Mangala/Mars Flashcards


Ma - Sa

  • Incredibly strong work-ethic
  • If a person has saturn mars in the 5th house you betcha they’re going to be a mechanic and good with engineering, that kind of stuff because 5th house is the mind.
  • A saturn mars person in the 5th is an engineer.
  • You call on this person when you need to step on the cockroach when it’s in your house, you call on the saturn mars person and they’ll be glad to take out their frustration on that roach.
  • Opposite of mars Jupiter.
  • This aspec can happen in a number of ways.
  • We can have mars saturn in the same, we can have mars saturn opposite each other, however we can have also have mars giving his 4th aspect to saturn and saturn giving his 10th aspect to mars. This is the square. Mars is giving.. this is the applying square to Saturn. And saturn is in a seperating square to mars. It’s a mutual square. Vs just the conjunction or the opposition.
  • Mars is the gas, Saturn is the breaks. There’s a constant tension, a chronic frustration, that their goals arn’t able to be met. And typically they have to work a little bit harder than the average person to achieve their goals.
  • If mars and saturn are afflicted it can actually create laziness. But it’s laziness out of frustration, not because they’re essentially lazy.
  • For mars saturn it can be same sign, opposite sign, or in that square where mars gives his square aspect and saturn gives his 10th aspect.
  • So, Clif notes version; any time you see mars saturn just think these two words: CHRONIC FRUSTRATION…. Regarding where they sit in the chart. So, if the 7th house is involved it’s going to involve relationships and man, they’re gonna wanna talk about it. If that’s your client and they have mars saturn in the 1, 7; chronic frustration with relationships.
  • It’s a push pull constantly. And it’s an anger… it’s the opposite of the swashbuckler combo where their mars, their energy, their ambition, is freely expressed, here they feel they can’t express their ambition freely. It sucks. BUT…
  • It is a combo for achieving great amounts of work in this lifetime. They’re here to work, they’re here to push, and… the ability to put in great effort into accomplishing something constructive. So, it’s a combo for engineering, for real estate, for building, you know, working with land, as you said; Mars is Bhoomi Karaka…
  • It is THE combo for science. So, engineering, science. machines. mechanical, technical ability. It’s awesome for that. So, it’s actually really good for the material world. for being in this material world.
  • In many ways it’s the opposite of mars jupiter where the mars jupiteris the swashbuckler who goes out and kills the enemy. Mars saturn is the person who comes in the ambulance and tries to save that cut up person’s life. They do the hard work that often doesn’t get the same kind of heroic accolades and yet they’re the real heros. So, you go through life with mars saturn so that in the next life you become mars jupiter.
  • it’s ironic though because in some respects it’s the opposite of mars jupiter.
  • Saturn mars people feel paralysed by this pressure; the push pull energy.
  • The chronic frustration combo.
  • Saturn mars in any way connected to the 7th house will create major frustrations in relationships and that frustration can happen as we put here that saturn is a dampener, he’s a wet blanket whereas mars is your physical nature whether you’re a man or you’re a woman, it’s your carnal physicality. And so it can, especailly later in life, create sexual problems. low testosterone levels, low progenstrone levels, difficulty with achieving an orgasm, difficulties with an erection, and so these thigns are simply dealt with in a mechanical way. You just balance that hormone that’s low, or sometimes too high. Maybe oestrognen will go up too high for a man and create secondary female charactreristics. Or testosterone can become low in women and create depression and probelms. So, remember Saturn and Mars are very Tamasic, if you don’t know this term tamasic yet, it means materialistic. And to deal with saturn and mars you have to often deal with them in a materical way. Not always, the mindfulness helps, the dharma helps, but sometimes you just need to replace the hormones. or if a valve is not working in your heart you go in and fix the valve. Like, good intention is not going to fix that valve. You know.. so saturn mars often require a mechanical fix. And it can be that simple. So a debilitated mars conjunct saturn and you’re older = you’re an ideal candidate for hormone replacement. And again im not a doctor, im not diagnosing or treating, curign any disease but yeh…
  • Saturn is guilt and mars is anger so because of this frustration there can be a suppression of anger because you feel guilty about it; it’s not the right thing to do, or you feel like it’s misplaced. Channelling it; voicing it; figuring out why you’re angry can be one of the best remedies.
  • Any mars saturn combo is… it’s like the best combo for massage by the way because both mars and saturn rule what in sanskrit is called Mansu Dhatu; the muscular system. By the way they’re such hard workers they’ll probably never take the time off for massage, but Mars Saturn people need massage. It’s yet another remedy. And again its a very physical thing, it doesn’t have to be you know a transcendental massage, just get in there and work those tendons and those muscles out. physical touch is good. Working out, miyo therepy, whatever it is but touch, touch is good. Foam roll if you can’t afford massage, get a foam roll for 20 bucks and roll out your muscles or roll against a door handle or something.
  • (from a student) Saturn is oil and mars is fire and so this could be an explosive combinaiton and these people have to be careful how they express anger and that they don’t end up in an explosive situation - Nadya agrees.
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Ma - Ve

  • (when 6/8 to each other) the person your heart wants is not the person your brain wants. Or, more precisely the person your pelvis wants is not the person your head wants. And that will be the problem all their life.
  • Mars venus is power; the power of passion.
  • Absolutely wants to experience completion through sex, through physicality. Which is goal oriented. “I want the orgasm”.
  • If you have mars venus 6/8 to each other in the main chart and they’re 6/8 to each other in the Navamsha that makes that combinaiton much more virilent. It makes it much harder to overcome in this lifetime.
  • This is the opposite of the mars ketu because mars venus conjunct is one of the embodiments of passion; primordial passion. We all know the myths, Venus the goddess of love, mars the god of passion and war. So, when they’re conjunct it makes the person naturally passionate. When they are opposite to each other the person seeks it from the outside, so it’s still a very passion built combo but they look for passionate interactions with others around them. Whereas when it’s just within they may not seek out those interactions even though they’re still very passionate beings. It’s more internalised. But the way we’re going to look at it, if mars and venus are in any relationship except 6/8 or 2/12 it’s fine. it means that your vitality and your sensuality are more or less integrated. Meaning that the person that you’re going to be attracted to is going to be the type of person that ‘s gonna kind of fulfill your needs. Where the danger comes is if your venus and mars are 6/8 or 2/12 to each other. Because then that creates an itch you can’t scratch. Your internal needs are disjointed. What does that mean? You’re attracted to a person who can’t fulfill you in some way. Or you love this person because they’re intellectually brilliant but they don’t give you some other aspect of the relationship. This is in the D1 and the D9. So, if it’s 6/8 say in the D1 and say it’s 2/12 in the D9 then it’s a more fixed karma. That doesn’t mean it’s unchangeable, everything’s changeable, but it’s a more dyed in the wool, you’re gonna need some stain cleaner before you throw it in the laundry. You’re gonna need to scrub it a little bit, you know let it sit, some enzymes on it, maybe say a few prayers, and then put it in the laundry. Or you can wash it by hand. The stain is deeper. So Nadya you have a bunch of clients with this can you tell us a bit about what they say when you tell them about this combo. I’m honestly not exagerating guys, this becomes one of the most pivotal parts of any reading. People just… some of them start laughing, some of them start crying, they’re all just bottled down and it’s like “oh my god, how did you know that?” “i thought that everybody thinks that1?” Every single person always says that. “i thought that everybody feels like that.” It’s crazy, it’s very powerful. And it’s real for people. It’s basically, people feel like that they cannot find two people in the one package. One person satisfys them emotionally, the other person physcially. Or they want to be friends with one person and they fully satisfy them. But they don’t really want to touch them you know. And the other way around: they want to be physical with them but they don’t want to hang out with them you know. And to them it seems like they can’t find one person who will satisfy them. This is when 6/8 or 2/12 to each other. And the key phrase is “I thought everybody… felt this way”. Because it’s an internal reality. It’s how, maybe in their own life, their parents have maybe modelled relationships, or how they’ve seen it, or just how it’s been since forever. And they think ‘oh, this is just normal’. So, look one of the antidotes if you have this is to learn vedic synystry. So, any time there’s a disjointedness it just makes you work harder to correct it. You know, if you have a spinal disorder you have to get regular adjustments. You have scholiosis, it’s just something you have to constantly work on. It’s not going to get better on it’s own and you have to constantly be adjusting and fixing your posture, practicing pilates and yoga. So, if you have this combo, you can find the perfect person but you have to work on it. And working on it means number 1, checking compatibility. The book that we have, the Murhurta book by Dr BV Ramen has a chapter on compatability which is worth reading even if you don’t understand all the terms. I know that book is goign to be above some of your heads because it talks about the most difficult aspect of astrology but it’s still worth reading because part of it is how hard it is to find a mate, a partner who shares, with whome you get along. But a person with this mars venus combo absolutely needs this service. Number 2, working on themselves and understanding that it is possible to have because the second part is you have to look at yourself. Are you being either too picky or… cause sometimes the problem is with you. But that’s the thing, I have to disagree with you. To some people especially if it’s somehow afflicted in the D9 it is basically imposible for them to find a perfect mate. Because it’s just the way they’re wired. They’re wired to like different things and I think the first key is working on yourself. Not trying to find someone. The first should be actually recognising this is my make up. For some reason I’m made this way. And karmically perhaps, maybe in a past life you have taken for granted how perfect your partner was. And you didn’t appreciate them or something. Simon: So, I think both; both are useful, you definitely have to work on yourself to the point where you go “ok, you may have to give up something.”. You know, “I want the perfect xyz.” You may have to give that up. My teacher, Muntri gi, used to say all the time, “do which you don’t want to do.”. And it’s the hardest thing because how do you do what you don’t want to do? I don’t wanna do it. But you gotta do it. But you do because it’s the right thing to do, because it’s for dharma. So, oftentimes what is necassary for these people can have an open relationship, not get married, not get stuck in a relationship where you will start feeling resentful that that person doesn’t fulfil your needs. If you are evolved enough to forgo things like either sexual desire or being friends or if that other partner is actually built the same way, that’s where the synastry comes in, right. You’re together for either this reason or for that reason whichever end of the spectrum that is. And if it’s ok with the other person, that’s your perfect partner. It’s not a perfect partner because they check all the boxes, but because they are made like you, that’s where synastry comes in. Yeh, so it’s important to find someone who will help you work through this stuff. So it’s not just you working on it on your own going “Oh, I’m worthless, I have this combo, it’s in my D1 and my D9. Woe is me.” No, you could still find someone with whom you could work through these thigns. And you’ll be like “ok you know, they’re a 7 in many catagories vs being a 10 in one category and a 1 in… And i can live with that, I can live with someone being a 7, maybe a 9 in one category a 5 in another, but more or less, the marks are high.” Vs “they fill me perfectly in this area and not at all in any other area.”. That’s a recipe for disaster. Because yeh, it can be dangerous if you start sacrificing too much. That’s what i mean by perhaps having an open relationship because if there is some other indications in the chart where like say you have saturn moon, a person’s so virtuous and giving and they do it to the point of resentment towards the others, right. Because they just don’t know where to stop, right. They’re just made hardworking people and virtuous and sacrificing. So, if you have that combination then you end up resenting the person for whom you are giving up that part of yourself, right, with the mars venus 6/8. So, it’s difficult, giving up too much can turn into disease, into suppression of your dharma in a way. So it’s very tricky. So, you have to see, what other combos are there? Is venus also conjunct ketu or mars also comnjunct ketu in which case we’re moving more in the direction of relationships are not for you in this lifetime.
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Ma - Ke

  • Ketu with Mars, Saturn, Sun; any combination with 2 or more of those will indicate surgery; losing a part of the body.
  • Terrorist combination; it’s the highly explosive out of no where; Ketu rules things that are invisible which have massive effects like a virus, bugs or a hidden bomb or an explosion.
  • the mars ketu in scorpio may take an eccentric path to that goal. But mars ketu in scorpio, both of the have dignity. and so in this case the person becomes so chronically dissatisfied with the physical that they become utterly detached.
  • Wherever Ketu goes think dissapointment/dissatisfaction. And in a sense both rahu and ketu are lookign for satisfaction. Rahu is looking for it more through material things. Ketus is so dissatisfied he also looking for satisfaction. But he’s learned it’s not to be foudn in the normal things, the material things. So, he’s looking elsewhere.
  • Hidden/secret anger
  • Chronic disappointment with respect to the physical world, with ambition. There’s a sense of apathy.
  • This is the chronic passive/aggressive combination.
  • The mars ketu person will alos be dissatisfied with the physical aspects of sex. They may experience it, but it doesn’t necassarily do it for them.
  • You have to look at these like puzzle pieces, if Ketu’s dissapointment and Mars is the body, then all the things of the body, they become a dissapointment to you. If Ketu is seeking divinity and that’s why he’s dissapinted then you’re going to seek divinity, seek God through sex, through physical things. So, it’s a beautiful combination for people who channel energy through their body. Be it a masseust, be it a yoga teacher, martial arts teacher, or anything liek that. So, channelling the energy of the divine through your body. That’s what mars ketu wants to experience. That’s where the dissapintment comes from. Well, the dissapointment comes when you attach a goal to it because Mars is goal oriented. The key is, let there be no goal. So, typically the goal of sex is orgasm. No. No goal. Forget orgasm. Let the thing reveal it’s gift to you. Typically, you work out, you want to get your chest, your whatever, you want to get your 20 mins of cardio, no. We’re going to do whirling, sacred dance we’re going to do yogo by stream of consciousness, whatever asana comes next, that’s what I do. You see the difference? With Ketu in place Mars cannot have a goal because Ketu is smoke and mars cannot see through the smoke, you can’t see the goal. You just have to embrace the place of being … the no destination. So, whether it’s working out, whether it’s hiking, well, it’s not taking the same path everyday it’s just going into the woods and just walking and letting them lead you where they lead you. The problem is when you try to impose an order on mars ketu it can become explosive, it can become terrorist because that bottles up the mars energy and it’s unhealthy.
  • The main remedy for this combination should be to not be goal-oriented. This is so the person does not get discouraged to act in the world. Because it can become apathetic. people don’t want to act at all because ‘what’s the point’ in their mind.
  • “What’s the point?” is something mars ketu people may think a lot. And the antidote is you have to make your point. Because ‘what’s the point?’ leads to passive aggressive. “meh, what’s the point he’ll keep doing what he does.’ No, if someone is doing something that’s annoying you speak your truth. And it’s going to be very hard for mars ketu. this is the antidote. Don’t be passive aggressive. Just be forthright. If your partner is doing something for you and you have mars ketu and they think they’re pleasing you and it’s just annoying you, just say it, say “you know what hone, try this, do this instead. because that’s irritating me, it’s not quite working for me.” And the person will be like “oh, I thought you liekd that.” “No, why’d you think I like that?” “well, because you never say anythign you always close your eyes when I do that.” “yeh, because I’m irritated.” “Oh, it looked like you were in bliss.” See, Marks ketu guys, you have to express it! Your dissatisfaction. Or people will think that there’s nothing wrong. You can’t expect people to read your mind if you have mars ketu. And mars ketu person expects other to know exactly what they’re thinking and going through.
  • I had a client who had this combination. She had her menopause at 36 years old you guys. because she was just so emotionally dissatisfied with the physicality of sex that basically her whole boy just gave up and said ‘what’s the point?” It can become that dramatic. So, speak up, tell your clients to experience the sex the way it’s suppossed to be experienced, not giving up on it. And not just sex, everything. Any physciality. Any activity in general. Now this is the essence of the ‘me too’ movement. Because this is something culturally for the last 100 years been ingrained in women; ‘don’t say anything. Don’t speak up. hold it to yourself, it’s probably nothing, it will go away.’ No, speak your truth. But especially speak it at the right time. When it’s happened. It’s very hard to do it 20 years later. 30 years later out of context. This combo can point to sexual assault in somebody’s chart. Especially if it’s connected to the 7th house. Especially with the stalker nakshatras of like Mrigashira or Jyestha. Rahu too. Rahu will give more of a violent association with mars. And ketu will be more creepy if it’s an assault, more secret. And especially in those cases, if someone is creeping, you know you say “Hey creep! What are you doing?” You address it. You immediately cutit, you stop it, Ketu is a shadow and it’s smoke; it thrives in the shadows. When you shed light on it, when you expose it it wants to scurry away. So, it’s a hard lesson because ketu makes you doubt yourself. “Well, maybe they’re just… no, that’s.. no, it’s probably nothing.” Right, you doubt your own instinct. But your instincts are usually right. So just speak your truth. And look you may be wrong. it’s ok. But even it you’re wrong then you’ll know you were wrong. Then the person might be like “no lady, look, my car’s right here, im parked right here. im not stalking you.” “oh, ok” then, go about your business. But not it’s done, it’s settled. Ok the guy wasn’t stalkign you but now you don’t have to think about it for the rest of the day, “was he stalking me, wasn’t he” It’s settled. there’s no lingering shadow. even if you’re wrong. and that’sthe beautiful thing, even if you’re wrong, face it, speak your truth anyway because then you’ll find out. This is very important for mars ketu combo.
  • Speak the truth. Don’t be yourself creepy. You become creepy if you have mars ketu and you just expect people to intuit what you’re feeling, what you’re going through. Give people the gift of your insight and speak your truth. DOn’t be passive aggressive, be active aggresive. Rahu and Ketu are each other’s remedy. So invoke a little rahu energy to treat ketu and the other way around. Be more active with ketu and be more passive and introverted with rahu. You want to tone rahu down a little bit. Rahu wants to lie on the couch, put it’s feet on the table, put it’s arms in the chips and the other arm on the remote and that’s it, no one else can…. Ha, “This is my territory!” You know, you can tone that down a little bit. Mars ketu is int he corner reading a book and plotting it’s revenge; brooding. No, you want to tone that up a little bit. Go to the couch and say “hey, can i have the remote sometimes? It can’t be just Kardashians all day long. Come on man.”
  • I just had a client this week who had mars ketu… She was so dissatisfied with the physicality of sex… because mars ketu creates this need to have a process oriented activity. Whatever that activity pertains to but it has to be with the body. So, whether it’s sex or excercise it’s not goal oriented. Goal oriented physcial activites makes the mars ketu person completely dissapointed; they don’t want to do it. So, often times it makes it hard to find in a relationship a perfect partner who is able to satisfy this need because you know, sex is about climax for most people right. So, people become very disappointed in it. And literally i told you guys her body shut down she had menopause at 36 and she’s totally fine not being sexual. She’s a yoga teacher though because that’s another beautiful thing for mars ketu people they are able to channel body transendental kind of experiences; channel energy through their body. So, massage therapist yoga teachers, even martial artists. Anything that has to do with the body. And so the client i had this week was a man when he ran a ketu sub period he had prostate cancer. his prostate was removed (i think that’s posible?) so he’s not at al interested in sex anymore. and he’s very happy about it. in a way he was so happy telling me about this like now i finally don’t have to worry about it anymore. so again theres this ketu takes things away when it doesn’t find an outlet that brings you divinity through that thing that it touches which for mars is body, physicality, body activities. So, just another example that came across me this week. Mars was also his lagna lord, so he’s scorpio rising so mars rules his ascendent and 6th house and it’s happening in his 11th house - that conjunction in particular. So, for him because ketu’s in the 11th he was very picky about his social situation, he only has friends who are spiritual, who somehow transcend this material reality. Very very picky about friends but also long term friends who are very spiritual.
    So, he WAS initially interested in sex but he wanted to transcend it; he wanted to transcend the physical experience through some kind of divine experience; process oriented sexual encounters. He was married many times. so he was trying to find that perfect partner and couldn’t. Ketu is idealism and idealism always leads to disappointment, so it’s both (idealism + dissapointment). And so it’s idealising what could be from the physical. So when they’re younger they idealise “oh, and when i have sex it’s going to be amazing” and then you know, life happens and they’re dissapiinted and at some point they either transcend it by spiritualising it. some people do it liek many religions do it; sex for procreation only. Right. that’s a mars ketu thing. you only do it for a higher purpose. or they just give it up. or they find their physical pleasure in other things like moving meditation, dance, tai chi. or they’re lucky enough to find a partner who will indulge them in this process-oriented sexual experience. Mars Ketu is process oriented “well, the orgasm is the end of the thing. I like the thing. I want to prolong the thing. I want the fourplay forever.” So, books on tantra, books on slow sex. you know there’s all kinds of things about the PROCESS. Are writeen by mars ketu kind of people, by ketu kind of people, it could be venus ketu also. So, ketu is idealism when you’re young, disappointment when you’re older. So, yes it can mean being Asexual.
  • So, in a way we’re looking at it like puzzle pieces. SO, let’s say ketu is fear and phobias so the person will no doubt have fears and phobias asociated with all the thigns that mars represents which is physicality, hidden anger; fear expressing your anger, fear fear of exploring your body. fear of telling other people about your sexual needs. Or confusion, or idealism. Divine knowledge, so wants you to get divine knowledge and experiences through the body which is mars right. so look at it that way. By going through each of these significaitons of ketu combining them with signifcaitons of mars you can definitely arrive at…. so these are like lego blocks. You don’t have to memorise all of this. Just two or three things of each. Ketu is dissapintment idealism, and fear. And then mars is physicality, energy, and pitta. And so you have that mars block. And you combine it with rahu, you combine it with saturn And you get a certain meaning. So you don’t need the sheet. “OK Ketu is these three thigns, venus is these thre thigns.. lets see, ok so it can mean dissapointment in love. ok. it could mean higher art. that’s the point of what we’re trying to do here with this document and with this class. What we’re doing is exploring how the Rishis came up with the meaning of their combinaitons that moon mars is a yoga for money. if you just rmemeber that you miss the whole process of why is it a yoga for money. Because first it starts with a passion, that passion becomes a hobby, it becomes something more than hpobby, it becomes somethign that you do and you become known for and you get paid for. You get it, and so you get to the money at the end.
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Ma - Me

  • The is the combo for two things:
    One is coordinated movement. So, martial arts.
    The other is coordinated speech, so, debate, linguistic ability, but also sharp speech; argumentative; too critical.
  • One of the classic combos for bending the truth. So, it’s good for sales people. Good for lawyers, liars, that kind of thing. It’s also very good because mercury is technology in general; communicative technology; computers. Or a computer engineer.
  • On the negative side it can create skin issues, skin problems. Because as we;ve seen, one of the ways inflammation and excess heat can express is through the skin especially when it’s with mercury.
  • All this previously state info is for any combination of mars mercury; so conjunct, opposing, even the 4th aspect, we’re not differentiating here.
  • So, it’s pretty simple, mars mercury’s pretty straight forward, just like the computer, the engineer, the thing is on or off, it can give a sensitive nervous system if mars is afflicting mercury and mercury is weak, say mercury debilitated aspected by the 4th aspect of mars.
  • Very whippy kind of speech; critical, but can be funny if both planets are strong.
  • It’s a good combo for humour, for tongue-fu and kung-fu.
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Ma - Ju

  • Simon loves this combo; next lifetime maybe.
  • This is the combo for adventure.
  • This is the, you know the actors in the 1920s, the swashbucklers. That’s the combo; john wayne, johnny depp. erol flynn. Swashbucklers are often scallywags. Even if the people that portray them, if you read Erol Flynn’s biography the guy was… you know.. anyways… here’s our etemology: Swash is archaic for ‘to swagger with a drawn sword’. And a buckler is a small shield. So, swashbuckler is a person with swagger. D’artanuon and the three muskateers. Think pirate.
  • They are people who will take a risk, who can be adventurous.
  • All previous stuff is for Mars and Jupiter in a conjunction or opposition.
  • In more practical terms, where does it lead to? it leads to adventure, but it can lead to law. So, it makes people good lawyers. Lawyers in the sense that they’re not afraid to pick a fight, they’re not afraid to go in and get dirty; they’re not afraid to pick a righteous fight. Atleast in their own mind.
  • Exuberant physical energy.
  • Enjoyment of physical activity.
  • Innate confidence.
  • My brother has this combo and he’s the guy that, if you’re a man, other men want to be around you, and other women want to be with you. It’s that kind of swashbuckler… can you see why I’m jelouse of this combinaiton.
  • It can also lead to politics. Especially strong opinions about religion and politics. because they like to be involved. they’re involved in society and what works, what doesn’t work and they definitely have their opinions whether they’re right or not, you know, depends on other things; Fighting for their beliefs.
  • These are people, whatever their race, their sex, their caste, you wanna be around them. they’re just interesting and compelling people to be around; they’ll tell you stories.
  • None of this is to do with just one sided aspect: they have to mutually interact.
  • There’s something about a risk-taking quality. My borther is a gambler, he plays horses. All his life there’s a certain quality like you dare him to do it he’ll do it and he’ll win your money. It’s that kind of thing.
  • You have a certain belief in what you want to do no matter how many people tell you no; you can’t convince them. If they believe it, they’re mars jupter is is so locked in… no, you can’t. And they have the shakti to protect that because the mars is so juicy with jupiter.
  • So, for the jupiter mars combo they have to be in the same sign or the opposite sign. That’s it. No other criteria.
  • The swashbuckler combo.
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Ma - Ra

  • Mars Rahu is more overt than mars ketu.
  • First think independence. It’s a strong combination for a person who highly independent; they do their own thing.
  • Number 2, yes, it is anger that can erupt and so people may choose fields like military, sports, where they can channel that anger. It can be anger that’s difficult to control because Rahu you can’t control. It’s invisible, how do you grab a shadow? You can’t grab and restrain a shadow. And Rahu is a mathematical point; it’s a shadow.
  • This is a powerful combination for enlightenment, or spontaneous enlightenment; for the suphi dancer, the sartori; sudden enlightenment comes out of no where, again being highly… the mars ketu in scorpio may take an eccentric path to that goal. But mars ketu in scorpio, both of the have dignity. and so in this case the person becomes so chronically dissatisfied with the physical that they become utterly detached.
  • Highly independent. Now, if you see this in a chart of a married person and they’re coming to you and they have marriage problems, you know, this is one of the things that you’re going to want to talk to thier spouse about. “Ok, does this person have enough space?” “Does this person have an outlet for their sometimes overwhelming urges?” Because Mars Rahu can be overactive testosterone, overactive adrenals, too much macho, too much sex, or at least in their head they have this. Whether it’s a man or a woman by the way. It doesn’t matter. Som think about this, lets say the man has mars saturn conjunct. the woman has mars rahu and they’re married. So, the mars rahu wants to do things their own way, and the mars rahu person wants to schedule their time together. “Well, honey I have a slot between 9 and 9:15 I can work you in then” she’s like “COME HERE NOW. Rajsckjan”. right? So, mars Rahu is hard to control. So, lets say you have this married couple, well, what do you do? Well, the first thing, the best thig to do is just let them know that this is a pattern in their charts.
  • Remember mars is the physicality of the person, rahu is like methamphetemines. When you put those together, yes, it can be explosive, and these people just need space, they space to express all of this energy.
  • Wherever Rahu goes think obsession. Wherever Ketu goes think dissapointment/dissatisfaction. And in a sense both rahu and ketu are lookign for satisfaction. Rahu is looking for it more through material things. Ketus is so dissatisfied he also looking for satisfaction. But he’s learned it’s not to be foudn in the normal things, the material things. So, he’s looking elsewhere.
  • It’s ok to be strong, and overactive and obsessed with work when you’re obsessed with work and obsessed with sex when you’re obsessed and when you feel like a total outsider and different, it’s ok! It’s who you are. And the people who supposed to be with you they will love that about you. That’s what makes you unique. Cause wherever Rahu touches, there is nobody like you on the planet; you’re unique human being. Rahu in the lagna, Rahu conjunct your moon, your sun; it makes you unique, one-of-a-kind. I mean we all are in some way but this combo definitely does it.
  • Highly independent doesn’t have to mean always independent.
  • Fierce independence.
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