Autonomic nervous system Flashcards
regulates visceral functions by afferent and efferent fibers
maintain optimal homeostasis
Receptors: in wall of viscera and blood vessels
Afferent neurons: cell bodies in spinal and cranial ganglia
Efferent neurons: leave CNS via cranial nerves and ventral roots
preganglionic and postganglionic
Sympathetic: body responds to stressful situation, fight or flight
Parasympathetic: conservation and restoration of body energy
Localization of ganglia
Sympathetic: thoraco-lumbar -paravertebral- paired -prevertebral- unpaired Parasympathetic: cranio-sacral -near or in target organ
Preganglionic and postganglionic fibers
Symp: -preganglionic: short, Ach -postganglionic: long, NE Parasymp: -preganglionic: long, Ach -postganglionic: short, Ach
Parasympathetic ganglia
Ciliary ggl Pterygopalatine ggl Submandibular ggl Otic ggl Intramural ggl
Symptathetic ganglia
- superior cervical
- middle cervical
- inferior cervical
- celiac
- superior mesenteric
- inferior mesenteric
- extramural
- intramural
White communicating ramus
anterior root to spinal nerve to sympathetic trunk
Grey communicating ramus
from sympathetic trunk back to spinal nerves as postganglionic fibers
Cutaneous innervation- vessels, sweat glands, erector pili m.
Superior cervical ganglion
sympathetic trunk
carotid plexus to head + heart
Inferior cervical ganglion
sympathetic trunk
to subclavian plexus- heart, lungs
Sympathetic fibers from upper thoracic segments
Run through sympathtic trunk to celiac, SMA ggl and synapse there
Run with greater + smaller splanchnic nerves
Parasympathetic fibers from sacral segments
run with pelvic nerve
to ganglia in wall of organs of lower body