “ several generations of a family may be alive at the same time. This means that the relationship between grandparents , parents and grandchildren will be significantly close. Furthermore, according to Brannen this has produced increases in the beanpole family and multigenerational families . Therefore ..

Another change- According to the item “ people are also having fewer children” this suggests that the nature of childhood today is decreasing this is because family sizes have declined. Families are now smaller because parents are choosing to have less children compared to the past where large families were the norm.The fertility fate in 1964 was 2.95 per women compared to 1.89 in 2014., This clearly indicates that families are getting smaller and it likely that families will have one child and this can lead to a negative expereince in childhood.Furthermore, this has lead to a decrease in family diversity, the new right would argue that this has negatively impacted our society ans shows that there is a moral decline

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Applying material from Item A analyse two changes in the position of children in society over the last 100 years


Change 1 - according to the item , one way in which demographic changes have affected the nature of childhood today is through a shift from children being seen as economic asset to a child centered society. The item states that “Parents today spend a great deal of time and money trying to make sure that their children enjoy a comfortable upbringing” according to Aires this suggests that childhood has significantly progressed to fit a western ideology . Furthermore, Picher argues that we are now in a golden age of childhood where childhood is now kept separate from the adult world, this is now the golden age of innocence where children are protected. this differs from the 1900 where children were forced to work and treated as min adults. Therefore

Change 2 - according to the item other sociologists such as palmer argue that we are now in a toxic age of childhood. this means that children are still in need of greater protection. Toxic childhood refers to the idea that some children are being deprived of a traditional upbrining because there parents arent spending any quality time with them instead they are using technology and junk food to apease them. This is similar to the 1900 where parents did not take much notice of there children or build an emotional connection with them because they thought they were going to die. Furthermore Postman argues that there is now a sexualisation of childhood , this means that the media is now blurring the lines between childhood and adulthood which is encouraging children to grow up too quickly. Therefore demonstrating that there have been significant demographic trends that ..

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Applying material from the Item, analyse two ways in which migrant patterns has changed family structures


One way- According to the item , one way migrant patterns have changed the family structure is through an increase in SPF( single parent famailies0. These are normally headed by a single woman according to Chamberlain and Goulburn. In there study of African Caribbean families they found that African-Caribbean women chose to raise there child independently from their child’ farther due to the struggles that they face with employment. Furthermore, Berthoud noted that over 50% of African- Caribbean families are headed by a single parent where as Pakistani and Bangladeshi families are most likely to be nuclear or extended. Therefore…

Another way- According to the item…

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Applying material from the Item, analyse two functions that the family may perform for capitalism [10 marks


Function 1- According to the item , one function the family may preform for capitalism is allowing the bourgisee to control there wealth through private property. According to Engle’s as time progressed men needed a way to pass down there wealth to there family so they used the nuclear family and monogamous relationships to legitimise and reproduce capitalism. Furthermore Engles highlights that if the nuclear family would disappears once capitalism disappears.

Function 2- Another function the family preforms for capitalism is acting as a unit of consumption. Zaretsky agues that the family is unit of consumption , that consumes capitalism and reproduces it. This is because most marketing and advertising of goods and services is aimed at the family unit. This allows capitalists to obtain a profit and widen the cap between the prolotriat and the bourgisee. Furthermore ,

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Applying material from the item, analyse two criticisms of the individualisation thesis


Criticism 1- One criticism of the individualisation thesis is that it encourages “today both men and women are free to make their own choices “. According to the new right this would be a major criticism because it shows the breakdown in traditional values and a consensus that bonded society and made it have structure. This suggests that now there is too much choice in relationships which have affected the nature of the family structure. Furthermore , Murray argues that this is apart of a continuing moral decay where traditional values and families are disappearing. Thus acting as a criticism because it is changing the nature of the traditional unclear family to take a more fluid approach where people have increased choice

Criticism 2-

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Applying material from the Item, analyse two ways in which changing patterns of marriage and divorce have affected the experience of childhood

  • Change 1- One change in the patterns of marriage and divorce which has affected the nature of childhood today is the creation of “lone parent and single person households “. This means that there is an increase in marital breakdown and children are being raised by one parent normally female headed. This is because more than 75% of divorces are imitated by women which suggests that they are likely to be the main career. Furthermore, the new right would argue that the changing patterns of marriage and divorce are apart of a moral decay. This was specifically be argued by Murray. Dennis and Erdos would argue that this means there is an increase in fatherless families which means that many experiences of childhood will be negative because there is no strong male figure heading these new aged families . Therefore the changing patterns of marriage and divorce have affected the expereince of childhood in a negative light.
  • Change 2- Another change in the patterns of marriage and divorce is that it has incraesed serial monogamy this is where people may have a series of relationships which result in cohabitation. The increase in serial monogamy still suggests that family relationships are stable for example three-quarters of births outside marriage are registered by both parents. This indicates that these births are occurring within stable relationships. This suggest this affects the expereince of childhood is positive because it still means that children are in a stable family unit. Furthermore, the changes in the patterns of marriage and cohabitation are affecting the expereince of childhood because they are increasing the blended family type. This is where A family consisting of two or more adult partners and their children together with their children from previous relationships either living with them.
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