carbon Flashcards


organic store and inorganic store


carbon can be found in organic and inorganic stores

organic- carbon is found in living things

inorganic- carbon is found in non living things e.g. rocks

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where can carbon be found? (stores of carbon)

  • lithosphere —> over 99.9% of carbon on earth is stored in sedimentary rocks such as limestone// 0.004% is stored in fossil fuels
  • hydrosphere —> carbon dioxide is dissolved in rivers, lakes and oceans —> oceans are the 2nd largest store of carbon on earth// most of it is found deep in the ocean and a small amount is found at the ocean surface where it’s exchanged with the atmosphere
  • biosphere —> 0.004% of earths total carbon is found in living organisms —> when organisms die and decay, this carbon is transferred to the soil (pedosphere)
  • atmosphere —> carbon is stored in the atmosphere as CO2 and methane
  • cyrosphere —> less than 0.01% of earths carbon is stored in the cryosphere// most of the carbon in the crysophere is stored in the permafrost
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carbon cycle?


carbon cycle- the process by which carbon is stored and transferred

closed system —> the amount of carbon in the system remains the same

- plants take in the carbon and use it to help them grow —> carbon is then passed through the food chain (carbon stored in plants moves to the animals that eat them) —> transfers carbon from the atmosphere to the biosphere

- transfers carbon from the biosphere to the atmosphere

- burning biomass —> transfers carbon from the biosphere to the atmosphere

- transfers carbon from the biosphere to the atmosphere/pedosphere
- organisms die —> bacteria and fungi break organisms down —> carbon stored in the organisms is released into the atmosphere as CO2 and methane// some carbon stored in the organisms is transferred to soil

- transfers carbon from the atmosphere to the lithosphere —> CO2 in the atmosphere reacts with water vapour to form acid rain —> acid rain dissolves rocks —> minerals are washed into the sea —> minerals react carbon in the water to form calcium carbonate —> some marine animals use calcium carbonate to make shells —> carbon stored in lithosphere

- carbon from the atmosphere can be sequestered (captured and held) in sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels —> transfers carbon from the atmosphere to the lithosphere
- sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels form over millions of years when dead animal/plant material in the ocean falls to the floor and is compacted

ocean uptake and loss:
- ocean uptake: CO2 from the atmosphere dissolves into the ocean —> transfers carbon from the atmosphere to the hydrosphere —> carbon is then taken up by organisms in the ocean like plankton
- ocean loss —> carbon-rich water from deep in the oceans rises to the surface and releases CO2 into the atmosphere —> transfers carbon from the hydrosphere of the atmosphere

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fast and slow carbon flows?


fast carbon flows —> carbon is transferred quickly between stores e.g. photosynthesis, respiration, combustion and decomposition

slow carbon flows —> carbon is transferred slowly between stores e.g. formation of fossil fuels takes millions of years

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physical factors that affect the carbon cycle?


colder temperatures:
- lower temps —> less photosynthesis —> restricts plant growth —> less CO2 absorbed
- colder oceans absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere
warmer temperatures:
- higher temps —> more photosynthesis —> increased plant growth —> more CO2 absorbed
- warmer oceans absorb less CO2 from the atmosphere —> more CO2 in atmosphere

short term:
- in the short term, wildfires lead to more carbon being released into the atmosphere —> loss of vegetation —> photosynthesis decreases —> less carbon removed from the atmosphere
long term:
- in the long term, wildfires lead to less carbon being released into the atmosphere —> soil can become more fertile after wildfires —> encourages the growth of new plants —> plants take in carbon from the atmosphere for photosynthesis

volcanic activity
- carbon stored within the earth is released during volcanic eruptions —> carbon is transferred from the lithosphere to the atmosphere
- recent volcanic eruptions have released much less CO2 than human activities

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human factors that affect the carbon cycle?


fossil fuel extraction and use:
- we need fossil fuels for many things e.g. heating up housing and powering vehicles etc —> extracting and burning (combustion) fossil fuels releases CO2 into the atmosphere
- as population has increased overtime, fossil fuel use has increased overtime

- deforestation means that there is less leaf litter —> humus isn’t formed (contains nutrients that helps plants grow) —> plant growth decreases —> amount of CO2 taken in by plants decreases
- forests may be cleared for agriculture, logging, or to make space for housing —> reduces size of carbon stores —> less carbon can be stored in trees so more carbon will enter the atmosphere// a lot of the deforested trees are burnt —> releases more CO2
(think about global and local scale)

- due to urbanisation, more houses have to be built —> trees are removed to make way for buildings —> reduces size of carbon stores —> less carbon can be stored in trees so more carbon will enter the atmosphere
- lots of concrete is used when urban areas expand —> concrete production releases lots of CO2 —> more CO2 into the atmosphere

- population has increased —> food production has increased —> growing rice in rice paddies releases a lot of methane —> more carbon stored in the atmosphere// animals release CO2 and methane into the atmosphere when they respire and digest food —> carbon moves from the biosphere to the atmosphere

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how does increase in CO2 affect the atmosphere, land and ocean?


- increased levels of CO2 —> CO2 is a GHG —> GHG traps heat in the earths atmosphere and warm the planet (prevent heat from escaping into space) —> global temps increase —> increased evaporation from oceans —> amount of water vapour in the atmosphere has increased —> water vapour is a GHG —> warming continues —> temps increase (positive feedback loop)
- increased levels of CO2 —> CO2 is a GHG —> GHG traps heat in the earths atmosphere and warm the planet (prevent heat from escaping into space) —> more evaporation —> water vapour condenses to form clouds —> precipitation increases
- ocean temps increase —> as oceans get warmer, more water vapour is released into the atmosphere due to increased evaporation —> promotes photosynthesis —> more CO2 is taken in by trees —> reduces amount of carbon stored in the atmosphere —> less GHG in the atmosphere —> temp rises are less likely to occur (negative feedback loop - diminishes any changes and ultimately that leads to dynamic equilibrium)

- increased levels of CO2 —> CO2 is a GHG —> GHG traps heat in the earths atmosphere and warm the planet (prevent heat from escaping into space) —> global temps increase —> longer growing season —> greater plant growth —> plants absorb CO2
- increased levels of CO2 —> CO2 is a GHG —> GHG traps heat in the earths atmosphere and warm the planet (prevent heat from escaping into space) —> global temps increase —> changes in temperature can lead to wildfires and declining biodiversity —> less photosynthesis —> less CO2 removed (positive feedback loop)

- increased levels of CO2 —> CO2 is a GHG —> GHG traps heat in the earths atmosphere and warm the planet (prevent heat from escaping into space) —> global temps increase —> ocean temps increase —> warm water absorbs less CO2 —> amount of CO2 in the atmosphere increases —> warming continues —> ocean temps increase (positive feedback loop)
- increased levels of CO2 —> CO2 is a GHG —> GHG traps heat in the earths atmosphere and warm the planet (prevent heat from escaping into space) —> global temps increase —> sea ice melts —> reduced albedo —> more sunlight is absorbed —> temps increase —> increased melting of sea ice —> sea levels rise (positive feedback loop)
- increased levels of CO2 —> CO2 is dissolved into oceans from the atmosphere —> acidity of oceans increases —> the more acidic an ocean becomes, the better it dissolves calcium carbonate —> dissolve carbonate shells of marine organisms

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links between carbon and water cycle?


links between water and carbon cycles
- both essential for life on earth
- both continuously cycled in a closed system at a global scale
- they share similar stores e.g. lithosphere, biosphere, atmosphere
- both experience temporal (changes overtime e.g. due to human impacts) and spatial variations (e.g. rates of evaporation are higher in areas w warmer climates)
- carbon dioxide and water vapour are both examples of GHGs (water stored in the atmosphere, carbon stored in the atmosphere) —> both cause the natural GHG effect (without the natural greenhouse effect, the earth would be frozen and uninhabitable)
- water is needed for photosynthesis, which removes carbon from the atmosphere
- the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere affects global temperatures, which affect the
amount of evaporation that can take place, which affects the amount of precipitation
- changes to the carbon cycle (temp increase) can impact water stores/transfers (ice melting)
- both can be influenced by similar human activities e.g. climate change, deforestation and agriculture

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how does climate change have major impacts on plants, animals and people?

  • Pattern of precipitation is expected to change —> wet areas are expected to get wetter and dry areas are expected to get drier —> could cause water shortage in some areas —> lead to conflicts in the future
  • Agricultural productivity will decrease in some areas, which could lead to food shortages
  • Extreme weather events (e.g. storms, floods and droughts) are expected to get more frequent —> Less developed countries will probably be worst affected as they are less able to deal with the impacts
  • Sea levels are expected to rise further —> This will flood coastal and low-lying areas —> affects plants, animals and people
  • Plankton numbers may decline if temperatures increase —> knock-on effect on marine food chains
  • Geographical range of some species will change as climate changes —> plants and animals may move to new areas looking for suitable conditions —> the arrival of new species in an area may damage the ecosystem, and some species may become extinct —> new species may compete with native species for resources like food
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how can we tackle climate change on different scales?

  • Humans have influenced the carbon cycle —> There is now 40% more CO2 in the atmosphere than there was in 1750
  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that countries need to reduce the amount of CO2 emitted by human activities in order to prevent climate change —> we can mitigate (make it less bad) the impacts of climate change by reducing transfers of carbon to the atmosphere

- People can choose to use their cars less and/or buy more fuel efficient cars
- They can also make their homes more energy efficient e.g. double glazing, insulation and more efficient appliances

Regional and national:
- Governments can reduce reliance on fossil fuels for heating and powering homes by increasing the availability and reducing the cost of renewable energy sources such as wind, tidal and solar
- Afforestation and restoring degraded forests can increase size of carbon store
- Planners can increase the sustainability of developments by improving public transport to reduce car use and creating more green spaces
- Governments can invest in carbon capture and storage —> CO2 emitted from burning fossil fuels is captured and stored underground

- Countries can work together to reduce emissions. For example, the Kyoto Protocol (1997) and the Paris Agreement (2015) are international treaties to control the total amount of greenhouse gases released —> Participating countries agree to keep their emissions within set limits
- International carbon trading schemes —> countries and businesses are given a limit on the emissions they can produce —> if they produce less they can sell the extra credits and if they produce more they need to buy more credits

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amazon rainforest case study

  • The Amazon is the world’s largest tropical rainforest and covers 40% of South America
  • It has a hot, very wet climate and the vegetation is very dense
  • Many groups of indigenous people live in the Amazon rainforest and it’s home to up to 1 million plant species and 500 species of mammals

Water cycle in the Amazon:
- The water cycle causes the Amazon to be very wet —> there is a lot of evaporation over the Atlantic Ocean and the wet air is blown towards the Amazon —> contributes to the Amazon’s very high rainfall
- High temperatures and lots of water vapour in the atmosphere mean that evaporation levels are high in the rainforest —> evaporation levels are high —> precipitation increases
- The rainforest has lots of vegetation —> interception increases —> surface run off decreases
- The water cycle affects the Amazon environment —> it is populated by species that are adapted to high humidity and frequent rainfall

Carbon cycle in the Amazon
- The Amazon rainforest is a carbon sink (stores carbon)
- The increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has led to increased productivity in the Amazon rainforest because the vegetation is able to access more CO2 for photosynthesis
- As a result, the amount of CO2 sequestered by the Amazon rainforest has increased, making it an even more important carbon store
- However, it has been suggested that although trees are growing more quickly, they’re also dying younger —> As a result, we may not be able to rely on the Amazon rainforest to continue to be such an effective carbon sink in the future

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effects of climate change on the amazon and ways to limit human impacts in the amazon?


Effects of climate change on the amazon:
- In some areas of the Amazon, temperature is increasing and rainfall is decreasing —> drought —> the Amazon had severe droughts in 2005, 2010 and 2015-16
- Drought —> plants and animals living in tropical rainforests are adapted to moist conditions —> frequent/long periods of drought could lead to the extinction of some species
- Droughts can lead to forest fires
Short term:
- In the short term, wildfires lead to more carbon being released into the atmosphere —> loss of vegetation —> photosynthesis decreases —> less carbon removed from the atmosphere
Long term:
- In the long term, wildfires lead to less carbon being released into the atmosphere —> soil can become more fertile after wildfires —> encourages the growth of new plants —> plants take in carbon from the atmosphere for photosynthesis
- Scientists predict that a 4°C temperature rise could kill 85% of the Amazon rainforest —> results in lots of carbon being released into the atmosphere —> dead material decomposes which releases CO2 and less CO2 is being taken in by trees for photosynthesis

Ways to limit human impacts in the amazon?

Selective logging and replanting trees —> only certain trees are cut down (most trees are still left standing) —> less damage as trees provide soil cover

Environmental laws:
- Laws that ban excessive logging
- Laws that control land use e.g. the Brazilian Forest Code says that landowners have to keep 50-80% of their land as forest

Debt reduction:
- Reduced debts in return for agreement that rainforest will not be deforested
- The USA agreed to allow Brazil to convert the £13.5 million it owed in debt repayments, into a fund to protect large areas of the Amazon rainforest

- National parks to protect rainforests —> they protect rainforests by preventing deforestation and promote sustainable tourism —> educate visitors about rainforest conservation
- Central Amazon Conservation Complex in Brazil protects an area of 49000km^2

Reducing deforestation:
- The rate of deforestation in brazil has slowed by 75% between 2000 and 2012
- Zero deforestation campaign was set up in 2008 —> laws and enforcements were put into place which stopped deforestation taking place
- Supermarkets and exporters etc agreed that they would only buy non deforestation soy and beef
- A study has shown that only 0.25% of land with soybean crops had been planted in deforested areas since the ban began

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amazon case study - impacts on water cycle


river regime —> shows how the discharge of a river varies over a long period of time (usually a year)

human impacts on the water cycle
- 62% of land cleared in the Amazon is for the purpose of agriculture
- water abstraction for irrigation —> soil becomes dry —> infiltration decreases —> surface run off increases —> river discharge increases (short lag time)
- ploughing breaks up the surface of the soil —> infiltration increases —> surface run off decreases
- crops —> interception and evapotranspiration increases —> surface run off decreases (short term)// evapotranspiration increases —> precipitation increases —> soil becomes saturated —> infiltration decreases and surface run off increases (long term)
- compaction —> livestock and machinery compact the soil —> infiltration decreases —> surface run off increases

- 20% of the Amazon rainforest has been destroyed over the last 50 years
short term:
- deforestation —> less evapotranspiration and interception —> surface run off increases —> river discharge increases —> risk of flooding increases (local)
long term:
- deforestation —> less evapotranspiration —> less water vapour in the atmosphere —> fewer clouds form —> less precipitation —> changes in global precipitation patterns —> risk of drought increases (global)

positive feedback loop:
- deforestation to create space for crops —> less evapotranspiration —> less rainfall —> ground becomes drier and less fertile —> new areas of land need to be cleared to grow crops

physical impacts on the water cycle
seasonal changes:
- average rainfall across the Amazon is 2,300mm annually
- between January and May —> high levels of precipitation
- between June and October —> low levels of precipitation
- November and December —> high levels of precipitation —> ground may be dry and compact as a result of the dry hot weather in the summer months —> infiltration decreases —> surface run off increases —> river discharge increases
- higher temperature cause the ground to be harder and more impermeable —> infiltration decreases —> surface runoff increases
- more vegetation —> interception and evapotranspiration increases —> surface run off decreases
- vegetation dies and leaves are lost —> interception and evapotranspiration decreases —> surface run off increases// less evapotranspiration —> less water vapour in the atmosphere —> less condensation —> less rain
- more rainfall —> discharge increases

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