Class Was Memorable Flashcards


Describe a class you took that was very memorable.

You should address:

When you took the class.
Where you took the class.
The subject of the class.

And explain why the class was so useful.


During my school time, I was very weak in the English Language. Hence to improve my English Language skills, I had to attend few English classes. Among the classes I had attended, few were quite boring, except the one class which was very interesting and I enjoyed attending that class a lot. So here I would share my experience about attending that enjoyable class.

The lesson was basically related to English Grammar. But this class was different, as in this class the more significance was given to advanced grammar, and less on simple grammar.

I attended this class at my school. At that time, I was in 12th class. And this happened some 20 years ago. This class was presented by Mr. Mosavian.

I learned a plethora of skills from this class. I was introduced to numerous useful tips and tricks on how to improve grammar.

Honestly saying, I enjoyed this class a lot. Normally, students find grammar class uninteresting and tiresome. Even a class of 10 minutes can make the student feel sleepy. But in this class, everyone, including myself were excited and were paying full attention towards the lesson.Mr. Mosavian teaching style was very interesting.

So this was all about a class that I enjoyed.

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