Chapter 41: America Confronts the Post-Cold War Era, 1992-2004 Flashcards

  1. What is likely to be the enduring legacy of Bill Clinton in American politics? Did the focus on his personality and the scandals leading to impeachment drastically alter the way he is likely to be viewed by future historians, or will his economic policies and his political success in steering the Democratic Party toward the political center be viewed as substantive achievements outweighing the weaknesses?

Bill Clinton will most likely be remembered for his affair with Monica Lewinski. For example, when “Bill Clinton” is typed into the YouTube search bar, immediately videos relating to his sex scandal appear. The media can be ruthless and has a tendency to focus on the negative actions of Presidents rather than the positive, no matter which political party they are from. The focus on his scandals certainly did contribute to how he is and will be viewed by historians. However, so much more goes into a historian’s file than simply scandals; Clinton will also be remembered in part for his political successes, especially through his many attempts to remedy his reputation through donations. When the generation that remembers his scandal dies, it probably won’t seem as central to his presidency.

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  1. Compare and contrast American foreign policy at the beginning of the twentieth century to that of the beginning of the twenty-first century. What differences are there? Are there any similarities?

At the beginning of the twentieth century, American foreign policy was an imperial power, particularly in Latin America. For example, the US annexed Hawaii and fought with Spain for Cuba. After World War I, however, the US became more isolated in its foreign policy. At the beginning of the 21st century, the War on Terror began, and became a major part of American foreign policy. Since the dawn of the 21st century and the end of the Cold War, the US has been a dominant superpower with a large say in the affairs of many countries. Similarities between the 20th and 21st century include intervention. The US is has used military force in both cases, but the motivations are different. In the 20th century, Americans held more of a self focused viewpoint. In the 21st century, Americans have more of an empathetic, global viewpoint, and the motivations have more to do with other countries, though there are still selfish incentives.

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  1. How successful was America in punishing the attackers of 9/11? Was America’s war on terror a success or failure? Why or why not?

Republicans would say that the War on Terror has been a success; Democrats would say that the War on Terror has been a failure. Liberals would argue that the war has been a failure because it is still ongoing, extremism has increased in the Middle East, and ISIL has arisen since. Conservatives would argue that it has been a success because Osama Bin Ladin has been taken out and there has not been another attack of the magnitude of 9/11 on the US. Therefore, based on the definition one chooses to take of “success,” the answers are different. If one were to look at the status of the Middle East as a result of the War on Terror, it would no doubt be regarded as a failure. If the lens turned to the U.S., the War on Terror would be more successful, except for occasions such as the Boston bombing.

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  1. What is likely to be the enduring legacy of George W. Bush in American politics? How will American history view his presidency; great, good, fair, or poor? Justify and support your answers.

Based on the current position of many Americans, George Bush seems to be regarded as a poor to good President, depending on the person’s viewpoint. Because Bush’s administration was prior to Obama’s, Bush is blamed for many of America’s problems. Many are upset over the economic failures that occurred during his Presidency as well as the results of the War on Terror. However, many conservatives appreciate his tax reforms, attempts to ban gay marriage, and firm stance against the terror threat.

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