Food & Cooking / Part 1 Flashcards


1.What sort of food do you like eating?

2.who normally does the cooking in your home?

  1. Do you watch cookery programs on tv? general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home?

  1. Well, I like to eat all types of food. I enjoy trying foods from different cultures. I like spicy and savory food (a very pleasant taste) like Italian and Indian.

2.When I was single, my mom used to cook most of the time, although now my sister does most of the cooking. But now that I’m married, my wife cooks in our house, and I also cook sometimes on weekends. For example, I make a good fesenjoon. Fasenjoon is a papular dish in our city that is made with walnuts.

3.Yes, I do enjoy watching cookery programmes on TV from time to time because it allows me to learn about different kinds of dishes from different countries or regions along with their cultures and traditions. And, once I know about those dishes, I can always go to a restaurant and try those foods. After all, I do like trying different kinds of foods even though I do not like cooking much.

4.Well, to tell the truth, I give priority to home-cooked as it is full of nutritions which help me to keep health fit. However, sometimes I prefer to eat out, instead of home, mainly because restaurants have many different kinds of food items. So, if I don’t like a certain kind of food at a restaurant, I could always order for a different dish which is not always possible if I am eating at home.

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