51 Special Revision 1 - 500 (3) E-S Flashcards
to fail, to miss, to go wrong
You missed.
We failed.
The experiment failed.
Our project failed.
You just failed.
It was your mistake.
All of our attempts failed.
El experimento falló.
Nuestro proyecto falló.
Acabas de fallar.
Fue tu fallo.
Todos nuestros intentos fallaron.
to be lacking
is anything missing
my mistake
This was missing.
Nothing is missing.
There is a fork missing.
We are short of money.
How many spoons are missing?
He lacks experience.
there is plenty of time yet
falta algo?
Mi falta!
Esto faltaba.
Nada falta.
Falta un tenedor.
Nos falta dinero.
¿Cuántas cucharas faltan?
Le falta experiencia.
falta mucho todavia
to know for a fact, to be sure, to be listed in, to be recorded in, to consist of, to comprise, to be made up of
I know for a fact that the council has acepted bribes from the construction company.
.We’re sure you’ll be successful in whatever you decide to do.
The father’s name doesn’t appear on her birth certificate.
Dr. Villalpando appears in the directory of the hospital.
Esta novela consta de tres partes.
It’s clear that it’s so.
El comité consta de ocho miembros.
Me consta que el ayuntamiento ha aceptado sobornos de la constructora.
Nos consta que tendrás éxito en lo que te propongas.
El nombre del padre no consta en su partida de nacimiento.
Dr. Villalpando consta en el directorio del hospital.
This novel consists of three parts.
Consta que es así.
The committee consists of eight members.
To check, to examine to revise (text) to review (legal)
Let me check
He was checking a ticket.
I’ll check my schedule.
Check your pockets.
Let’s check the map.
I’m reviewing his report.
Dejame revisar (2nd Pers Imperative)
Revisaba un billete.
Revisaré mi horario.
Revisen sus bolsillos.
Revisemos el mapa. 1st Pers Plural Imperative
Estoy revisando su informe.
to lack, to be in need of, to not have
carecer (de)
He lacks common sense.
He is devoid of experiences.
I find no logic in his argument.
we don’t lack for money; we’re not short of money;
Carece de sentido común.
Él carece de experiencias.
Su argumento carece de lógica.
no carecemos de dinero
shortage, scarcity, deficiency (medicine)
la carencia
The scarcity of oil and natural gas
a total lack of economic resources;
to make up for vitamin deficiencies;
La carencia de crudo y gas natural
una carencia absoluta de recursos económicos
para compensar las carencias vitamínicas to make up for vitamin deficiencies;
to correct
to turn to (a person), to go to, to resort to
I can always turn to my father for advice.
I had no one to turn to.
He went to his sister for help with his homework.
The tyrant resorted to terror and violence to stay in power.
You should not resort to drinking.
She needs someone to turn to for advice.
I was called on in English class.
Siempre puedo recurrir a mi padre en busca de consejo.
No tenía a nadie a quien recurrir.
Recurrió a su hermana para que le diera ayuda con su tarea.
El tirano recurrió al terror y violencia para mantenerse en el poder.
No deberías recurrir al trago.
Ella necesita recurrir a alguien que la aconseje.
Recurrieron a mí en la clase de inglés.
to inform, to notify,
We have to inform the authorities.
The secretary will send a letter to notify you.
Tenemos que enterar a las autoridades.
La secretaria le enviará una carta para enterarle.
to find out about, to hear, to understand
.I will find out the truth no matter what.
I just found out from my neighbor and came as quickly as possible.
to notice
I didn’t even notice you had come in.
Me enteraré de la verdad pase lo que pase
Acabo de enterarme por mi vecina y he venido tan deprisa como he podido.
Ni me enteré de que habías entrado.
To hide, to conceal
What did you hide?
What’s he hiding?
What are you trying to hide?
Where is it hidden?
He hid the gifts under the bed.
There’s no way to conceal your wrinkles.
¿Qué ocultaste?
¿Qué está ocultando?
¿Qué intentáis ocultar?
¿Dónde se oculta?
Ocultó los regalos debajo de la cama.
No hay forma de ocultar las arrugas.
to hide oneself
Are they hiding?
¿Están escondidos?
I will hide it.
You can’t hide yourself from the world.
I’d like to know what hides beneath that facade of respectability.
Lo esconderé.
No puedes esconderte del mundo.
Quisiera saber qué se esconde detrás de esa fachada de respetabilidad.
to keep quiet, to be quiet, to shut up
I am silent.
We’d better keep quiet and hope it doesn’t happen again.
Be quiet and let me think
Shut up! You’ve already said enough
Estoy callado.
Mejor callar y esperar que no se repita.
Calla y déjame pensar.
¡Calla! Ya has dicho suficiente.
to defeat
to exhaust
This job exhausts me!
The Mexicans defeated the French army in the Battle of Puebla.
to exhaust
¡Este trabajo me rinde!
Los mexicanos rindieron al ejército frances en la Batalla de Puebla.
to produce
The recipe produces enough for four people.
La receta rinde suficiente para cuatro personas.