speaking Flashcards


bear with me


wait until to fully explained

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spectacular sunset


غروب دیدنی

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panoramic view


منظره وسیع، دید پانورامایی

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very afraid

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feel nauseous


حالت تهوع

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out of ordinary


غیر عادی

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مادی گرا

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is ideal for conversation

is a perfect place for conversing on any topic enjoying some drink and sweet stuff

serves coffee, cakes, light snacks and a variety of hot and cold beverages

has a great cosy atmosphere

makes people feel more open with friends



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is a more formal dining place

offers much more varied service

has a greater variety of foods

is perfect for business meetings and conversations



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What’s more,

One of them, to my mind,

One more difference that comes to my mind is

I can also add that
I should say. For example,



This is especially important in

This can be especially useful for

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All these reasons taken together push me to choose a

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What kind of people like to go to cafes?


booklovers (they will usually be neatly hidden in a corner, tucked away from the buzz of the cafe; they will pass hours and never notice anyone who walks in, for their eyes will remain glued to the page)
stressed workers taking a much-needed atmosphere change (they usually try to eat something in between conversations over the phone)
girls finishing up their shopping trips (they are usually deeply engrossed in gossip or taking photos for Instagram)
people who have set up their office up there
students who skip lectures in universities
business people who have no time to co home

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What kind of things do you think can make a cafe or restaurant’s environment better?


there are lots of things that can be used to create a specific atmosphere for a cafe’s customers

creating an ideal atmosphere for customers requires focusing on several key factors

design and decor (a cafe may display art by area artists, bring in antiques and decorate with fresh flowers)

lighting (lighting has the power to completely change the mood of any space; whether dim or bright lighting is used, the atmosphere it creates can make a cafe more inviting; using darker lighting can create a cozy environment, whereas using brighter lighting can create a more energetic atmosphere; cafes can install dimmers, and change light sources to lamps or candles in the evening;

layout and fixtures (for example, tables, chairs, everything from menu and table placement to where customers order and pick up drinks; long communal tables say this is a place to gather with friends,

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Why do young people like to study in a cafe instead of at home?


the obvious proximity to a caffeine source which energizes and unwinds the body as well as boosts the brain to store long-term memories
• a special ambiance which increases creativity, alertness and ability to learn
• a semi-distracting background which helps think more broadly and outside-the-box
• a low probability of being bothered there, especially if they appear to be studying
an unlimited amount of time they can be on the Internet

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How do you teach them?


first, I myself had to learn how to teach to do it
I showed them how to do it and asked them
to repeat after me
I explained how to do it
I told them what mistakes beginners usually make and how to avoid them
• I made detailed instructions to refer to
• I read a number of articles which explian how to teach someone to do it
• we practised every day

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Teaching-How do you feel about it?


I was happy when it was all over
• I felt a big relief when he or she finally managed to do it
I was really proud of myself
• I had a sense of satisfaction and relief

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I thought it would be a piece of cake as it takes no more than two seconds to do it.



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How can we know what to do when we want to learn something new?


set a clear learning goal identify what we want to learn, why we want to learn it, and what we hope to achieve by doing so; having a clear goal will help us stay motivated and focused)

gather resources (research books, online courses, videos, articles, and other materials related to our learning goal; find resources that cater to our learning style and interests)

create a study plan (break down our goal into smaller, manageable steps and schedule time for learning into our routine; set deadlines for ourselves to keep ourselves accountable

practice actively (try to apply what we’ve learned in real-life situations, or do practice exercises that help us retain the information; use flashcards, self-tests, or spaced repetition to review and reinforce our learning)

get feedback (seek out feedback from peers, mentors, or teachers to help us understand what we’re doing well and what we need to improve)

join a community (consider joining a study group, an online forum, or a community of people interested in learning the same thing as us; talking with others and sharing our progress can help keep us motivated and also provide us with new perspectives and ideas)

stay curious (continuously seek out new information and resources related to our learning goal, and not be afraid to try new things; the more we expose ourselves to new information, the more opportunities we have to learn and grow)

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ways to approach the process of learning something


assess our current knowledge before we begin learning, it can be helpful to assess what we already know about the subject; this can help us identify any gaps in our understanding and determine what specific areas we need to focus on)

determine our learning style (different people learn in different ways; some people are visual learners and respond well to videos or illustrations, while others are auditory learners and respond well to lectures or audio recordings; determine what our preferred learning style is and seek out resources cater to that style)

start with the basics (when we’re learning something new, it’s often helpful to start with the basics and work our way up; this can help us build a solid foundation of knowledge and make it easier to understand more complex concepts later on)

ask questions (not to be afraid to ask questions or seek help from others; whether it’s from a teacher, mentor, or peer, asking questions can help us clarify our understanding and ensure we’re on the right track)

experiment and make mistakes (learning often involves making mistakes and trying new things; we should embrace this process and not be discouraged by setbacks; the more we experiment and try new things, the more we’ll learn and grow)

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Do people in your country like to watch videos to learn something?


a lot of people in my country find that they learn better from videos than from readin

videos provide a visual representation of the information being taught, which can help to make the material more memorable and easier to understand

videos can often convey information in a shorter amount of time than text, making it a more efficient way to learn

videos can be more engaging than reading text because they provide multiple forms of information, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic cues; this can make the material more interesting and interactive for the viewer

visual cues, such as images, diagrams, and animations, can help to make the material more memorable and easier to understand a video tutorial on a math concept can use diagrams to show the steps of a problem, making it easier for the viewer to understand the process)

auditory cues, such as music, sound effects, and voiceovers, can also add to the engagement of the video (for example, a video on a historical event can use background music to create a sense of atmosphere and tension, making the material more immersive)

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Do you think ‘showing’ is a better way than ‘telling’ in education?


when teachers ‘show’ something, they provide students with a hands-on, visual, or experiential learning opportunity, which can make the material more memorable and meaningful

• by providing students with visual aids, such as diagrams, images, videos, or demonstrations, the teacher can help students understand complex concepts more easily, and in a way that is more memorable and meaningful

the picture or image can be a powerful tool to help students to visualize the concepts and make connections, so that they can better understand and remember the material

it allows students to actively engage with the material, make connections, and construct their own understanding

• it can promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as students actively engage in the learning process

it allows teachers to convey complex ideas quickly and effectively

students can absorb the information faster and more easily than if they were just reading or listening to a verbal explanation

showing an example from real life can help students make connections between what they are learning in class and the real world

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Do you think ‘showing’ is a better way than ‘telling’ in education?


when teachers ‘show’ something, they provide students with a hands-on, visual, or experiential learning opportunity, which can make the material more memorable and meaningful

• by providing students with visual aids, such as diagrams, images, videos, or demonstrations, the teacher can help students understand complex concepts more easily, and in a way that is more memorable and meaningful

the picture or image can be a powerful tool to help students to visualize the concepts and make connections, so that they can better understand and remember the material

it allows students to actively engage with the material, make connections, and construct their own understanding

it can promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as students actively engage in the learning process

it allows teachers to convey complex ideas quickly and effectively

students can absorb the information faster and more easily than if they were just readine listening to a verbal explanation

a picture is worth a thousand words.

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What practical skills can young people teach old people?


use smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices

use social media

• navigate online platforms

do online shopping and other internet-based activities

• use online resources for information and entertainment

• use social media platforms to stay connected with others and to stay up-to-date on current events

use modern kitchen equipment and utensils such as a slow cooker or coffee machine

use apps (for example, fitness apps or equipment to stay active and healthy, messengers to communicate with family and friends)

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How can we teach an older generation to use new technology?


keep everything simple

• provide them with step-by-step demonstrations

walk them slowly through the basic steps

engage their personal interests

meet them at their interest level

• help them enroll in local classes

help them focus on the human elements of modern technology

help them see how it can positively impact their life

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What’s the difference between children learning and adults learning what they have to learn?


Oh, I guess the main difference is the fact that children are dependent on their teacher to lead the learning while adults are self-directed and usually prefer to be responsible for what they choose to learn. What’s more, kids are motivated by external pressures and the consequences of failure while adults learn because of a desire of self-improvement, recognition and self-confidence. And the last difference I can name is that while learning kids mostly rely on the experience of their teacher unlike adults who always rely on their own life experience.

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Where can we learn practical


a friend who already has this skill

• video tutorials

step-by-step video lessons on the Internet

• online resources

• online programs

online courses

• blogs and forums

a coach

an expert
a specialist
a virtual reality simulation system
a mobile application

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Do most people like planned travelling?


when people know what they’re going to do and when they’re going to do it, they can relax and not worry about making decisions on the fly

• when people know what activities and excursions are planned for the day, they can better plan their time to include rest and relaxation

• knowing what activities are planned for the day can help people budget their time and energy to ensure they have enough to enjoy all their activities without feeling exhausted

when all necessary arrangements are made in advance, people don’t have to worry about finding accommodation or transportation at the last minute; this can be especially stressful when traveling to a popular destination during peak season, or to a place with limited options

  • when all necessary arrangements are made in advance, people can focus on enjoying their trip rather than worrying about logistics; this can help them relax and make the most of their time

when people book their accommodation and transportation in advance, they can often save money compared to last-minute bookings, or peak season prices

Most people enjoy planned traveling because having a clear itinerary and knowing what to expect:
eliminates stress and uncertainty
can reduce the stress and uncertainty that comes with not having a plan
can help people make the most of their time and make sure they don’t miss out on any must-see sights or activities

allows people to better balance their time between relaxation and activities, and have a good rest and enjoyment
can help people prioritize rest and relaxation

can help people budget their time and energy

Most people enjoy planned traveling because having a plan in place can help ensure that all necessary arrangements (e.g. accommodations, transportation) are made in advance, which:
can save time and reduce stress during the actual trip

• eliminates the need for last-minute booking

allows people to focus on enjoying the trip
• can save money

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Why are historical cities popular?


offer a glimpse into the past and the opportunity to learn about the history and culture of a particular place

• often have well-preserved historical landmarks and architecture, such as castles, churches, and ancient ruins, which can be interesting and educational to visit

have a rich cultural heritage, with a variety of museums, art galleries, and cultural events that showcase the history and traditions of the area

often host a variety of cultural events, such as festivals, concerts, and theater performances, which can be enjoyable and educational

have a variety of tourist attractions, such as gardens, parks, and zoos, which can be appealing to visitors

• often have a variety of unique dining and shopping options, such as local artisanal products and traditional cuisine, which can be a draw for tourists

provide a beautiful and photogenic backdrop for tourists and photographers

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Why do people go to other cities?


to see popular tourist attractions, such as landmarks, museums, and cultural events

• to get away from their everyday lives

• to visit their relatives who live there

to spend time with family or friends who live there

• to attend workshops, seminars, or other educational events

• to attend sporting events or concerts

• to try the local cuisine or to attend food and wine festivals

• to experience new things

• to try new activities

for business meetings, conferences, or work-related travel

• for medical treatment

Regardless of the specific reason, visiting another city can be an exciting and enriching experience, offering the opportunity to try new things and broaden one’s horizons.

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Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?


tourists may be more vulnerable to crime, such as pickpocketing or scams, when visiting a new city (for example, a tourist visiting a new city may have their wallet stolen by a pickpocket while riding on public transportation)

tourists may offend local customs or traditions due to a lack of understanding of the culture (for example, a tourist visiting a city with a different cultural tradition may accidentally offend local customs by wearing inappropriate clothing or by behaving in a way that is considered rude or disrespectful)

tourists may have difficulty communicating with locals if they do not speak the same language; this can make it harder to get around, find places to eat or stay, or get help it needed

tourists may be more prone to illness when visiting a new city due to different types of bacteria, viruses, and environmental factors

• tourists may have difficulty getting around in a new city if they are not familiar with the transportation system; this can make it hard to see all the sights and attractions they want to visit

tourists may be targeted by scams, such as fake tour operators or overpriced products

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X is the city I fell in love with

the capital of X country
a mega city
a metropolitan city
a cosmopolitan
a regional center
• a provincial city

• huge
• sprawling

• I don’t want to be tied down
I want to travel and see different parts of the world before I settle down
I’m still searching for a perfect place to live, work and raise a family
• I want to experience different cultures and try out different job opportunities
• I’m not ready to stop moving around
I’m too young to settle down and buy a house

the word ‘settle’ puts me into a cold sweat
I’m not ready to settle yet
I will feel homesick if I stay there for a long time
• real estate is super expensive there, so I won’t be able to buy my own flat or house I’m not yet ready to put down roots there

When I was there, I had plenty of free time, so I visited lots of places, such as X.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to visit its major attractions, which I want to see in the future

leisurely explore historically significant architecture, peaceful green spaces, and unique local attractions along the way
• visit the world’s tallest observation tower (or observation deck)
explore the entire city on foot do shopping
• try local street food go sightseeing
• visit popular historic sites
visit all the places the city is famous for
• visit a lot of museums

low crime rates
affordability (housing expenses, the prices for consumable goods, the price of petrol, utility services, taxes)
• accessibility, appearance and amenities employment opportunities climate education system cultural offerings
• commute time and public transportation options food options
• health care facilities

an airport, a train station, a bus station department stores, shopping malls,
shopping centres movie-houses, cinemas
sports centres, stadiums, swimming pools, sports grounds entertainment centres museums, art galleries theatres concert halls hotels

restaurants, cafes
parks and gardens, parkland, green spaces
• amusement parks, theme parks
• nightclubs, bars, pubs schools, universities, colleges kindergartens playgrounds
• hospitals, vet clinics

• a number of recreational facilities
• endless entertainment options a wide array of entertainment options
every type of entertainment
an abundance of events such as concerts, festivals and exhibitions
a number of educational institutions

good transport links
an extensive network of trains and buses

it’s a magical place
the city is compact, making it easy and fun to explore on foot
• it’s the most walkable city of all; you can literally walk for days and still have something new to see
• the city is one of the best places for taking a stroll

there are countless routes that can be taken in different parts of the city
• I’m overwhelmed by its size and beauty this city is a shopper’s paradise there are endless entertainment options there are many places of cultural and historic value
• there are a lot of tourist attractions and museums
the city is laden with history
• there’s an eclectic mix of historic architecture and modern buildings

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Does the development of technology affect the way we study?


technology has made it possible for students to access a wider range of educational resources and tools, and has made it easier for teachers to personalize instruction and provide a more engaging and effective learning experience
the advent of the internet and advancements in online learning

technology have made it possible for students to access educational content and resources from anywhere at any time

technology has also led to the development of educational software, such as interactive learning games, that can make learning more engaging and effective; these tools can be used to supplement traditional classroom instruction and help students understand complex concepts in a more interactive and dynamic way

virtual and augmented reality technology are becoming increasingly popular in education as they can provide an immersive learning experience that allows students to interact with virtual environments and objects in a way that is not possible in traditional classroom settings

technology has also made it easier for students to collaborate and work together on projects and assignments, regardless of their location

tools like online whiteboards, video conferencing, and shared document editors have made it possible for students to work together in real-time and share their work with others

• with the help of technology, teachers and students can now access data and analytics that provide information on student progress, where they are struggling and how they can improve; this helps teachers to adapt their teaching methods to better meet the needs of their students

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Why do technology companies often upgrade their products?


Technology companies often upgrade their products for a variety of reasons.

to stay competitive in the marketplace (for example, Apple frequently releases new versions of the iPhone with updated features such as improved cameras and new color options)

to differentiate themselves from their competitors and attract new customers

to address customer feedback and improve the user experience (for example, a software company may release an update to fix a bug reported by customers that was causing the software to crash)

to take advantage of new technologies and advancements in the field (for example, a company that makes smart home devices may release new products that are compatible with the latest voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home)

• to increase revenue

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Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?


to stay ahead of the competition

• to stay competitive

to meet changing customer needs (for example, if a company notices that more and more people are interested in sustainable products, it may introduce a line of eco-friendly products)

• to increase revenue

to tap into new market segments and generate additional revenue

• to expand into new geographic regions or industries

to attract new customers and increase sales

to refresh a company’s image

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Describe something you did that made you feel proud

What is the achievement?


1 became the champion of the world in boxing (football, etc.)
• I became the champion of Europe in chess (basketball, etc.)
• I earned my first money
I passed an exam in (for example, Maths)
I won a scholarship
I climbed Mount Everest
• I conquered my fear of
1. public speaking
2. drowning
3. driving
4. flying
5. heights

• I set up my own business
- I turned a small business into a big one
• I built a successful business singlehandedly
• I got a job at X company
• I quit smoking after being a heavy smoker for many years
• I lost 15 kilos in 6 months
• I knocked off X kilos
• I ran a marathon

got a driver’s license
I invented a new way to do something
I graduated with honours
- I got rated very highly for a project at school
• I rescued a stray cat (or a dog, bird)

I got an award for academic achievements (voluntary work or something else)
• I successfully completed an important project at work
• I successfully completed a school project and got an award
• organised an exhibition (or a trade fair)
I raised lots of money for charity
- I learned to play a musical instrument
• Tearned a foreign language
• I learned to draw got a promotion
• I learned to edit photos in Photoshop

Tearned to drive a car
I learned to swim
• Ilearned to ride a bike
I learned to speak in public confidently
• I became a recognised specialist in X
I got higher education abroad
I got an MBA degree travelled the world
•I wrote and published a book
I purchased a house
I purchased a car
• I created a foundation to fund good causes

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Describe something you did that made you feel proud

how you did it


• I found a friend who did it
(semi)-professionally and asked them to help me
I read a book which covered all aspects of it
I watched video tutorials
1 practice along with video tutorials
I watched step-by-step video lessons on the Internet
• Tused online resources
• I used online programs
• I tried out an online course

• I read blogs and forums
• I found a coach who taught me to do it got expert advice
• Tearned through a lot of practice lused a virtual reality simulation system
• I consulted a specialist or a lot of specialists
I consulted an expert
I used a mobile application
I attended lectures
• istened to lectures

attended webinars
• I took an extensive course
• I worked day and night
• I worked hard
• I studied hard
I made an action plan
I made a tangible plan
I acquired necessary skills
• I stopped wasting time on irrelevant thinne
• I developed mastery in a chosen field

setting up a business:
I came up with an idea for a business I found a gap in the marketplace
• I created a business plan
I did market research
• I developed several strategies for market penetration
• I took a loan
• I found investors

I obtained necessary licenses and permits
• I chose a business structure

registered a company
I bought or rented premises
• I hired employees
I launched a website
I looked for different channels to promote my product or services
losing weight
1 exercised daily
I drank a lot of water daily
I stopped eating fast food
I ditched iunk food
• I stopped buying snacks

I started sticking to a diet
• I ate only healthy food
• I ate water-rich foods
I slashed calories
I took in fewer calories
I burnt more calories went jogging in the mornings
I ordered the smallest portion of everything I cooked foods in healthier ways such boiling, baking and stewing
• avoided sugar-sweetened beverages

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Describe something you did that made you feel
how difficult it was


It was difficult because:
I didn’t have enough experience was pressed for time it was really time-consuming
• I had neither experience nor money
• I had never done anything like that before

it took a considerable amount of planning and organisation on my part
I had to make sure I didn’t miss the smallest of details

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• why you are proud of it


I didn’t give up though I was facing a lot of difficu ties
• I achieved great results without anybody’s help
I worked really hard to achieve this result
I achieved success despite a lot of hardships
I had the courage to take risk and go after my dream
I put a lot of effort in achieving this res
- I was fighting the battle of my life this is something I never thought I could do

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Does everyone set goals for themselves?


lack of motivation (without a clear reason to pursue a goal, some people may not see the point in setting one)

fear of failure (some individuals may be afraid of failing and thus, avoid setting goals to avoid disappointment)

• perfectionism (perfectionists may avoid setting goals because they fear that anything less than perfection will be a failure)

uncertainty about future (some people may feel that their future is uncertain or that they don’t have control over it, so they prefer not to set goals until things go back to normal; for example, most Ukrainians are now experiencing uncertainty about their future; because Ukraine is still at war with russia, they may have to move frequently to avoid danger, and they may face limited access to resources and opportunities; in such an environment, setting long-term goals can feel impossible, as the future is so unpredictable; most people choose to focus on survival and immediate needs, rather than planning for the future and setting specific goals)

past experiences (negative experiences with goal-setting in the past can make individuals hesitant to set goals in the future)

• difficulty in prioritizing (people who have trouble prioritizing their time and resources may avoid setting goals)

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Which is more important, personal goals or work goals?


I think that personal goals are important because they:
are the stepping-stones to a happier life
• give us life direction
• give us a sense of purpose
• boost our motivation and self-confidence
help us make the most of our life potential
help us take control of our own lives and make meaningful changes
• help us focus
- help us create a life full of meaning
• put us in the driver’s seat of our life
help us achieve wellbeing (a condition of flourishing where we thrive in many aspects of our life)

I think that professional goals are important because they:

are an excellent and important tool to handle our career effectively
• give us a framework to achieve milestones
guide our advancement in the appropriate direction
work as excellent indicators to measure the improvement we’ve made
motivate us to improve our level of professional success

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Do people usually set different goals at different stages of life?


they experience changes in the aspects of life they consider important
they start to view life differently
they start to enjoy doing new things
their needs change
• their outlook on life changes
• their values change

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On what occasions would adults feel proud of themselves?


Adults feel proud of:
their accomplishments
• the status and wealth they have achieved
• the things they have accomplished
• their financial decisions
their unique set of skills and talents which helped them get all their possessions
Adults feel proud of themselves when:
they get recognized for their work (for example, by receiving the employee of the month award or a bonus)
• get a promotion
• they help those in need

they help others resolve problems or conflicts
support good causes
• make charitable donations
• get awards
Adults feel proud of themselves if:
• they managed to avoid repeating the same mistakes
they managed to make a meaningful contribution to society, their company or team
they persisted and didn’t give up when the things got tough
they managed to overcome their fears and reach their goals

they faced failures, took responsibility and persevered
they had the courage to take risk and due to this succeeded in getting what they wanted
• they managed to get a high-paying job
they managed to make their dream come true

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What rewards can companies offer to outstanding employees?
What rewards are important at work?


To reward employees, companies may:
• let them be ‘CEO for the day’
take them out to lunch and let them choose the location
host a company lunch break held outdoors (cookout or picnic)
present them a certificate in honour of a specific achievement

develop a unique award that employees pass among each other as an expression of recognition
introduce them to the ‘VIPs’ in the organization (upper members of the management team or key customers)
invest in their personal development sending them to a seminar or educational activity of interest
• provide them with office perks
• give them a spa day or other special treatment


what you would like to learn to do


to repair stuff
to play a musical instrument to draw to make sculptures to take photos semi-professionally
• to edit photos in Photoshop
• to edit graphics in Photoshop
• to defend myself to learn self-defence skills to apply makeup like a pro

to drive a car to cook to swim
to speak a foreign language to sing
• to dance
• to make presentations in powerpoint
• to learn basic first aid skills
• to speak in public confidently to touch-type
to manage time efficiently
• to play a game


where you would learn it


at an international organisation
• at an occupational school
at a local club
at home
at school


How would you learn it?


find a friend who does it
(semi)-professionally and ask them to teach me
- join a sports club
• read a book which covers all aspects of it
1 watch videos
practise along with video tutorials
• watch step-by-step video lessons on the Internet
• use on ine resources
• use online programs try out an online course read blogs and forums
find a coach who will teach me to do it

• get expert advice
learn through a lot of practice
• use a virtual reality simulation system consult a specialist consult an expert use a mobile application attend lectures listen to lectures attend webinars
take an extensive course


why you would like to learn to do this?


absolutely different from all kinds of things I’ve done to date
interesting to try something new
will improve my health
will improve my life in countless ways
• will help me to lose weight a great cardiovascular activity
want to prove myself to my friend who says I won’t be able to do so
- want to challenge myself
• have always dreamed of it wonder whether I will be capable of mastering it
• invaluable in my career

• will improve my chances of getting a good job
• may spark a career change
a highly valued skill by employers
will pad my CV
there are too many occasions when I say to myself ‘I wish I could do …
• on some occasions it is easier and faster to do something yourself than to call a professional
• a nice way to unwind
• a nice way to relieve the stress
• a wonderful way to express creativity


What are the differences between actors and actresses who earn much and those who earn little?


The main differences between actors and actresses who earn much and those who earn little are:
• experience (actors and actresses with more experience tend to earn more than those who are just starting out, this is because experienced actors have a track record of successful performances and a reputation that they have built over time, which can translate into higher pay rates)

talent (those actors and actresses who are particularly talented are likely to command higher salaries; this is because their skills are in high demand, and they can bring something unique to the role that other actors may not be able to replicate)
box office appeal (actors and actresses who are able to draw in audiences and generate high box office revenue are likely to earn more; this is because their involvement in a project can significantly impact its financial success, making them more valuable to producers and studios)

brand value actors and actresses who have built a strong personal brand or following, through social media or other means, can also command higher salaries; this is because they have a built-in audience that is likely to follow them to their next project, making them a valuable asset to producers and studios)
type of production (the type of production also plays a significant role in determining an actor or actress’s salary; a lead in a blockbuster film will typically earn more than a supporting role in an independent film or a role in a television series)

negotiation skills actors and actresses who are skilled negotiators are likely to earn more than those who are not; negotiation skills can help them secure higher salaries and better contracts, including profit participation and other perks)
industry connections (actors and actresses who have strong industry connections can also command higher salaries; this is because they may have relationships with producers or directors who are looking for a particular type of actor for a specific project, and they can leverage those connections to secure higher paying roles)
• age, ethnicity, and gender (earning potential can also be affected by factors such as age, ethnicity, and gender, with certain demographics being in higher demand than others)

luck (the entertainment industry is notoriously unpredictable and even highly successful actors and actresses may experience periods of lower income or struggle to find work; luck and timing can play a significant role in an individual’s earning potential)


What kind of good news do people often share in the community?


Some examples of good news that people often share in their community are the news about:

• new jobs or promotions (sharing news of a new job or a promotion is a common way for people to celebrate their career success with others; this can inspire others in the community who are also job hunting or trying to advance their career)

• births and adoptions (the arrival of a new baby or the adoption of a child is a joyous occasion that people often share with their community; this can bring the community closer together as they celebrate new life and offer support to the new parents)

engagements and weddings (sharing news of an engagement or upcoming wedding is a way for people to share their love and happiness with their community; this can also inspire others who are in committed relationships to take the next step in their own relationship)
• graduations (graduating from high school or college is a significant accomplishment that people often share with their community; this can inspire others who are also pursuing higher education and provide a sense of pride for the community)

achievements and awards (whether it’s winning an award or achieving a personal goal, people often share news of their achievements with their community; this can inspire others to set and reach their own goals and can help to build a sense of pride in the community)
new business ventures (starting a new business is a significant milestone that people often share with their community; this can inspire others who are interested in entrepreneurship and can also provide a sense of support and encouragement for the new business owner

health recoveries (recovering from an illness or injury is a cause for celebration and people often share their good health news with their community; this can offer hope and inspiration to others who may be going through a similar health challenge)

positive events or developments in the community itself (opening of a new community center, successful running of a fundraiser for a local charity or building a new park are really important for bringing people together and fostering a sense of pride and connection to the community)


How does social media help people access information?


The ways in which social media helps people access information are:

breaking news (social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram allow people to access breaking news and real-time updates from various sources; this helps them stay informed about current events and world happenings, as well as share important information with others)
news aggregation (social media platforms provide news aggregators, which curate and present news articles and stories from multiple sources; this allows people to get a diverse range of perspectives on a particular topic and make informed decisions)

user-generated content (social media platforms like Reddit, Tumblr, and YouTube allow users to share their own content, including news articles, videos, and images; this allows people to access information that may not be covered by mainstream media and provides a platform for underrepresented voices to be heard)

influencer opinion (social media influencers and celebrities use platforms like Instagram and Twitter to share their opinions and thoughts on current events, which can serve as a source of information for their followers)


Should the media publish only good news?


the media has a responsibility to inform the public and to provide accurate and reliable information; publishing only good news would not be fulfilling this responsibility

• bad news can alert people to potential dangers and inform them about issues that need to be addressed (for example, news about natural disasters, crimes, or disease outbreaks can help people take precautions to protect themselves and be aware of how to respond)

bad news can raise awareness about important issues and problems that need to be addressed (for example, reporting on crime, poverty, and social injustice can help people understand the scope of these problems and the ways in which they affect their community)
bad news can also serve as a form of accountability for individuals and institutions (for example, reporting on corruption or misconduct within government or business can help keep these organizations in check and ensure that they are held accountable for their actions)

bad news can also serve as a catalyst for change and progress (for example, reporting on issues like poverty, racial discrimination, or environmental degradation can help mobilize individuals and organizations to take action and work towards solutions)


Is it good to share something on social media?


social media allows you to share your personal news with a wide network of people in one go, rather than having to personally tell each person individually (this can save a lot of time and effort, and also ensures that everyone is kept in the loop)
social media platforms are easily accessible from anywhere and can be used at any time, which makes it easy for people to access your news and stay updated even if they are not physically with you
almost all social media platforms allow for commenting and messaging, which means that you can receive instant feedback on your news

social media can be a great way to keep track of your personal milestones and memories cause when you share personal news on social media, you’re also creating a digital record of it (this can be a great way to look back on special moments in the future and see how people responded to it)

information you share on social media can be used against you later
• things you post on social media can come back to haunt you (for example, if you are looking for job and a potential employer find something you posted that could be considered unprofessional, that could cost you the job opportunity)

once you post something on social media, you lose control over who sees it and how it is shared (for example, someone who receives the news may share it with others without your permission or consent)

• information shared on social media can be misinterpreted or misunderstood


Describe a piece of news that you heard about someone you know well


My friend, neighbour, relative, etc:
landed his (or her) dream job
• got promoted got a pay rise
was getting married got pregnant
bought a new car, an apartment, a house

sentence starters:
this happened…
this took place…
• this must have been…
• I don’t remember exactly when this happened, but it seems to me it was…

just a while ago a couple of months ago
- while I was surfing the Net
• in my childhood
• when I was a child (a school student, a student)
• when I studied at school (college, university)
X days (weeks, months, years) ago just a couple of days (weeks, months) several days (weeks, months) ago
• last week (month, year)

my friend (relative, colleague, boss, doctor) told me about it on the phone
• I received a message (or letter, email letter)
• I heard about it at a family gathering
• I was told about it when I came home (to work)
my friend invited me to a café to chat and told me about it
• I was sitting in a café and overheard a conversation between people sitting a neighbouring table

when I heard this news, I was blown away
• I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard the news
• I was taken aback when I heard the news
I was shocked to hear the news
I was startled by the news never expected to hear that it came as a surprise to me
I was astounded to hear the news the news left me flabbergasted the news was like a bombshell to me
Twas dumbfounded by the news the news was unexpected to me


Daily routine you enjoy

what you do


• I drink coffee every morning
• I listen to a guided meditation every morning
• I do a meditation practice every morning
•I do yoga every morning
• I do exercise daily
• I take a shower twice a day
• I walk my dog every morning
• I go for a run every morning


When did it become your daily routine?


• I can’t remember exactly how it started, but at some point, coffee became a daily ritual for me
• my boyfriend started making coffee for us every morning and bringing it to bed; over time, caffeine became the only thing that helped me get me through the day

my husband would wake up early to make coffee, and then bring it to me in bed; over time, I became more and more dependent on caffeine to get me going in the morning


Daily routine you enjoy

whether you will change it in the future


I’m not going to give up my morning coffee ritual for anything
• I’ve been enjoying my daily cup of coffee for so long, there’s no way I’m going to change
• this coffee routine has become such a comforting part of my day, I can’t imagine changing it


Daily routine you enjoy
Why do you enjoy it?


it helps me wake up and feel more alert
• it’s a comforting routine which helps me start my day off the right foot
I love the taste of coffee
• I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee


How do people’s routines differ on weekdays and on weekends?


work or school (weekday routines are often centered around work or school-related activities, such as attending meetings, completing assignments, and collaborating with colleaques or classmates)

commute (many people have a commute to work or school on weekdays, which can take up a significant portion of their time and impact their daily routine)

time management (on weekdays, people often need to manage their time carefully in order to balance their work or school responsibilities with other commitments and activities)

meals (weekday meals are often focused on convenience and quick preparation, such as packing a lunch or grabbing a meal on the go)

exercise (incorporating exercise into a weekday routine can help improve physical and mental health, but can also be a challenge when balancing work or school commitments)

chores and errands (weekdays often involve completing necessary chores and errands, such as grocery shopping, doing laundry, and cleaning the house)

• socializing (while weekdays may include socializing with coworkers or classmates, this is typically less common than on weekends when people have more free time

self-care (incorporating self-care activities into a weekday routine can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being, but may require careful time management)

sleep (getting enough sleep on weekdays can be a challenge, particularly if someone has a demanding work or school schedule)

sleep (many people use weekends as an opportunity to catch up on sleep and reset their sleep schedule)

exercise (on weekends, people often have more time to dedicate to exercise and may engage in more leisurely activities like hiking, biking, or playing sports)

socializing (weekends are often a time for socializing with friends and family, whether that be through activities like going out to eat, attending events, or hosting gatherings)

self-care weekends can be a good time to prioritize self-care activities like taking a long bath, practicing yoga or meditation, or getting a massage)

errands and chores (while weekdays are often busy with work and school-related activities, weekends can be a good time to catch up on household chores and errands)

leisure activities (weekends offer more time for leisure activities like reading, watching movies or TV, playing video games, or pursuing hobbies like painting or knitting)

volunteering and community service (some people use weekends as an opportunity to give back to their community through volunteering or community service projects)

travel (weekends can be a good time for short getaways or day trips to explore new places and take a break from daily routines)


What daily routines do people have at home?


waking up and getting out of bed (the first and most important routine of the day is waking up and getting out of bed; this can involve setting an alarm, stretching, and doing some light exercise to start the day feeling energized)

personal care (this includes activities like brushing teeth, showering, and getting dressed;
personal care is important for maintaining hygiene and grooming)

breakfast (eating a nutritious breakfast is a great way to start the day and provide the body with the energy it needs to function; some common breakfast items include cereal,* eggs, fruit, and yogurt)

morning exercise (many people find that incorporating exercise into their daily routine helps them feel more awake and alert; this can involve anything from a quick yoga session to a brisk walk around the neighborhood)

work or school (for those who have a job or are students, this can involve getting ready and commuting to work or school)

housekeeping (this can include tasks such as cleaning, tidying up, and doing laundry; keeping a clean and organized home can help reduce stress and improve overall quality of life)

relaxation and self-care (taking some time for self-care and relaxation is important for mental and emotional well-being; this can involve reading a book, taking a bath, or engaging in a hobby)

preparing and eating dinner (eating a healthy and balanced dinner is important for maintaining good health; this can involve cooking a meal from scratch or ordering takeout)

spending time with family and friends (spending quality time with loved ones can help improve relationships and overall happiness; this can involve watching a movie together, playing games, or simply having a conversation)

going to bed (getting enough sleep is crucial for physical and mental well-being; establishing a bedtime routine, such as reading a book or meditating, can help improve sleep quality)


Should children have learning routines?
What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?


having routine at school helps children develop good study habits

having routine at school helps children feel secure and know what to expect, which is especially important for children who feel anxious or uncertain about new situations

• learning routines can help children develop self-discipline and independence
learning routines can also help children develop time management skills

by setting aside specific times for learning, children can learn to budget their time and prioritize their responsibilities

• when children know what they need to do, they can stay more focused on their work and be less likely to get distracted
learning routines can help children to develop a sense of accomplishment and pride in their work

• when children complete tasks and meet their goals as part of a routine, they can feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in their work

examples of learning routines:
a daily homework routine
a weekly schedule that includes dedicated times for reading, writing, and practicing math skills
a routine for preparing for tests
• a routine for working on long-term projects


Do you agree that having a routine gives people more time to think?
How important is it to have a daily routine?


• if you have too much on your plate (work, school, spouses, kids, chores, socializing and more), you won’t be able to find the time to sit down and think, you’ll just juggle lots of tasks every single day
when you have a routine, a lot of things you do day-to-day slot in, and you don’t have to think about them anymore; this gives you an opportunity to build in blocks of time for important things that you worry about

having routines helps us structure our time, which allows us to find the time to just sit down and think

doing something repetitive involves little thought, which will give you more time to think about whatever is on your mind

things that you routinely repeat will earn you free time every day which you can spend on thinking about what’s important for you

if you have routines, you don’t need to spend time thinking about WHAT to do next, instead, you can spend time on thinking about your future plans, dreams, problems or whatever you want to think about


Do you think having a daily routine is boring?


Having fixed routines:
lulls the brain to sleep
makes people less flexible with time and being flexible means being open to new ideas and experiences, which is an important part of creativity)

when people get used to doing things in a fixed order, any changes make them stressed (and stress suppresses creativity)

when people do things in a fixed order day after day, they gradually lose the ability to easily adapt to changes

makes people gradually lose the ability to think outside the box

stifles creativity

suppresses creativity

• kills creativity

Doing the same thing day after day:
• makes people feel bored to death, which kills creativity


Are there people who don’t like routine?


There are lots of people who dislike routine as:
• it lulls the brain to sleep
• it makes them less flexible with time
when people get used to doing things in a fixed order, any changes make them stressed

when people do things in a fixed order day after day, they gradually lose the ability to easily adapt to changes

• they gradually lose the ability to think outside the box

it stifles creativity

• it suppresses creativity


What are the advantages and disadvantages of routine?


advantages of routine:
it frees up time that would otherwise be spent on planning, decision-making and preparation
routine provides structure and discipline in life
• routine provides the framework within which people live their lives and conduct their daily activities
• routine reduces people’s need to plan
• it saves time
• it instills good habits
• it helps reduce stress and facilitate relaxation
• people are less likely to forget things

disadvantages of routine:
• it creates inflexibility
• it makes people less flexible
• it makes people resistant to change
• it stifles creativity
it lulls the brain to sleep
it suppresses creativity
• it kills creativity


Describe an occasion when you spent time with a child


we played hide-and-seek we walked in the park
• we played football
• we played cards

I read fairy tales to the child
• we watched cartoons together
• we built towers out of blocks (whoever builds the highest tower wins)
I did almost nothing as the child

played on their own
2. played with their imaginary friend

their babysitter got ill
their babysitter told them in the morning that she couldn’t come and they couldn’t find another babysitter at such a short notice
• her babysitter told her in the morning that she couldn’t come for some reason and my friend understood she wouldn’t find another one at such a short notice

none of my friend’s relatives agreed to help out
• all other family members (or, friends) refused to help
I was the only family member who agreed to help him or her out there was nobody else whom they could entrust their child to

• just a while ago a couple of months ago
• X days (weeks, months, years) ago just a couple of days (weeks, months) ago several days (weeks, months) ago last week (month, year) last weekend
a long time ago a long while ago

good in other words
it wasn’t stresstul at all
I enjoyed spending time with him or her why
I managed to keep the child occupied all the time
bad in other words
it was a nightmarish experience
• each hour felt like an eternity

I felt terrible
the kid made me somewhat nervous
why the baby started crying I didn’t know how to
calm him or her down things got out of control things got out of hand
• I felt like a slave
I was out of ideas for things to do

I was bored to death as I had to sit by the child and watch them sleeping (or drawing)
I was really tired of playing all day long


Do you think there are too many rules for children to follow, whether at school or at home?


I think there are too many rules for children to follow both at school and at home because by setting rules teachers and parents try to:
• ensure safety and well-being (rules are implemented to protect children from potential dangers and ensure their physical and emotional well-being; parents and schools strive to create environments that minimize risks and provide a safe space for children to learn and grow)

maintain discipline and order (rules help establish structure and order within the family and school settings; by setting clear expectations and boundaries, parents and schools aim to foster discipline, respect, and responsible behavior among children)
• teach values and social norms (rules provide opportunities for teaching children important values and social norms; parents and schools use rules to instill concepts such as respect, honesty, empathy, and fairness, guiding children towards becoming responsible and considerate members of society)

promote academic achievement (educational institutions implement rules to support academic success; these rules may include guidelines on attendance, homework completion, academic integrity, and classroom conduct, all aimed at fostering a conducive learning environment and promoting educational progress
develop life skills and responsibility (rules can serve as tools for teaching children valuable life skills and promoting responsibility; by following rules related to chores, time management, personal hygiene, and self-discipline, children learn important skills that will benefit them throughout their lives)

provide structure and routines (rules help establish routines and provide a sense of predictability for children; whether it’s following bedtime routines, mealtime rules, or daily schedules, parents and schools aim to create stability and order in children’s lives)


Do you think parents should help children choose friends?


parents have life experience and can see something their kids can’t
it can protect kids from unhealthy and possibly toxic relationships
• it’s natural for parents to do their best to protect their kids from bad influence

it can often do more harm than good
• it won’t help them nurture positive relationships in the future
it can create anxiety or resentment
• it can break good parent-child relationships


Do you think children should have a lot of toys?


I think children should have a lot of toys because toys can:
promote learning and development (toys can provide children with opportunities for hands-on learning and can help promote cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development; different types of toys can help children learn new skills, foster creativity and imagination, and encourage problem-solving and critical thinking)

provide a source of entertainment and enjoyment (playing with toys can be a fun and enjoyable way for children to spend their time, which can help reduce stress and promote a positive mood; having a variety of toys available can help prevent boredom and keep children engaged and entertained)
encourage social interaction and communication (many toys are designed to be played with in groups, which can help children develop social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and cooperating with others; toys can also provide opportunities for children to practice their communication skills by describing, explaining, and discussing their play experiences with others)

foster independence and autonomy (giving children choices and the ability to make decisions about their play can help foster independence and autonomy; having a lot of toys available can provide children with more opportunities to make choices and exercise their independence)
support cultural and diversity awareness (toys can be a tool for learning about different cultures, languages, and perspectives; exposing children to toys from different backgrounds can help promote cultural awareness and empathy)

I don’t think children should have a lot of toys because:
• too many toys can be overwhelming (when children have too many toys, they may become overwhelmed and have trouble focusing on any one toy; this can lead to a lack of engagement and enjoyment with toys, and can also contribute to clutter and disorganization in the home)
excessive toy consumption can be harmful to the environment (the production and disposal of toys can have a negative impact on the environment: when children have too many toys, it can contribute to a culture of excess consumption, which can further exacerbate environmental problems)

children may not learn to appreciate what they have (when children are given too many toys, they may not learn to appreciate the value of what they have; this can contribute to a sense of entitlement and a lack of gratitude, which can be detrimental to their social and emotional development)
too many toys can be a financial burden (purchasing and maintaining a large number of toys can be a financial burden on families, especially those with limited resources; it can also contribute to a culture of consumerism and a focus on material possessions)

children may miss out on other forms of play and learning (while toys can be beneficial for children, they are not the only way for children to learn and play; when children have too many toys, they may miss out on other types of play and learning experiences, such as spending time outdoors, engaging in hands-on activities, or playing with other children)


Do you think that parents should make decisions for their children?


children tend to live in a world of fantasy
• children don’t clearly understand the rules of real life
teenagers are inexperienced
teenagers don’t realise the consequences of their decisions
• parents have accumulated a huge experience
• can help children avoid potential danger

children who are allowed to make own decisions have a positive self-esteem
children learn to take responsibility for their choices
even if children make a wrong decision, they learn from their own experience and make better decisions in the future
giving children the opportunity to make choices parents give them a chance to gain a little bit of control over their surroundings


Getting lost


•I got lost during the walking tour of X
• I got lost in the city of X where I went on vacation two months ago
• I got lost in an unfamiliar city when I was travelling around X country
• many years ago I got lost on a school trip to

• I got lost when I was looking for the mall I got lost when I was trying to find my way back from X to the hotel
I was trying to find my way back to the hotel, but ended up walking round in circles
• my phone’s battery died, and I didn’t have an opportunity to recharge it; so I could no longer use a navigator
the guide started walking faster, and suddenly we realized we had lagged behind the rest of the group

after the guided tour in the city was over, we were given some free time to explore the place on our own, have lunch and do some shopping; at some point, I realised I had no clue where I was

I was nervous to approach and talk to strangers
I was feeling nervous as I was deathly afraid of approaching strangers
• I was afraid I wouldn’t find my way back before it was dark
• I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to show up at the meeting point on time
I was afraid to stop a stranger on the street
‘cause everyone seemed to hide their nose in their phones or wear headphones when they were walking along the street

• I asked passers-by for directions
• Thad to approach strangers to ask for directions
I recharged my phone and used Google maps to find my way back
some local guy drove me back to the hotel I just walked in whichever direction I felt like going
there was a big temple which helped me orientate myself

was lucky to stumble across the tourist information office
• I found the nearest tourist information office and asked for help
Thad to grab a taxi and ask the driver to take me to the hotel


Describe a person you met at a party and enjoyed talking with


What party was it?

my friend’s wedding my birthday party a housewarming party a christening ceremony
• a birthday party a company’s birthday party a party with friends an engagement party
a hen party (or, a bachelorette party) a stag party (or, a bachelor party) a gender reveal party a farewell party a tea party

a class reunion a potluck party a gangster party
a pajama party (or, a sleepover) a cocktail dress party prom
a dance party

Who is this person?

he (or she) was an architect (doctor, engineer, etc), visiting from out of town for the event
he (or she) was my friend’s friend (colleague, relative, neighbour)

What did you talk about?

We talked about:
• our shared love for X for example, travelling)
relationships between men and women
• human relationships our past experiences future plans shopping food politics business life education

We talked about:
1. the countries we had travelled to
2. the biqgest experience of ‘culture shock’ in another country
• work

Why did you enjoy the talk??

it was refreshing to talk to someone new and different
• it was also nice to have a casual, unforced conversation without any pressure or expectation
the conversation to be stimulating and thought-provoking
he or she was easy to talk to


Is it difficult for people in your country to communicate with people from other countries?


Communicating with people from other countries can be challenging for people in the Philippines, but it depends on various factors, such as:
• language barrier (one of the biggest challenges for Filipinos when communicating with people from other countries is the language barrier; although many Filipinos speak English, not all of them are fluent in the language, which can make communication difficult, additionally, there are many other languages spoken around the world that Filipinos may not be familiar with, which can further add to the language barrier)


Describe an invention


The greatest thing since sliced bread is …
• By far the most important invention is…

What is it?

the smartphone
it can be used for:
1. making calls
2. receiving calls
3. texting
4. getting and sharing news on social networks sites
5. listening to music
6. watching videos
7. editing documents
8. accessing the Internet
9. Internet browsing
10. downloading and using apps
11. doing online banking
12. checking bank account balance
13. checking email letters
14. taking photos
15. recording videos
16. watching videos


How has it changed the world?


mobile phones and smartphones:

it was not until the smartphone was invented that something happened it was only when the smartphone was invented that something became possible smartphones allow us to interact with the world in the ways we never thought were possible
• now that people have smartphones, they…

benefits of using mobile phones:

smartphones have replaced many devices such as ebook readers, MP3 players, or cameras
• people no longer have to carry credit cards or a driver’s license with them
they provide people with an easy and fast way of communication
they have enabled people to do various tasks a at the same time
they have enabled us to keep in closer touch with family members and friends they have made people’s lives much easier
• they have freed us from the constraints of space
• they have given us a chance to enjoy the social media on the go
people have become reachable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
people can get in touch with each other anytime they want
* waiting is not as boring as in the past
• smartphones have enhanced many peo, productivity as they no longer need to rush to their PCs to do some work


How popular is it?


I’ve read recently that currently there are more than one billion smartphone users in the world
the majority of people, especially teenagers, seem to be literally glued to their smartphones
people seem to use it whenever they have a spare moment
people just can’t imagine their lives without their smartphones
• we feel weird if our smartphones aren’t within close proximity to us
• people feel cut off from the world if the battery dies
people are addicted to their phones

people are so dependent on their smartphones that they even use them while driving even though they realise that they risk taking someone’s life and ruining their OWn

People use smartphones:
round the clock almost all day long
all the time they are awake every half an hour every other minute



What did it look like?


sentence starters:
• By far the most impressive piece of art that I have ever seen is…
• One of the most impressive pieces of art that I’ve ever seen is X
There’s one piece of art that has moved me a great deal
I was impressed when I saw.

scene description:
The picture showed a scene from …
It was an image of X
• The picture described X
• The picture depicted X
• The picture showed X from a distance
X was shown from a bird’s eye view

general composition and structure:
The space of the picture is symmetrically or asymmetrically divided
In the centre or middle of the painting I saw
In the foreground there was X
• In the background there was X
In the far distance I could make out the outline of X
something fills the bottom of the composition

X seemed to look at me
his or her eyes seemed to follow me the figures looked as if they existed in three dimensions
my attention was focused on X
• it was difficult to withdraw my eyes from X

sentence starters:
As far as I remember, the picture was painted in X colours. These colours contrast very well
• The dominating colours of the picture were
• The colours contrast with each other
• warm or cold colours
• bold colours oppressive colours
• bright colours
bright colours
deep colours
light colours
loud colours
soft and delicate colours

types of visual art:
1. drawing (it’s one of the oldest techniques and has been used by draughtsmen and painters ever since prehistoric times)
types of drawing:
• chak charcoal
pen and ink pencil
• graffiti art (contemporary form of street aerosol spray painting which emerged ir the USA in the 20th century)

icon painting jewellery art metalwork art mosaic art
miniature painting

means of painting:
watercolours and gouache acrylics

painting genres:
• history painting (religious, historical, mythological or allegorical work, with a moral message)
portrait art (includes individual, group or self-portraits)
• genre painting (scenes of everyday life)
landscape painting
still life painting (an arrangement of domestic objects or everyday items)

Its style is:
• modern traditional abstract realistic



Where did you see it?


I saw this piece of art: at the art gallery at the museum
• at the exhibition
• in the cathedral
• at the auction


How do you feel about it?


gasped in amazement as the shear size of the painting was mind boggling
• it made me think about the sense of life
• I was unable to put into words what I felt looking at the painting
it seemed to me that I couldn’t put into words the impression made on me by this painting

• I was really impressed by this painting
• I guess the artist managed to capture the atmosphere of something
• I guess the artist managed to capture the mood of the moment
at first glance, it looked strange and confusing, but when I looked closely, I noticed something

The picture was really:
• dreamlike vivid confusing colourful
• romantic lyrical realistic outstanding heart-breaking impressive
• powerful brilliant

amazing captivating charming enigmatic
• unforgettable


What are the differences between painting and drawing?


• in painting, artists use various types of paint (such as oil, acrylic, watercolor) to create their artwork; paint is applied with brushes, knives, or other tools, and it often involves mixing colors on a palette
drawing typically involves using pencils, charcoal, ink, pastels, or similar dry media to create images
- unlike paint, drawing materials do not involve liquid or wet substances

• paintings often have a smoother and more fluid texture due to the use of liquid paints
drawings tend to have a more granular or textured appearance, depending on the type of drawing materials used; pencil, charcoal, and pastel drawings, for example, may have visible lines or strokes

• paintings can vary widely in size, from small canvases to large murals
while drawings can also vary in size, they are often more commonly associated with smaller-scale works, such as sketches ar illustrations


Why do people keep some paintings for a long time?


some people think of paintings as a way to invest their money (they believe that the painting could become worth more in the future, like a valuable possession or something they can leave to their kids or grandkids)
• the painting may hold sentimental value and remind the owner of a significant event, person, or period in their life
some individuals genuinely appreciate the artistic value of a painting (they may admire the skill, creativity, and aesthetics of the artwork, and find it visually pleasing or thought-provoking)

paintings can have historical or cultural significance (they may be valuable artifacts, representing a particular period, style, or artist, so keeping these paintings helps in preserving the broader cultural heritage for everyone to appreciate)
• paintings are often passed down through generations as family heirlooms
some people keep paintings because they love collecting art


Does the design of the building influence people’s mood or affect people?


it is a kind of trigger to physical, physiological and psychological well-being
light and ventilation:
• buildings with plenty of natural light and ventilation increase people’s mood
• natural light and ventilation bring people the breath of life in nature
• natural ventilation makes people feel fresh and pleasant
• the full use of natural light can help people avoid depression

blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and full-spectrum fluorescent lights arouse people’s attention making them alert and focused
lighting with longer wavelengths allows for better sleep and rest
the style of the building:
people feel under great pressure or even depressed in high-rise buildings and skyscrapers located very close to each other
• people feel relaxed and live at a slower pace in buildings with much space or distance in between
• airy spaces prime people to feel free

grey colour makes people less energetic and aroused
red colour induces better performance on focused tasks
• blue colour puts people in a more creative frame of mind
the form:
angular forms make people feel tensed


What types of art do people in your country like?


types of art:
Fine or Visual Arts:
• paintings
• printmaking
• photography
• performance
sound art
ephemeral and conceptual art
digital and video art

Decorative Arts:
• pottery
Decorative Arts:
are visual and aesthetically pleasing as We. as serve a useful function such as furniture tableware, textiles and so on

enhance the decor of people’s homes
why people like art:
the moment they indulge deep into the artwork their thoughts and emotions change and they forget about their worries
art helps people distress and may develor happy hormones in the body


What kinds of art are the most valuable in terms of monetary value?
Why do some paintings have higher value than others?


The most valuable kinds of art are:
• paintings
reasons why paintings and sculptures cost a lot:
• a big number of works which are held in important public collections and are unlikely to be deaccessioned
scarce works held by private collectors
• a great status of the artist

the resume of the artist
the market
the buying power of the extremely wealthy
the calibre of the gallery and museums in which the artwork is shown
visceral response of the buyer to the artwork
• the novelty of the artwork
the fame of the artwork
Some paintings have higher value than others because:
the artists who painted them are fashionavio

they are from a desirable phase in the artist’s development
they are highly recognizable
> they’ve got the impact that makes people want to own them
they have a better provenance (whose collection they’ve been in, where they’ve been exhibited, which dealers have handled them


Describe a sports program you like

what it is
• who you watch it with
• why you like it


ESPN’s SportsCenter (this is a daily sports news show that covers the latest scores, highlights, and analysis from the world of sports)
• NBC’s Sunday Night Football (this is a weekly NFL game broadcast that features some of the best teams and players in the league)
• Fox’s MLB on Fox (this is a weekly baseball game broadcast that showcases some of the top teams and players in the league)

(this is a weekly NBA game broadcast that features some of the best teams and players in the league, as well as pre-game and post-game analysis)

• I prefer to watch this program with my family
• I enjoy watching this program with my friends
• I like to watch this program with my significant other
• I usually watch this program alone, but sometimes I’ll invite a friend over to join me
• I usually watch this program with anyone who’s interested in it
• I find it most enjoyable to watch this program with other fans of the sport or game

I like this program because:
• it keeps me informed it’s entertaining
- it helps me learn it’s a social activity
it features my favorite athletes or teams it helps me relax it motivates me
• I like to stay up-to-date on the latest news, scores, and events in my favorite sport

I enjoy watching sports for the excitement and drama, that’s why I prefer a program that highlights the most thrilling moments of a game and provides engaging commentary and analysis
I enjoy watching sports with friends or family, so l enjoy a program that provides a shared experience and gives me something to talk about and bond over
• I enjoy interviews with successful athletes and tips on training


What is the difference between watching sports events at home and at the stadium?


Watching sports events at home people can:
enjoy being surrounded by close friends
easily pause the game and not miss out on any of the action
enjoy super slow motion replays
• have snack breaks during long timeouts and halftime
enjoy the warmth of their home
get more comfort
save money

Watching sports events at the stadium people can:
enjoy being surrounded by a large number of fans who can create a fun and entertaining atmosphere
create long-lasting memories
get first hand touch of the event
• focus on anything that catches their attention as they are not restricted to a particular view of the camera
share the joy of victory with their favourite team


What can be done to get children into sport?


parents can:
• help kids fit sport into their everyday lives
let kids choose a sport they enjoy
take kids to sporting events letting them see people having fun as they play
• play with kids not to teach skills but to just have fun
• learn some sport together with a child
• make playing sport a family event


Which sports do you think most people like to do?


football (soccer)
people like footbal because this game:
• has simple rules
• can be played just with a ball almost anywhere
• makes viewers actively involved
• is very entertaining to watch and play

people like basketball because:
it’s easy to learn the fundamentals of the game
this game can be played with 5 or more friends all at the same time
this game provides a whole lot of fun
• this game is a wonderful mixture of finesse and strength, style and substance, offense and defense

people tke nerd mockey vecduse It.
is a great way to fulfill competitive spirit
is a great cardio workout
• promotes weight loss, boosts endurance
is enjoyed by a large age bracket from kids aged 6 to old people
people like tennis because it:
is one of the most dynamic sports which requires total involvement of its players
is a great stress reliever
encourages interaction, communication just plain fun


What are the benefits of sports for children?
Do children need to exercise?


Children need to do sports:
• to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight
• to build and maintain strong muscles, bones and joints
• to improve the quantity and quality of sleep
• to enhance academic performance
• to build a great self-esteem and a better self-image
to prevent the development of chronic diseases and promote health
• to have a better overall mood

to enhance the development of various motor performance skills
to elevate their mood and let them feel refreshed
• to improve motivation and focus


Traditional festival


What is it celebrated for?

New Year:
people celebrate a year of hard work it is celebrated to mark the start of a new cycle of life
• people celebrate the arrival of the new year people celebrate having made it through another 365 days

what people do during this event?

New Year:
families get together and have dinner
• New Year celebrations typically involve gatherings with family and friends, feasting, and various traditions and customs that are believed to bring good luck and prosperity in the coming year

enjoy family time exchange greetings and gifts visit friends and relatives practise good luck rituals
• drink champagne when the clock strikes 12
make wishes when the clock strikes 12 throw parties
try to pay off debts before the new year starts
decorate their homes and a new year ti

why it is special or important

it carries special symbolism
• it is important in maintaining and transmitting cultural values

New Year is considered an important traditional festival ‘cause:
• a good start to the year will guarantee a lucky year
the year’s start influences the whole year it sets the tone for the rest of the year
• people look back and assess their achievements

people make resolutions to change their lives, for example, to give up smoking, to exercise, to learn a foreign language to have a feeling of control over the future

it brings people together and spreads happiness and positivity
it signifies the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance
it represents the victory of good over evil
• it represents the victory of brightness over darkness


Do you think good food and drinks are important for celebrations?


Good food and drinks:
make the whole experience better
make celebrations feel special
set the right atmosphere (the smell of cooking, the sight of beautifully presented dishes, and the sound of glasses clinking make the celebration feel more joyful and bring people closer)
• help create a fun and memorable atmosphere
• make us feel happier (they satisfy our taste buds and make us feel good)

make celebrations memorable when we think back on special events, we often remember the delicious food and drinks we had because the flavors, textures, and smells become part of the cherished memories; sometimes, certain dishes or drinks become closely associated with specific celebrations; for example, there might be a family recipe that’s always prepared during a particular holiday gathering)
show care and hospitality


Is music important in traditional festivals?


music helps create a festive ambiance
• music has the ability to evoke emotions and create a joyful and celebratory atmosphere
• music contributes to the festive spirit
lively music encourages participation and dancing among the attendees (for example, the Carnival of Brazil, particularly the samba parade, is renowned for its vibrant music, samba, which sets the rhythm and energy of the parade)

music allows communities to express and reinforce their cultural identity; communities can express their cultural identity and connect with their ancestral roots through specific musical genres, instruments, rhythms, and lyrics (for example, indigenous tribes may use traditional chants, drumming, and instruments to reflect their historical narratives, values, and spirituality)

by including traditional music in festivals, older generations can pass down their cultural traditions, stories, and values to younger generations (for instance, folk songs or ceremonial music associated with specific festivals carry historical and cultural significance; these songs often tell stories, myths, or legends that are deeply rooted in the community’s heritage, thus, younger generations can learn about their ancestors, their struggles, their triumphs, and the values that define their cultural identity
• traditional festivals often incorporate musical performances that narrate historical events, folklore, or mythical tales

music often accompanies these rituals, processions, and ceremonies ‘cause it serves as a ceremonial tool to set the mood, mark important moments, and enhance the spiritual or religious significance of the festival
music brings people together (when people gather to listen to or participate in music, they create a shared experience; when people connect emotionally through music, they form a bond)


Is it important to celebrate traditional festivals?


they are a part of traditional culture
• they help people have respect to cultural values
• they immunise unhealthy penetration of foreign cultures
they present important values
• they are an environment for people to go back to their roots
they let people learn about their origins by word of mouth, performance and their own experiences in the festival
they are a way to learn about history

they are living and breathing culture museums ensuring the longevity of the country’s culture
• they are environments to nurture traditional


Do you think these traditions will be lost in the future?


help people stay connected with their culture
show people’s importance and existence as individuals who have their own identity
show a sense of loyalty and pride of the nation
• symbolise unity with the ancestral culture, religion and traditions
• holding on to wearing traditional costumes preserves traditions of the nation


Should children learn about traditional festivals at school?


is important for children to learn about traditional festivals because traditions:
form the culture and foundation of families and society
• bring people back to the idea that they are a part of history that identifies their past, models who they are today and who they are likely to become
contribute to a sense of comfort and belonging
• reinforce different values such as a good education, personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, integrity, faith, freedom and the value of being selfless
• provide a forum to celebrate the things tha. really matter in life

offer a chance to express gratitude for the contribution that someone has made
enable people to celebrate diversity and get united as a country
connect people to their ancestors and provide a cultural treasure that connects different generations, bringing in continuity and identification


Park or garden


What park is it?
a national park of X country
• a regional park a city park
• a neighborhood park an amusement park a theme park a recreation park
• a water park an urban park
• a municipal park
• a public park

what to see:
• a viewpoint
• a picnic area green spaces an open-air theatre
• an outdoor sports area a sports ground
facilities for football, basketball and other kinds of sport a cycle path a golf field a horse-riding track a playground for children rides and attractions
cafes and restaurant
• a disco club trees and bushes
• flowers a rose garden
• a meadow a fountain benches

what to do:
there are plenty of things to do there are plenty of activities to enjoy

in the park I can:
• take a refreshing walk
• have a picnic ride a bicycle go skateboarding go rollerblading play games go jogging watch the birds
• watch the animals being fed
have romantic walks walk and relax
• breathe fresh air
take a stroll along the riverside fly a kite
watch the sunrise or sunset over the city
• have a boat trip

Where is it?
sentence starters:
it is located it is situated
in the heart of the city right in the city center
• in the close proximity to my office or school in our heighbourhood close to my workplace
• along the river

When do you go there?

whenever I have free time whenever I’m in a bad mood when I’m feeling blue whenever I’m in a good mood
every time I want to spend time on my own (with my boyfriend or girlfriend, my family or friends, my colleagues, my classmat
• after work at weekends
• in the mornings

how often:
every day
• time and again from time to time quite often
once a week a month)
several times a week (a month)

Why do you like it?

there are a lot of attractions there it is situated close to my home there is a scenic landscape there are breathtaking views there are unspoilt landscapes it has a variety of picnic areas there are plenty of things to do

there are open spaces for recreational use there is a fantastic panorama across the
• it is home to a variety of bird and animal species which can, otherwise, be seen only in books
• it is easily the best location for taking pictures as it guarantees incredible shots
• this is the only place where I can relax and recharge my batteries
• this is the only place in the city where I ca find a corner to escape from hustle and bustle


Describe someone who likes cooking for others


my neighbour my colleague my co-worker my friend my best friend
• my childhood friend

What do they like to cook?
X loves experimenting with new recipes
• X can cook a variety of dishes (you name it, she can cook it)
• X likes to cook a variety of dishes, but her (or his) favorites are
lasagna apple pie spaghetti Bolognese creamy chicken Alfredo barbecue ribs

Who do they cook for?
X loves to host Sunday dinners for her (or his) family and friends
• X often cooks for her (or his) elderly neighbors because they can’t cook for themselves

Why do they like to cook?

for her (or him), cooking is a way of expressing her (or his) love and care
X believes that a well-cooked meal has the power to heal wounds, strengthen bonds, and create cherished memories


Should children learn to cook?


learning to cook can help children become more self-sufficient and less reliant on others for their basic needs
• if children can make simple dishes like scrambled eggs or a sandwich, they don’t have to rely on adults for these basic meals, especially when their parents or guardians are
if children learn to cook, they don’t have to wait for someone to take care of them
knowing how to cook can be a valuable life skill during challenging situations, such as when a parent is unwell or away

children learn how to cook, they don’t have to depend on others to take care of them; they can do it themselves

• cooking involves the use of heat and sharp objects, which could pose safety risks for younger children if they aren’t supervised properly
learning to cook is important so children can take care of themselves, but it can be dangerous ‘cause cooking involves the use of heat and sharp objects; so kids always need someone to watch over them; this means if they can’t be alone, there’s not much point in learning to cook
if we argue that children need this skill for when they grow up, it might not make much sense either: who knows what they’ll want to cook in the future or if they’ll even need * cook; what if a kid becomes super rich a hire a chef or always eat at fancy restaurants


What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?


When you need to cook, you typically need to prepare several things before you start cooking. You need to:
choose a recipe that you want to prepare
check the recipe for a list of ingredients, and make sure you have all of them
make sure you have the necessary pots, pans, utensils, and appliances for the recipe (for example, knives, cutting boards, measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowls, spatulas, tongs, and stirring spoons and more)
set up your stove, oven, or any other cooking appliances you need, preheat the oven or heat pans on the stove if necessary

make sure you have the necessary pots, pans, utensils, and appliances for the recipe (for example, knives, cutting boards, measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowls, spatulas, tongs, and stirring spoons and more)
set up your stove, oven, or any other cooking appliances you need, preheat the oven or heat pans on the stove if necessary
make sure your kitchen counter and cooking area are clean and organized before you begin
• put on a cooking apron to protect your clothing and keep kitchen towels nearby for wiping hands and cleaning up spills
prepare plates or serving dishes for the finished meal


Do you agree that food is an important part of traditional festivals?


there’s no celebration without food
food and festivities go hand in hand
• food and celebrations are inexorably tied together
food is an important part of any celebration in all countries of the world, regardless of culture or religion
• food is like a tasty symbol of the culture and history behind the festival

food at traditional festivals is more than just a meal; it’s a way to honor tradition and bring people together
• food represents traditions, culture, or even stories from the past
Good food:
makes the whole experience better
• makes celebrations feel special
can set the right atmosphere (the smell of cooking, the sight of beautifully presented dishes, and the sound of glasses clinking make the celebration feel more joyful and bring people closer)

helps create a fun and memorable atmosphere
makes us feel happier (they satisfy our taste buds and make us feel good)
makes celebrations memorable when we think back on special events, we often remember the delicious food and drinks we had because the flavors, textures, and smells become part of the cherished memories; sometimes, certain dishes or drinks become closely associated with specific celebrations; for example, there might be a family recipe that’s always prepared during a particular holiday gathering)


More and more people are unwilling to cook. Why is this happening?


cooking is time consuming
cooking takes too much effort after a long dav’s work
grocery shopping takes too long and often requires multiple trips to different stores
deciding what to cook is too much of a burden and requires too much planning
More and more people don’t want to cook because they:
are time-pressed
• feel ill-equipped to cook

simply don’t bother as there are so many other choices like fast food, takeaway or frozen dishes that can be microwaved
lack confidence and skills in the kitchen


Is it important to have a meal together with your family?


Having family meals is important because they:
feed each family member not only physically but also emotionally
• draw family members together
• help people stay connected with other family members
help all family members handle the stresses of daily life and the hassles of day-to-day existence
are a time of respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life

have positive effects on child development and self-esteem
• have been linked to a lower risk of obesity, substance abuse and eating disorders
allow conversations to take place
provide the opportunity for conversation
provide children with the sense of security and togetherness
have a positive impact on children’s values, motivation, personal identity and self-esteem
let parents influence what their children eat
encourage healthy eating habits
promote more sensible eating habits


What are some examples of rules that exist in many families?


Family members are expected to:
tell the truth
treat each other with respect respect each other’s property
look for ways to be kind and helpful to each other
dine together
clean up after yourself
always ask permission or inform before going out
take your shoes off in the house

turn out the lights when you are not using a room
keep a toilet seat down
always lock the door when you leave put plates in the dishwasher after eating
don’t go to bed on an argument


What are some rules that exist in schools or workplaces in your country?


school rules:
A school child should:
raise their hand before they speak not eat in class
not talk when the teacher is talking be respectful to other students get to school on time always remain in their seat not shout in the class
not run
respect school property not vandalize school property
respect the right of others to learn keep the school environment and the local community free from litter
not smoke in the school grounds

workplace rules:
Employees should: be punctual
have a good attendance record carry their share of the workload be trustworthy be neat
keep their desks organized
not spread out into space that isn’t theirs be considerate with files and equipment th share
not smoke in the office
keep the noise level to a minimum
not steal supplies
be flexible and open-minded


Why do some people refuse to abide by rules?


I think that some people do so because: they know there will be no consequences for not following the rules
these rules restrict their freedom this way they rebel against the system this way they protest against these rules
• they want to save time or resources
• they feel that these rules are unnecessary they think that there are way to many rules and anyway it’s impossible to abide by all of them
they are not held accountable for following these rules
these rules are inconvenient for them
this way they try to maintain their freedom


How do people respond to bad service ?


If it happens people usually voice their complaints
Never come back to the shop
Spread news or bad customer service
Share their pain points with others
Will not willingly do business with this company again
Contact a customer service
Write a post on a facebook
Tell their friends not to visit the store
Write a letter to the media
Tell everyone they can about their bad experience


Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad service ?


Companies do not ask them for feedback
The complaint process usually too complicated and requires much effort from them
They cannot find a quick and easy way to channel their anger, frustration and concerns to the company
They think it’s a waste of time to provide feedback as the company is simply not interested in hearing from them
They don’t see the point in complaining
They believe they are not going to get satisfactory resolution anyway
They simply don’t want to bother
They don’t see any need or desire to express themselves
They are afraid of outcome they are worried of what might come next
They are afraid of negative consequences