Final Quiz Flashcards
Set 1 Problem 14: There are 8 vehicles observed in a 250 m section N. Bacalso Avenue. Given that the average time headway is 3.6 seconds, compute the space mean speed, in kph.
31.25 kph (p. 9)
Set 1 Problem 20: Five racing cars are traveling on a 2.5 km track. An observer is standing at a point on the track for a period of 20 minutes and records the instantaneous speed of each vehicle as it crosses his point of observation. The following table are obtained:
(p. 11)
Compute the time mean speed.
157.47 kph
Set 1 Problem 21: Three measurements were recorded as 278.32 m, 279.44 m, 277.86 m and given weights of 2, 5, and 3, respectively. Determine the weighted mean.
278.74 kph (p. 10)
Set 1 Problem 23: A line was measured by a 20 m long tape. There are 2 tallies and 3 pins, and the distance of the last pin to the end of the line is 5.74 m. Find the length of the line.
465.74 m
Set 1 Problem 24: Assume that any distance of 100 ft can be taped with an error ± 0.025 ft if certain techniques are employed. Determine the error in taping 4,000 ft using this skill.
± 0.158 ft
Set 1 Problem 30: Given a triangular lot ABC with the following data:
(p. 11)
What is the measure of distance BC?
234.76 m (p. 11, 12)
Set 1 Problem 57: A distance measured with a 50-m steel tape is recorded as 382.68 m. The tape is known to be 0.012 m too long. What is the correct length of the line in meters?
382.772 m
Set 1 Problem 58: Two hills 80 km apart has top elevations of 50 m and 106 m at A and B respectively. Find the height of the shortest tower that could be constructed at B so that it would be visible from A considering the effect of curvature and refraction correction.
80 m
Set 1 Problem 59: A differential leveling was conducted from BM1 to BM2 20 km apart. BM1 is at elevation 142.26 m. The backsight distances averages 150 m in length and the foresight distances averages 100 m. The recorded elevation of BM2 was 247.05 m. If the level used is out of adjustment such that when the bubble was centered the line of sight was inclined of 0.0025 m upward in distance of 100m. What would be the corrected elevation of BM2?
246.95 m
Set 1 Problem 62: Assume that a line is measured in three sections, with errors in the individual parts equal to ± 0.015 ft, ± 0.024 ft, ± 0.020 ft respectively. Determine the anticipated error of the total length.
± 0.035 ft
Set 2 Problem 5: A line of levels, 5 km long is run between A and B with average backsight and foresight distances of 150 m. The average backsight reading is 3.6 m and each time it is taken, the rod is inclined sidewards from the vertical by 4. What is the correct elevation of B if its recorded elevation is 352.65 meters?
352.51 m
Set 2 Problem 25: A 30 m tape is of standard length at a temperature of 20° C and is used to measure a line with a measured distance of 618 m. During the time of measurement, the temperature was 38° C. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the tape used is 11.7 x 10^-6/° C. What is the corrected length of the line?
618.13 m
Set 2 Problem 28: A sight is taken with an engineer’s level at rod held 100 m away an initial reading of 1.95 m is observed. The bubble is then level through five spaces on the level tube, and the rod reading is now 2.03 m. What is the sensitivity of the bubble tube in seconds of arc?
Set 2 Problem 41: Given a triangular lot ABC with the following data:
(p. 11)
What is the bearing of side CA?
N 58.92° W
Set 2 Problem 42: The area bounded by the water line of a reservoir and the contours with a contour interval of 2 m are as follows: A1 = 12,340 m², A2 = 10,530 m², A3 = 9,180 m², A4 = 7,720 m², A5 = 5,520 m², A6 = 3,870 m². Determine the capacity of the reservoir using End Area Method.
82,110 m³
Set 2 Problem 44: A man 1.8 m tall standing on one bank of a river can just see the top of a 41.27 m- high tower standing on the opposite bank of the river. Considering the effect of curvature and refraction, how wide should the river be?
30 km (p. 30)
Set 2 Problem 54: Determine the required length of spiral with a design speed of 80 kph if the central circular curve has a degree of 5.
80 m
Set 2 Problem 55: Data on traffic accident recorded on a certain section of a highway for the past 5 years shows 4,684 total accidents. If the average daily traffic is 482, what is the accident rate per million entering vehicles?
Set 2 Problem 56: A highway curve has a length of 120 m and a radius of 90 m. If the required site distance is 80 m, how far off the center of the curve could you allow the bushes to grow?
8.89 m
Set 3 Problem 46: Given a compound curve with a long chord equal to 142 m and makes angles of 16° and 20° respectively with the tangents. The common tangent is parallel to the long chord. Compute the bigger radius of the 2 curves.
286.68 m
Set 3 Problem 53: A spiral curve with a length of 80 m is to be laid to each side of a 6° central simple curve. Find the required super elevation in percent of the spiral per meter width for a design speed of 60 kph.
Set 3 Problem 61: Determine the required length of spiral with a design speed of 80 kph if the central circular curve has a degree of 5.
80 m
Set 3 Problem 72: A distance was measured on an 8% slope and found to be 1,654.30 m. What is the horizontal distance measured in meters?
1,559.294 m
Set 4 Problem 7: A 3-degree simple curve has an external distance of 9.12 m. What is the central angle using chord basis?
Set 4 Problem 10: Find the area of a piece of land with an irregular boundary as follows:
(p. 11)
The stations are on a straight line boundary. Use Trapezoidal Rule.
170.65 m²
Set 4 Problem 26: A surveyor paced a 150-m long line AB in order to determine his pace factor. He paced 5 times with the following data: 240, 238.5, 236, 237.5, and 241. He then paced a certain line CD 5 times with the following result: 354.5, 358, 353, 357.5, and 352. What is the length of the line CD?
223.30 m
Set 4 Problem 28: Given the cross-section notes for a ground excavation for a 10-m wide roadway.
Sta. 16 + 100
(p. 11)
What is the cross-sectional area of Sta. 16 + 100 in m²?
58.12 m²
Set 4 Problem 38: A closed traverse has the following data:
(p. 12)
Compute the distance CD in meters.
77.60 m
Set 4 Problem 39: A closed traverse has the following data:
(p. 12)
Compute the distance DA in meters.
75.01 m
Set 4 Problem 40: A closed traverse has the following data:
(p. 12)
Compute the area of the lot ABCD in square meters.
1,315.74 m^2
Set 4 Problem 42: A road pavement has modulus of elasticity equal to 170 MPa and whose subgrade has a modulus 35 MPa. What is the stiffness factor of the pavement?
Set 4 Problem 55:. Given the following notes from BM_12 to BM_14:
(p. 12)
What is the elevation of BM_14?
Set 4 Problem 56: Given the following notes from BM_12 to BM_14:
(p. 12)
Which of the following has the lowest elevation?
Set 4 Problem 57:. Given the following notes from BM_12 to BM_14:
(p. 12)
Compute the difference in elevation between BM_12 and BM_13.
4.51 m
Set 4 Problem 59:. A highway curve having a radius of 340 ft is banked so that there will be no lateral pressure on the car’s wheel at a speed of 45 kph. What is the angle of elevation of the embankment in degrees?
Set 5 Problem 4:. A highway curve has a radius of 180 m. Find the angle of super elevation in degrees so that there will no be lateral pressure between tires and the roadway is speed of 45 mph.
Set 5 Problem 5: A horizontal curve has a design speed of 40 mph. Find the radius of the curve if the rate of super elevation is, e = 0.12 m/m and the side-friction factor, f = 0.20.
118 m
Set 5 Problem 6: The bearing of 2 lines AB and BC are N 30° W and N 20° E respectively. A 5-degree simple curve is to connect these 2 lines as tangents. Use arc basis.
Compute the length of the tangent.
106.97 m
Set 5 Problem 7: The bearing of 2 lines AB and BC are N 30° W and N 20° E respectively. A 5-degree simple curve is to connect these 2 lines as tangents. Use arc basis.
Compute the length of the curve.
200 m
Set 5 Problem 8: The bearing of 2 lines AB and BC are N 30° W and N 20° E respectively. A 5-degree simple curve is to connect these 2 lines as tangents. Use arc basis.
Compute the length of the long chord.
193.71 m
Set 5 Problem 38: A 30-m tape is of standard length at a temperature of 20° C. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the tape is 11.7 x 10^-6/° C. At a temperature of 38° C, this tape is used to lay out a 350-m line. What must be
the distance to be laid out?
349.927 m
Set 5 Problem 65: A vertical summit curve has tangent grades of +3% and -1.8%. A motorist whose eyesight is 1.4 m above the roadway sighted the top of a visible object 120 mm at the other side of the summit. Assuming that the sight distance is lesser than the length of the curve, calculate the length of the curve for a sight distance of 120 m.
147.71 m
Set 5 Problem 67: A sets up a transit at P which is located in the middle portion of a 4-sided land and reads directions and measures distances, as given below, to the 4 corners.
(p. 12)
Find the area of the tract, in square meters.
Set 5 Problem 74: Given a triangular lot ABC with the following data:
(p. 11)
Find the area of the lot in hectares.
2.48 hectares
Set 6 Problem 30: Given in the accompanying tabulation are the observed data for a closed traverse obtained from a transit-tape survey.
(p. 12)
Determine the Linear Error of Closure.
1.74 m
Set 6 Problem 31: Given in the accompanying tabulation are the observed data for a closed traverse obtained from a transit-tape survey.
(p. 12)
Determine the bearing of the side of error.
S 13°32’ E
Set 6 Problem 32: Given in the accompanying tabulation are the observed data for a closed traverse obtained from a transit-tape survey.
(p. 12)
Determine the precision of the measurement.
Set 6 Problem 38: A square lot was measured by using a 30-m tape and found to have an area of 8,121.61 m^2 which was 21.61 m^2 bigger than the true lot area. What was the error in each tape length during tape measurement?
0.04 m too short
Set 6 Problem 40: The ground makes a uniform slope of 5% from station 8 + 340 to station 8 + 420. At station 8 + 340, the center height of roadway is 1.6 m fill, and at station 8 + 420, the center height is 3.2 m cut. Find the grade of the finished road.
Set 6 Problem 41: The length of the common tangent of a compound curve is 286 m. Given that D1 = 3°, I1 = 32°, I2 = 54°, and the stationing of the P.C. is 12 + 442.68.
Find the length of the tangent of the first curve. Use arc basis.
109.53 m
Set 6 Problem 42: The length of the common tangent of a compound curve is 286 m. Given that D1 = 3°, I1 = 32°, I2 = 54°, and the stationing of the P.C. is 12 + 442.68.
Find the degree of the second curve.
Set 6 Problem 43: The length of the common tangent of a compound curve is 286 m. Given that D1 = 3°, I1 = 32°, I2 = 54°, and the stationing of the P.C. is 12 + 442.68.
Find the stationing of the P.T.
12 + 872.37
Set 6 Problem 51: A 30-m tape is supported only at its ends and under a steady pull of 10 kg. If the tape weighs 1.20 kg, determine the sag correction.
0.018 m
Set 7 Problem 5: A car weighing 1,200 kg rounds an unbanked curve at 60 kph. The curve has a radius of 100 m. Find the force of friction on the tires to prevent the car from sliding.
3,335 N (p. 111)
Set 7 Problem 6: A spiral easement curve has a length of 100 m with a central curve having a radius of 340 m. Determine the offset distance from the tangent to the second quarter point of the spiral.
0.613 m
Set 7 Problem 49: The areas of of cut of two irregular sections 60 m apart are 36m^2 and 54 m^2, respectively. The base width is 10 m with side slope of 1:1. Find the corrected volume of cut in cubic meter using a prismoidal correction formula.
2,688.34 m^3 (p. 118)
Set 7 Problem 50: The chord distance between two intermediate points A and B of a simple curve is 40 m. The deflection angles taken from the P.C. of these two points are 2°30’ and 6°30’, respectively. Compute the length of the curve from P.C. to B.
65.05 m
Set 7 Problem 68: A line was measured 4 times with the following results: 564.82 m, 564.89 m, 564.64 m, and 564.55 m. Determine the probable error of the mean.
Set 8 Problem 3: A parabolic curve, 420 m long is connected by tangents having an upgrade of +5.4% and a downgrade of -3% intersecting at station 6 + 840 at elevation 112.5 m. Find the stationing of the highest point of the curve.
6 + 900
Set 8 Problem 15: A 30 m tape which is of standard length at 20° C is used to measure a line with a measured distance of 684 m. The temperature during the time of measurement was 48° C. If the coefficient of thermal expansion of the tape is 11.6 x 10^-6 m/m °C, determine the corrected length of the line.
684.356 m
Set 8 Problem 23: A stadia intercept reading of 3.2 m was taken on a rod using a transit having a stadia interval factor of 100 and stadia constant of 0.3 m. If the line of sight is inclined at an angle of 2°45’, determine the horizontal distance from the transit to the rod.
319.56 m
Set 8 Problem 27: The common tangent BC of a reversed curve is 200 m and has a bearing of S 45°28’ E, AB is the tangent of the first curve whose bearing is N 71°16’ E, CD is the tangent of the second curve whose bearing is N 32°44’ E. A is at the PC while is D at the PT. The radius of the first curve is 191 m. The PI is at the station 15 + 152.68. Find the stationing of the PT.
15 + 364.82
Set 8 Problem 39: What is the back azimuth of a line having a forward azimuth of 68°?
Set 9 Problem 14: A line was measured 4 times and yields the following results: 762.34 m, 762.56 m, 762.28 m, and 762.42 m. What is the probable error of the mean?
± 0.11736
Set 9 Problem 32: A line was measured with a 50-m tape. There are 2 tallies, 6 pins, and the distance from the last pin to the end of the line is 3.48 m. Find the length of the line, in meters.
1,303.48 m
Set 9 Problem 33: Using the chord basis, what is the radius of a 5° simple curve?
229.26 m
Set 9 Problem 34: TP_1 has an elevation of 218.64 m and the foresight taken at the point is 0.78 m. If the back sight taken at BM is 1.54 m, what is the elevation of BM?
217.88 m
Set 9 Problem 52: A curve road 82 m in radius has a super elevation of 0.15 and a design speed of 70 kph. Determine the coefficient of friction between the tires and the pavement.
Set 9 Problem 53: The center height of the road at Sta. 4 + 460 is 3.75 m cut. At Sta. 4 + 560 is 1.60 m fill. The ground slopes uniformly at -4% from Sta. 4 + 460. How far from Sta. 4 + 460 toward Sta. 4 + 560 will the excavation extend?
70.09 m
Set 10 Problem 45: A vertical sag parabolic curve is to connect a -2% grade to a +4% grade. The change in grade per meter station is to be 0.3%. The PT of the curve is at station 22 + 445 and at elevation 12.84 m.
What is the length of the curve?
400 m (p. 170)
Set 10 Problem 46: A vertical sag parabolic curve is to connect a -2% grade to a +4% grade. The change in grade per meter station is to be 0.3%. The PT of the curve is at station 22 + 445 and at elevation 12.84 m.
What is the stationing of the PC of the curve?
22 + 045 (p. 170)
Set 10 Problem 47: A vertical sag parabolic curve is to connect a -2% grade to a +4% grade. The change in grade per meter station is to be 0.3%. The PT of the curve is at station 22 + 445 and at elevation 12.84 m.
What is the elevation of the PC of the curve?
8.84 (p. 170)
Set 10 Problem 54: A 12° simple curve is to be designed for a maximum speed of 80 kph. What is the required super elevation, in percent, if the coefficient of friction between tires and the pavement is 0.30?
Set 10 Problem 55: A series of perpendicular offsets were taken from a straight line to a curve boundary line. These offsets were taken 8 m apart and were taken in the following order: 2.4 m, 3.6 m, 1.8 m, 1.5 m, and 3.8 m. Compute the area bounded by the straight line and the curve between the given offset intervals using Simpson’s One Third Rule.
80.53 m^2
Set 10 Problem 56: Two parallel tangents 6 m apart are to be connected by a reversed curve with central angle of 8°. The radius of the first curve is 280 m and the P.C. is at station 12 + 120.40.
Find the radius of the second curve.
337 m
Set 10 Problem 57: Two parallel tangents 6 m apart are to be connected by a reversed curve with central angle of 8°. The radius of the first curve is 280 m and the P.C. is at station 12 + 120.40.
Find the stationing of the PT.
12 + 206.55
Set 10 Problem 58: Two parallel tangents 6 m apart are to be connected by a reversed curve with central angle of 8°. The radius of the first curve is 280 m and the P.C. is at station 12 + 120.40.
Find the chord length of PC from PT.
86 m
Set 10 Problem 59: A 60 m x 60 m square lot is to be divided into 9 square sections. The following are the elevations of the ground surface at the corners of each square section of the lot.
(p. 12)
Find the volume of the earthworks excavated using the unit area method if the ground surface is to be leveled at elevation 6 m.
7,940 m^3 (p. 172)
Set 10 Problem 66: A car traveling at 40 mph when the driver sees an obstruction at a certain distance ahead. The driver applies the brakes immediately (perception time is 3 seconds), and begins slowing the car at 6 m/sec². If the distance from the stopping point to the obstruction is 5 m, how far was the car from the obstruction upon perception?
85.28 m (p. 173)