Week 10 Flashcards


In order to most effectively address the discomfort of limited oral fluid intake for a patient in the latter stages of the dying process, the nurse should:
Select one:
a. offer ice chips each time the patient is visited
b. provide mouth care at least every 2 hours
c. Give them mouth swabs to suck on
d. provide the patient frequent sips of a favourite beverage
e. moisten the patient’s lips with an appropriate water-based lubricant


In order to most effectively address the discomfort of limited oral fluid intake for a patient in the latter stages of the dying process, the nurse should:
Select one:
a. offer ice chips each time the patient is visited
b. provide mouth care at least every 2 hours*
c. Give them mouth swabs to suck on
d. provide the patient frequent sips of a favourite beverage
e. moisten the patient’s lips with an appropriate water-based lubricant

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To promote comfort for the terminally ill patient specific to nausea and vomiting, the nurse should:
Select one:
a. provide prompt mouth care
b. Give them moral support
c. increase the fluid intake
d. administer narcotics as required
e. offer a high-residue diet
To promote comfort for the terminally ill patient specific to nausea and vomiting, the nurse should:
Select one:
a. provide prompt mouth care*
b. Give them moral support
c. increase the fluid intake
d. administer narcotics as required
e. offer a high-residue diet
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A patient has been diagnosed with terminal cancer of the liver and is receiving chemotherapy in a medical unit. In an in-depth conversation with the nurse, the patient states, ‘I wonder why this happened to me.’ According to Kübler-Ross, the nurse identifies that this stage is associated with:
Select one:
a. Anxiety
b. Confrontation
c. Depression
d. None of the above
e. Denial
A patient has been diagnosed with terminal cancer of the liver and is receiving chemotherapy in a medical unit. In an in-depth conversation with the nurse, the patient states, ‘I wonder why this happened to me.’ According to Kübler-Ross, the nurse identifies that this stage is associated with:
Select one:
a. Anxiety
b. Confrontation
c. Depression
d. None of the above
e. Denial*
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Which one of the following refers to the emotional and behavioural response to the death of a loved one or loss of something highly valued?
Select one:
a. Grief
b. Last rites
c. Bereavement
d. Mourning
e. Last offices
Which one of the following refers to the emotional and behavioural response to the death of a loved one or loss of something highly valued?
Select one:
a. Grief*
b. Last rites
c. Bereavement
d. Mourning
e. Last offices
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A terminally ill patient tells the nurse that he needs ‘to tell someone what I want when the end comes’. Which of the following is the nurse’s most therapeutic response?
Select one:
a. ‘If you haven’t discussed your feelings with your family yet, I’d suggest you do that when they
visit this evening.’
b. ‘We can talk about that now if you want to. Let me close the door and pull up a chair.’
c. ‘Let me finish with my patient care, I’ll be back in 10 minutes, and we can talk for as long as you need to.’
d. ‘I imagine you would like to discuss matters with your doctor. I’ll let him know you want to talk.’
e. Well you’re on a bit of a downer today aren’t you


A terminally ill patient tells the nurse that he needs ‘to tell someone what I want when the end comes’. Which of the following is the nurse’s most therapeutic response?
Select one:
a. ‘If you haven’t discussed your feelings with your family yet, I’d suggest you do that when they visit this evening.’
b. ‘We can talk about that now if you want to. Let me close the door and pull up a chair.’*
c. ‘Let me finish with my patient care, I’ll be back in 10 minutes, and we can talk for as long as you need to.’
d. ‘I imagine you would like to discuss matters with your doctor. I’ll let him know you want to talk.’
e. Well you’re on a bit of a downer today aren’t you

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An identified outcome for the family of a patient with a terminal illness is that they will be able to provide psychological support to the dying patient. To assist the family to meet this outcome, the nurse plans to include in the teaching plan:
Select one:
a. demonstration of bathing techniques
b. recognition of the patient’s needs and fears
c. When to ask for pain relief
d. information on when to contact the hospice nurse
e. application of oxygen devices


An identified outcome for the family of a patient with a terminal illness is that they will be able to provide psychological support to the dying patient. To assist the family to meet this outcome, the nurse plans to include in the teaching plan:
Select one:
a. demonstration of bathing techniques
b. recognition of the patient’s needs and fears*
c. When to ask for pain relief
d. information on when to contact the hospice nurse
e. application of oxygen devices

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Which of the following is the primary concern of the nurse providing care to a dying patient? The nurse should:
Select one:
a. promote dignity and self-esteem in as many interventions as possible
b. intervene in the patient’s activities of daily living and promote as near-normal functions as possible
c. To include their family in everything that the nurse does
d. promote optimism in the patient and be a source of encouragement
e. allow the patient to be alone and expect isolation on the part of the dying person


Which of the following is the primary concern of the nurse providing care to a dying patient? The nurse should:
Select one:
a. promote dignity and self-esteem in as many interventions as possible*
b. intervene in the patient’s activities of daily living and promote as near-normal functions as possible
c. To include their family in everything that the nurse does
d. promote optimism in the patient and be a source of encouragement
e. allow the patient to be alone and expect isolation on the part of the dying person

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The son of a patient in the initial stage of the dying process is concerned that ‘Mum just isn’t eating much.’ The nurse responds most therapeutically by answering:
Select one:
a. ‘We can offer her frequent, small portions of her favourite foods. Can you suggest some things she might enjoy?’
b. She doesn’t need as much to eat because she isn’t hopping out of bed any more
c. ‘Her body systems are beginning to shut down and she just doesn’t need as much food.’
d. ‘Her pain medication may be making her nauseated. Has she complained or been vomiting?’
e. ‘Right now solid foods are not as important as drinking. Just be sure she continues to take in plenty of fluids.’


The son of a patient in the initial stage of the dying process is concerned that ‘Mum just isn’t eating much.’ The nurse responds most therapeutically by answering:
Select one:
a. ‘We can offer her frequent, small portions of her favourite foods. Can you suggest some things she might enjoy?’*
b. She doesn’t need as much to eat because she isn’t hopping out of bed any more
c. ‘Her body systems are beginning to shut down and she just doesn’t need as much food.’
d. ‘Her pain medication may be making her nauseated. Has she complained or been vomiting?’
e. ‘Right now solid foods are not as important as drinking. Just be sure she continues to take in plenty of fluids.’

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When the nurse is caring for a terminal ill patient in the final stages of the death process, the patient’s daughter asks, ‘Why are you putting drops in Dad’s eyes?’ The nurse responds most accurately by telling the daughter:
Select one:
a. ‘They are artificial tears that will keep his eyes from becoming dry and painful.’
b. These are prescribed by the Dr and I have to give them
c. ‘The drops will keep the corneas moist since you have agreed to donate them.’
d. ‘They were prescribed for him, but I won’t instil them if you prefer that I don’t.’
e. ‘His blinking reflex is gone and these drops lubricate his corneas.


When the nurse is caring for a terminal ill patient in the final stages of the death process, the patient’s daughter asks, ‘Why are you putting drops in Dad’s eyes?’ The nurse responds most accurately by telling the daughter:
Select one:
a. ‘They are artificial tears that will keep his eyes from becoming dry and painful.’*
b. These are prescribed by the Dr and I have to give them
c. ‘The drops will keep the corneas moist since you have agreed to donate them.’
d. ‘They were prescribed for him, but I won’t instil them if you prefer that I don’t.’
e. ‘His blinking reflex is gone and these drops lubricate his corneas.

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A newly graduated nurse is assigned to his first dying patient. The nurse is best prepared to care for this patient if he:
Select one:
a. Is able to isolate his emotions from those around him
b. understands the importance of grief and bereavement
c. is able to control his own emotions about death
d. has completed a course dealing with death and dying
e. has experienced the death of a loved one


A newly graduated nurse is assigned to his first dying patient. The nurse is best prepared to care for this patient if he:
Select one:
a. Is able to isolate his emotions from those around him
b. understands the importance of grief and bereavement*
c. is able to control his own emotions about death
d. has completed a course dealing with death and dying
e. has experienced the death of a loved one

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