Great Gatsby: Chapter 7 Flashcards



  • Daisy is now part of Gatsby’s life and Gatsby no longer has to hold lavish parties in the hopes of attracting her attention
  • Gatsby dismisses all his staff and servants to prevent gossip
  • Daisy invites Nick and Gatsby over for lunch
  • Daisy kisses Gatsby when Tom is out of the room
  • Tom realised that there’s something going on between Gatsby and Daisy
  • Tom is outraged
  • Tom agrees to go to the city, as Daisy suggested
  • Tom insists on driving Gatsby’s yellow car
  • Tom stops at Wilson’s garage as the car is low on fuel
  • He learns that Wilson has found out that Myrtle is having an affair and plans to get out of town w Myrtle
  • Myrtle has been locked upstairs by Wilson
  • Myrtle sees Jordan Baker in the car and is insanely jealous, thinking that it is Tom’s wife
  • Daisy, Tom, Nick, Jordan and Gatsby rent a suite in the Plaza Hotel
  • Tom verbally attacks Gatsby, questioning about his past and his involvement w Daisy
  • Gatsby stands up to Tom, saying Daisy loves him and never loved Tom
  • Gatsby makes Daisy say the same thing but she says it without complete sincerity
  • She confesses that she loved Tom in the past and asks Gatsby why it’s not good enough that she loves him now
  • Daisy is unwilling to leave Tom because of the status and security he offers her
  • Daisy drives Gatsby’s car back
  • Myrtle sees the car and runs towards it, thinking Tom is inside
  • Daisy hits Myrtle and keeps on driving, despite Gatsby trying to make her stop
  • Gatsby decides he will take the blame for Myrtle’s death
  • Tom learns that Myrtle had been killed by a yellow car
  • Tom believes it was Gatsby that killed Myrtle and kept on driving
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