origin and insertion muscle list 2 Flashcards
Origin: mandible between the anterior midline and the mental foramen
Insertion: skin of lower lip
Depressor Labii Inferioris
____ originates from the zygomatic bone near the zygomaticotemporal suture and inserted into the fibers of levator anguli oris, orbicularis oris, and other muscles at angle of mouth
Zygomaticus Major
Origin: anterolateral surface of mandibular body
Insertion: skin at angle of mouth
Depressor Anguli Oris
the muscle that has it origin from the maxilla and zygomatic bone, superior to the infra-orbital foramen and its insertion at into the orbicularis oris is ____
Levator Labii Superioris
The canine fossa of the maxilla inferior to the infra-orbital foramen is the origin of the ____ which is
inserted into skin at and below angle of mouth
Levator Anguli Oris
Origin: anterolateral surface of mandibular body
Insertion: skin at angle of mouth
Depressor Anguli Oris
Origin: zygomatic bone posterior to zygomaticomaxillary suture
Insertion: upper lip
Zygomaticus Minor
which muscle originates from the medial end of the superciliary arch and is inserted into eyebrow
Corrugator Superclii
what is the name of the muscle that originates inferior aspect of lesser wing of the sphenoid superior to and anterior tooptic canal and inserted on the upper eyelid.
Levator Palpebrae Superioris
_____ originates from the lateral nasal cartilages and the aponeuroses covering the inferior portion of the nasal bones.
the insertion of ____ is the aponeurosis at bridge of nose and skin of forehead
Origin: maxilla and alar cartilage of nose
Insertion: bridge of nose
Origin: fascia around external ear
Insertion: epicranial aponeurosis
Origin: sphenoid around optic canal
Insertion: inferior, medial surface of eyeball
Inferior Rectus
Origin: sphenoid around optic canal
Insertion: medial surface of eyeball
Medial Rectus
Name the muscle that originates from the maxilla at anterior portion of orbit and inserts in inferior, lateral surface of eyeball.
Inferior Oblique
Origin: sphenoid around optic canal
Insertion: superior, lateral surface of eyeball
Superior Oblique
Name the muscle that originates from the medial surface of mandible around chin and has it insertion at body of tongue, hyoid bone
Origin: body and greater horn of hyoid bone
Insertion: side of tongue
Origin: anterior surface of soft palate
Insertion: side of tongue