Guru/Jupiter Flashcards



  • Combination for education/teaching. Either they are a teacher, consultant or counsellor. The other option is stage acting (Greek plays and tragedies were made to teach a moral good; acting is a way of teaching and this person takes this idea seriously. This could possibly apply to film acting too).
  • Together or in angles becomes a combination for intellectualism/education. Why? Because JU is the guru for the upper class and VE is the guru for the lower class. And so you are able to teach, relate, to give wisdom to anyone.
  • Educator combo. They are interested in education and being an educator. Perpetually interested in studying new things; naturally curious about study and education.
  • Desire to give good counsel to others. Desire to give constructive opinion.
  • Will seek the company of educated people. You will want your partner/spouse to have the qualities of JU; someone who stimulates you spiritually, they may not have to be the best-looking spouse; they are more idealistic in their partner aspirations. Desire for idealised spiritual beauty; not just physical beauty
  • Combo for laziness. Why? They are the two planets of abundance. Too much abundance leads to laziness. JU: over-eating + VE: over-abundance = laziness. Both very comfortable planets so wanting to be too comfortable all the time can make you lazy.
  • Enjoyment of travel. And when they do travel they prefer luxury accomodation.
  • If running this Dasha they will gain weight during that 3 years.
  • Antidote: start studying something and be happy.
  • One of the combos for education, teaching and acting
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  • The Obama combo
  • You can do both; cynical and optimistic; glass half-empty and glass half-full; You’re both fun to be around and but can also be serious when it comes down to it; fully balanced realism and idealism; the balance between pragmatism and optimism.
  • They may doubt their own knowledge; “Do I know enough?”
  • “I know that I don’t know”.
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  • Guru Chandala Yoga (especially when the 9th house is involved - it happens in the 9th house, Jupiter is the ruler of the 9th house, or RA sits in a sign of a planet that rules the 9th house OR the 9th lord is aspecting the yoga of RA and JU E.g. RA in Gemini with JU and the 9th Lord is Me. This means the person will go their own way when it comes to learning and religion. They’re born as a Catholic but they become Protestant. They’re born as a Protestant but they become Hindu. They’re born as a Hindu they move to Las Vegas and become a meat eater. The point is that it’s not that critical to them. There is a HETERODOXY; different fates. They will question authority. Not necessarily government authority but philosophical authority - “Who says I can’t I can’t drive 100 miles per hr? Who says there’s an old man with a beard in the sky? How do we know it’s true? Have you been there? Have you seen it?” These people ask these questions. They are the ultimate questioner!
    The second thing here is that they may attract teachers of a different nature. It reflects that their Guru is/was a rebel
    It is a pernicious yoga and in some ways dooms you to be on your own in terms of spirituality and education. You’re going to study your own way, and the teachers you have will be rascals which in turn makes you question them!
    This yoga is considered a curse
    In some past lifetime you had a teacher/guru and you said I know enough or even I know more than you, and thus you seperate from them. Whether the teacher physically curses you or not, they’re disappointed in you and that carries over into your next lifetime - “Oh, you think you can do it yourself, go ahead.” And now in the next lifetime you have nobody so you’re trying to make your own way. That’s why it’s considered a curse. But, it makes you appreciate.; these people appreciate gurus but for whatever reason they don’t feel like they can follow anyone or just the timing isn’t right or they find fault with their guru or they get a rascal guru. But they like the idea of having a guru for life; they see those people and they’re jealous a little bit
  • Father may be a rebel himself or you run away from the father (father is the first guru). if you didn’t have that first guru modelled in your life then you’re probably going to rebel against other gurus/teachers later in your life
  • Father may have been an alcoholic/liver issues.
  • (if not configured with the 9th house) then it just gives rebellious qualities toward religion. They’re going to want to figure it out themselves. They’re going to look at the person on TV preaching and say “How do they know? How do they know what the afterlife is?”
  • JU is the liver so this can imply a toxic liver.
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  • Also considered a kind of Guru Chandala Yoga. However in this instance the person is not rebelling against a guru, but they are in a sense disappointed with their own tradition and its limitations. E.g. you’re born Catholic but you’re disappointed with the dept of the Catholic philosophy and you go and you become a Buddhist. It’s different from the Rahu in that you’re not rebelling, it’s just not enough for you; it doesn’t have depth for you. You become disappointed in the nature of your own spiritual progress within your own tradition so you look beyond. [IF IT IS AFFLICTED they will rebel against authority just like in a Guru Chandala Yoga].
  • Highly intuitive; Ketu is what you bring in from another realm and they just have wisdom hat comes through and they don’t know where it comes from. It is higher than KE-MO or RA-MO psychic abilities in the sense that it is WISDOM coming from another realm; you just know things; bringing in wisdom from another place. Very good for psychology, intuition, insight; a GREAT combination for healing/healers because you bring in knowledge, intuition, wisdom from another place
  • Almost always the person is not going to live their lives based on the chasing of money. It’s not that they don’t care about money but they feel that it’s almost beneath them; it’s uncouth. So, they can be very selfless with their money.
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Ju in Kumbha (Aquarius)


Jupiter’s advent into Kumbha rasi is a distinct improvement over his previous placement, don’t you think? There’s reason for optimism. Aquarius/Kumbha is associated with consciousness, among many other concepts. It seems that we humans now have an opportunity for raising our own consciousness, and for literally choosing to think higher thoughts and to choose to entertain more elevated ideas. Creativity with the object of benefitting the greater good; evolution for the collective, through the agency of individual ideas; altruistic thoughts which somehow improve the general populace – these are some of the best attributes of Guru in Aquarius. We contribute to global peace and prosperity, individually, through our thoughts, and awareness of the concept that “The world is my family” – Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

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