1. Which of the following procedures concerning accounts
    receivable would an auditor most likely perform to obtain
    evidence in support of an assessed level of control risk below
    the maximum?
    a. Observing an entity’s employee prepare the schedule
    of past due accounts receivable.
    b. Sending confi rmation requests to an entity’s principal
    customers to verify the existence of accounts
    c. Inspecting an entity’s analysis of accounts receivable
    for unusual balances.
    d. Comparing an entity’s uncollectible accounts expense
    to actual uncollectible accounts receivable.
  1. (a) The requirement is to identify the accounts
    receivable auditing procedure that an auditor would most
    likely perform to obtain support for an assessed level of
    control risk below the maximum. Since an auditor uses the
    results of tests of controls to support an assessed level of
    control risk below the maximum, we are attempting to identify
    a test of a control. Answer (a) is correct because observing an
    entity’s employee prepare the schedule of past due accounts
    receivable is a test of a control to evaluate the effectiveness
    the process of preparing an accurate schedule of past due
    accounts; if the process is found to be effective it may lead to
    a reduction in the assessed level of control risk. Answer (b) is
    incorrect because the confi rmation of accounts receivable is a
    substantive test, not a test of a control. Answer (c) is incorrect
    because the inspection of accounts receivable for unusual
    balances and comparing uncollectible accounts expense to
    actual accounts expense is ordinarily an analytical procedure
    performed as a substantive test. Answer (d) is incorrect
    because comparing uncollectible accounts expense to actual
    uncollectible accounts is ordinarily a substantive test
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  1. Which of the following procedures would an auditor
    most likely perform to test controls relating to management’s
    assertion about the completeness of cash receipts for cash sales
    at a retail outlet?
    a. Observe the consistency of the employees’ use of cash
    registers and tapes.
    b. Inquire about employees’ access to recorded but
    undeposited cash.
    c. Trace deposits in the cash receipts journal to the cash
    balance in the general ledger.
    d. Compare the cash balance in the general ledger with
    the bank confi rmation request.
  1. (a) The requirement is to identify the procedure an
    auditor most likely would perform to test controls relating
    to management’s assertion about the completeness of cash
    receipts for cash sales at a retail outlet. Answer (a) is correct
    because the use of cash registers and tapes helps assure that
    all such sales are recorded. Answer (b) is incorrect because
    the cash has already been recorded. Answer (c) is incorrect
    because the procedure only deals with recorded deposits,
    and therefore the completeness assertion is not addressed
    as directly as in answer (a). Answer (d) is incorrect because
    one would not expect the cash balance in the general
    ledger to agree with the bank confi rmation request amount
    due to items in transit and outstanding at the point of
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  1. Sound internal control dictates that immediately upon
    receiving checks from customers by mail, a responsible
    employee should
    a. Add the checks to the daily cash summary.
    b. Verify that each check is supported by a prenumbered
    sales invoice.
    c. Prepare a duplicate listing of checks received.
    d. Record the checks in the cash receipts journal
  1. (c) The requirement is to identify the proper procedure
    to be performed immediately upon receipt of checks by
    mail. Sound internal control requires the use of adequate
    documentation to ensure that all transactions are properly
    recorded. This helps the company attain the fi nancial statement
    assertion of completeness. Answer (c) is correct because the
    preparation of a duplicate listing of checks received provides
    the company with a source document of all the checks
    received that day. One list is then forwarded to the employee
    responsible for depositing the checks at the end of the day and
    the other list is sent to the accounting department so that they
    can post the amount to the cash receipts journal. Answer (a)
    is incorrect because the daily cash summary will ordinarily
    be prepared at the end of the day when all checks have been
    received. Answer (b) is incorrect because checks need not be
    compared to a sales invoice. Answer (d) is incorrect because
    the employee opening the mail should not also perform the
    recordkeeping function of recording the checks in the cash
    receipts journal
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  1. To obtain audit evidence about control risk, an auditor
    selects tests from a variety of techniques including
    a. Inquiry.
    b. Analytical procedures.
    c. Calculation.
    d. Confi rmation.
  1. (a) The requirement is to identify an approach that
    auditors use to obtain audit evidence about control risk.
    Answer (a) is correct because auditors test controls to provide
    evidence for their assessment of control risk through inquiries
    of appropriate personnel, inspection of documents and records,
    observation of the application of controls, and reperformance
    of the application of the policy or procedure. Answers (b),
    (c), and (d) are incorrect because analytical procedures,
    calculation, and confi rmation relate more directly to
    substantive testing and are not primary methods to test controls
    for purposes of assessing control risk.
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  1. Which of the following is least likely to be evidence the
    auditor examines to determine whether controls are operating
    a. Records documenting usage of computer programs.
    b. Canceled supporting documents.
    c. Confi rmations of accounts receivable.
    d. Signatures on authorization forms.
  1. (c) The requirement is to identify the least likely type
    of evidence the auditor will examine to determine whether
    controls are operating effectively. Answer (c) is correct
    because confi rmation of accounts receivable is a substantive
    test, not a test of a control. Answer (a) is incorrect because
    records documenting the usage of computer programs may be
    tested to determine whether access is appropriately controlled.
    Answer (b) is incorrect because examining canceled
    supporting documents may help the auditor to determine
    that the structure will not allow duplicate billing to result in
    multiple payments. Answer (d) is incorrect because proper
    signatures will help the auditor to determine whether the
    authorization controls are functioning adequately.
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  1. Tracing shipping documents to prenumbered sales
    invoices provides evidence that
    a. No duplicate shipments or billings occurred.
    b. Shipments to customers were properly invoiced.
    c. All goods ordered by customers were shipped.
    d. All prenumbered sales invoices were accounted for.
  1. (b) The requirement is to determine the type of
    evidence obtained when tracing shipping documents to
    prenumbered sales invoices. Answer (b) is correct because
    the shipping documents relate to shipments to customers,
    and tracing them to sales invoices will provide evidence on
    whether sales invoices were prepared. Answer (a) is incorrect because duplicate shipments or billings will not in general
    be detected by tracing individual shipping documents to
    prenumbered sales invoices. Answer (c) is incorrect because an
    auditor will trace from customer orders to shipping documents
    to determine whether all goods ordered were shipped.
    Answer (d) is incorrect because an auditor will account for
    the sequence of sales invoices to determine whether all sale
    invoices were accounted for
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  1. Which of the following controls most likely would
    reduce the risk of diversion of customer receipts by an entity’s
    a. A bank lockbox system.
    b. Prenumbered remittance advices.
    c. Monthly bank reconciliations.
    d. Daily deposit of cash receipts.
  1. (a) The requirement is to identify the control most
    likely to reduce the risk of diversion of customer receipts
    by an entity’s employees. Answer (a) is correct because a
    bank lockbox system eliminates employee contact with cash
    receipts, and thereby greatly reduces the risk of diversion by
    employees. Answer (b) is incorrect because remittance advices
    are ordinarily prenumbered using the numbering schemes
    of the various customers and not of the client; also, even if
    a prenumbering system is instituted, diffi culties remain in
    assuring that all receipts are recorded. Answer (c) is incorrect
    because a monthly bank reconciliation is only likely to be
    effective when receipts are deposited and then abstracted.
    Answer (d) is incorrect because while the daily deposit of cash
    receipts may reduce the risk of employee diversion of receipts,
    the procedure is not as effective as the bank lockbox system,
    which eliminates employee contact with the receipts.
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  1. An auditor suspects that a client’s cashier is misappropriating
    cash receipts for personal use by lapping customer checks
    received in the mail. In attempting to uncover this embezzlement
    scheme, the auditor most likely would compare the
    a. Dates checks are deposited per bank statements with
    the dates remittance credits are recorded.
    b. Daily cash summaries with the sums of the cash
    receipts journal entries.
    c. Individual bank deposit slips with the details of the
    monthly bank statements.
    d. Dates uncollectible accounts are authorized to be
    written off with the dates the write-offs are actually
  1. (a) The requirement is to identify the best listed
    procedure for detecting the lapping of cash receipts by the
    client’s cashier through use of customer checks received in
    the mail. Answer (a) is correct because lapping will result
    in a delay in the recording of specifi c remittance credits on
    the fi nancial records, but the checks will be deposited in the
    bank as they are received. Answer (b) is incorrect because the
    daily cash summaries will include the same sums as the cash
    receipts journal entries. Answer (c) is incorrect because the
    bank deposit slips will be identical to any details included in
    the monthly bank statements. Answer (d) is incorrect because
    while the write-off of a receivable may help the individual
    involved in the lapping to avoid repayment, no lag is to be
    expected between authorization of the write-off and the date it
    is actually recorded.
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  1. Which of the following controls most likely would
    assure that all billed sales are correctly posted to the accounts
    receivable ledger?
    a. Daily sales summaries are compared to daily postings
    to the accounts receivable ledger.
    b. Each sales invoice is supported by a prenumbered
    shipping document.
    c. The accounts receivable ledger is reconciled daily to
    the control account in the general ledger.
    d. Each shipment on credit is supported by a
    prenumbered sales invoice.
  1. (a) The requirement is to identify the control that most
    likely would assure that all billed sales are correctly posted to
    the accounts receivable ledger. Answer (a) is correct because
    the daily sales summary will include all “billed” sales for
    a particular day. Comparing this summary to the postings
    to the accounts receivable ledger will provide evidence
    on whether billed sales are correctly posted. Answer (b)
    is incorrect because comparing sales invoices to shipping
    documents provides evidence on whether invoiced sales have
    been shipped. Answer (c) is incorrect because reconciling
    the accounts receivable ledger to the control account will
    not provide assurance that all billed sales were posted in that
    both the receivable ledger and the control account may have
    omitted the sales. Answer (d) is incorrect because comparing
    shipments with sales invoices provides evidence on whether all
    shipments have been invoiced, not on whether all billed sales
    are correctly posted.
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  1. An auditor tests an entity’s policy of obtaining credit
    approval before shipping goods to customers in support of
    management’s fi nancial statement assertion of
    a. Valuation or allocation.
    b. Completeness.
    c. Existence or occurrence.
    d. Rights and obligations.
  1. (a) The requirement is to determine the fi nancial
    statement assertion being most directly tested when an auditor
    tests an entity’s policy of obtaining credit approval before
    shipping goods to customers. Answer (a) is correct because
    testing credit approval helps assure that goods are shipped
    to customers who are likely to be able to pay; accordingly
    the valuation assertion for receivables is being directly
    tested. Answer (b) is incorrect because completeness deals
    with whether all transactions and accounts are recorded.
    Answer (c) is incorrect because existence deals with whether
    assets exist at a given date and whether recorded transactions
    have occurred during a given period. Answer (d) is incorrect
    because rights and obligations deal with whether assets are
    the rights of the entity and liabilities are the obligations of the
    entity at a given date.
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  1. Which of the following controls most likely would
    help ensure that all credit sales transactions of an entity are
    a. The billing department supervisor sends copies of
    approved sales orders to the credit department for
    comparison to authorized credit limits and current
    customer account balances.
    b. The accounting department supervisor independently
    reconciles the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger to
    the accounts receivable control account monthly.
    c. The accounting department supervisor controls the
    mailing of monthly statements to customers and
    investigates any differences reported by customers.
    d. The billing department supervisor matches
    prenumbered shipping documents with entries in the
    sales journal.
  1. (d) The requirement is to identify the control that most
    likely would help ensure that all credit sales transactions
    are recorded. Answer (d) is correct because the matching
    of shipping documents with entries in the sales journal
    will provide assurance that all shipped items (sales) have
    been completely recorded. Answer (a) is incorrect because
    comparison of approved sales orders to authorized credit
    limits and balances will help ensure that customer credit
    limits are not exceeded, rather than the complete recording
    of credit sales. Answer (b) is incorrect because reconciliation of the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger to the accounts
    receivable control account will provide only a limited amount
    of control over the complete recording of sales. The control
    is incomplete since, for example, a sale that has not been
    recorded in either the subsidiary or control accounts will
    not be detected. Answer (c) is incorrect because monthly
    statements generally will not be sent to customers to whom no
    sales have been recorded.
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  1. Which of the following controls most likely would be
    effective in offsetting the tendency of sales personnel to
    maximize sales volume at the expense of high bad debt
    a. Employees responsible for authorizing sales and bad
    debt write-offs are denied access to cash.
    b. Shipping documents and sales invoices are matched
    by an employee who does not have authority to write
    off bad debts.
    c. Employees involved in the credit-granting function are
    separated from the sales function.
    d. Subsidiary accounts receivable records are reconciled
    to the control account by an employee independent of
    the authorization of credit.
  1. (c) The requirement is to identify the control that will
    be most effective in offsetting the tendency of sales personnel
    to maximize sales volume at the expense of high bad debt
    write-offs. Answer (c) is correct because segregation of the
    authorization of credit from the sales function will allow an
    independent review of the creditworthiness of customers.
    Answer (a) is incorrect because while denying access to cash
    by employees responsible for sales and bad debt write-offs
    may deter embezzlements, the problem of high bad debt
    write-offs is likely to remain. Answer (b) is incorrect because
    while so segregating the matching of shipping documents and
    sales invoices may help assure that items are shipped properly
    and subsequently recorded, it will not signifi cantly affect bad
    debts. Answer (d) is incorrect because while independent
    reconciliation of control and subsidiary accounts receivable
    records may defer embezzlements, bad debt write-offs will not
    be affected.
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  1. With properly designed internal control, the same
    employee most likely would match vendors’ invoices with
    receiving reports and also
    a. Post the detailed accounts payable records.
    b. Recompute the calculations on vendors’ invoices.
    c. Reconcile the accounts payable ledger.
    d. Cancel vendors’ invoices after payment
  1. (b) The requirement is to identify the function that is
    consistent with matching vendors’ invoices with receiving
    reports. Answer (b) is correct because while matching
    invoices and receiving reports, the employee might effectively
    recompute the calculations on the vendors’ invoices to
    determine that the amounts are proper. Answers (a) and (c)
    are incorrect. The individual who matches the invoices and
    receiving reports will often also approve them for payment.
    Therefore, this individual should not also post accounts
    payable records or reconcile the accounts payable ledger.
    Answer (d) is incorrect because the individual who controls
    the signing of the checks should cancel the invoices after
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  1. An entity’s internal control requires for every check
    request that there be an approved voucher, supported by a
    prenumbered purchase order and a prenumbered receiving
    report. To determine whether checks are being issued for
    unauthorized expenditures, an auditor most likely would select
    items for testing from the population of all
    a. Purchase orders.
    b. Canceled checks.
    c. Receiving reports.
    d. Approved vouchers.
  1. (b) The requirement is to identify the population
    from which items should be selected to determine whether
    checks are being issued for unauthorized expenditures.
    Answer (b) is correct because a sample of canceled checks
    should be selected and compared with the approved
    vouchers, a prenumbered purchase order and prenumbered
    receiving reports. A canceled check that does not have
    such support may have been unauthorized. Answers (a),
    (c), and (d) are all incorrect because selecting items from
    purchase orders, receiving reports, or approved vouchers
    will not reveal circumstances in which a check was issued
    without that supporting document. For example, when
    selecting a sample from purchase orders, one would not
    discover a situation in which a check had been issued
    without a purchase order.
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  1. Which of the following questions would most likely be
    included in an internal control questionnaire concerning the
    completeness assertion for purchases?
    a. Is an authorized purchase order required before the
    receiving department can accept a shipment or the
    vouchers payable department can record a voucher?
    b. Are purchase requisitions prenumbered and
    independently matched with vendor invoices?
    c. Is the unpaid voucher fi le periodically reconciled with
    inventory records by an employee who does not have
    access to purchase requisitions?
    d. Are purchase orders, receiving reports, and vouchers
    prenumbered and periodically accounted for?
  1. (d) The requirement is to determine which question
    would most likely be included in an internal control
    questionnaire concerning the completeness assertion for
    purchases. Answer (d) is correct because prenumbering
    and accounting for purchase orders, receiving reports, and
    vouchers will allow a company to determine that purchases are
    completely recorded. For example, in examining a receiving
    report the client might discover that the purchase was not
    recorded. Answer (a) is incorrect because requiring a purchase
    order before a shipment is accepted will address whether or not
    the shipment has been ordered. Answer (b) is incorrect because
    matching purchase requisitions with vendor invoices does not
    directly address whether the purchase is recorded. Answer (c)
    is incorrect because the unpaid voucher fi le represents items that have already been recorded, and thus will not directly
    address the completeness of the recording of purchases.
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  1. In assessing control risk for purchases, an auditor vouches
    a sample of entries in the voucher register to the supporting
    documents. Which assertion would this test of controls most
    likely support?
    a. Completeness.
    b. Existence or occurrence.
    c. Valuation or allocation.
    d. Rights and obligations.
  1. (b) The requirement is to determine the fi nancial
    statement assertion that a test of controls of vouching a sample
    of entries in the voucher register to the supporting documents
    most directly addresses. Answer (b) is correct because the
    existence or occurrence assertion addresses whether recorded
    entries are valid and the direction of this test is from the
    recorded entry in the voucher register to the supporting
    documents. Answer (a) is incorrect because completeness
    addresses whether all transactions and accounts are included
    and would involve tests tracing from support for purchases to the recorded entry. Answers (c) and (d) are incorrect because
    vouching the entries provides only limited evidence on
    valuation and rights
  1. Which of the following controls is not usually performed
    in the vouchers payable department?
    a. Matching the vendor’s invoice with the related
    receiving report.
    b. Approving vouchers for payment by having an
    authorized employee sign the vouchers.
    c. Indicating the asset and expense accounts to be debited.
    d. Accounting for unused prenumbered purchase orders
    and receiving reports
  1. (d) The requirement is to determine the control that is
    not usually performed in the vouchers payable department.
    Answer (d) is correct because the vouchers payable department
    will not in general have access to unused prenumbered
    purchase orders and receiving reports. Answer (a) is incorrect
    because the vouchers payable department will match the
    vendor’s invoice with the related receiving report to determine
    that the item for which the company has been billed has been
    received. Answer (b) is incorrect because the vouchers payable
    department will approve vouchers for payment when all
    documentation is proper and present. Answer (c) is incorrect
    because the vouchers payable department will code the
    voucher with accounts to be debited.