Business Change Agent Flashcards


A change agent creates tension

Causing tension is the foundation of the change agent’s no-one-is-going-to-die attitude.

A change agent t literally walks into and around businesses and his clients businesses and asks,

“What can we change?”
“What can we do to make it better?”

Change agents look for change everywhere they go.

Ie- Bar Rescue

Change agents don’t wait for change before they sell it or it never happens- inertia, fear, effort, whining, excuses about what the can’t do.


A change agent lives and loves to create tension.

Do I love to cause tension?

No. One. Is. Going. To. Die. From the changes you make.

Your business might die but that’s b/c it was barely breathing n wouldn’t pass the mirror test.

And business Change is challenging by not reckless, irresponsible and careless. Lives are not on the line but livelihoods are.

If change isn’t successful and its preceding tension is not created,
Jobs will be lost
Mortgages unpaid
Retirement funds and college fund affected

Driving change; creating tension is serious business

I’m playing with my future too, my reputation too

You can’t play it safe; its ready , fire, aim. All hands on deck. Balls to the wall. Push like crazy, push hard, be persistent.

If change is the right thing to do, urgency is needed, tension is created. Stand behind what you do and push things to the edge of the table.

No one will die.

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Why wouldn’t you want to change?

Instead of why would I change?
Why wouldn’t you want a horseless carriage?

Change agents ask differs questions.
Change agent change the questions

What we’re doing now isn’t working. What would you keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

Change agents say, what we’re doing now isn’t right and I am going to change it

That is an owners attitude. Must be.


People need to be reminded, aware of all the inconveniences of their current horse shit.

The limitations, the pain in the butt aspects of current reality.

Really they need to be reminded of their venturesome-ness.

Where’s the hero? The adventurer? The entrepreneurial spirit? What happened? Who stepped in their air hose?

Change agents ask venturesome questions:

“Why would you put up with the limitations, crap, inconveniences of current way of doing things?”

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Change is risky and hard. Facing reality is a challenge.

Change agents welcome fear

Fear stops most change and is the first obstacle to help people overcome.

See reality…”why wouldn’t you change given the crap your standing in?”

Welcome the fear, then the venturesome spirit, then be willing to become a beginner again.

Resist “I know!” Welcome “ I’m willing to learn, listen, understand I don’t know what I don’t know.”


Be willing to become a beginner again to get past your 3 seconds of fear.

Be a blank slate and be willing to listen, look and learn.

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What to do if change is urgent?

  1. Start thinking ahead
  2. Adapt your business in light if possible trends, circumstances
  3. Get in touch and anticipate your customers needs.
  4. Fund new and creative/better ways to serve and communicate with your customers
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Practice Drives Theory

If practice drives change and improvement, then the leaders job/role is to liberate practice.


Who are our absolutely best clients who do it, practice the principles

Those who don’t have best results, do t have best practices

It’s easier to act your way into a new way of thinking, than to think your way into a new way of acting.

Central issue is the elephant in the room- the resistance to acting and the preponderance if thinking.

We are better planners than doers. Triggers- Marshall Goldsmith.

It’s all about action(behaving differently) and consistency (relentless focus)

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Being a Resolute, and Impressive Empathy Leader


Bring resolute incorporates 2 closely related elements:

  1. Organizational focus on a few core priorities and persevering at getting better and better at accomplishing them.
  2. Stay the course in learning and Emphasing in developing and getting better and better on your own leadership and that of others
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Motivating the Masses

The hardest skill a change agent must learn

Motivating people is what Change is all about.

Experiencing is believing

You can’t make people change and rewards and punishments don’t work or are short lived.

The only thing that works is intrinsic motivation
and you have to get at it indirectly.


The big change problem/challenge is how to get people to put in the energy to improve a situation when lots don’t want to do it.

How do you get people to change their minds?

This is the crux and essence of change agents role.

Machiavelli had it right, “people are generally incredulous, never really trusting me ideas or things UNLESS they have tested them by experience.”

Grasping change involves giving, creating new experiences that end up enjoying intrinsically.

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What causes motivation to rise?


Helping people accomplish something they have never accomplished before causes motivation to increase deeply.

It is tantamount to passionate commitment which in turn is contagious to others.

Galvanizing motivation is the essential task of the change leader.

Thus us the potential rub and frustration but savvy change agents get this conflict and understand :

  1. Change is hard
  2. They can’t be successful without the collective commitment/motivation/ingenuity of the group. It’s a necessity!
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Under what conditions will intrinsic satisfaction and fulfilment rewards flourish?

  1. Strong sense of purpose- doing done if value, something meaningful, that matters
  2. Increased capacity- mastery, getting better at something important is intrinsically satisfying.
  3. A degree of autonomy so people can exercise judgment making headway
  4. Camaraderie- Being we’ll connected to others in pursuit of significant goals

How do we realize them? How do we unleash the energy and commitment of the group?

Change leaders must help create experiences that motivate people b/c they are emotionally meaningful to them

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How do you galvanize motivation when you have the direction right but people are skeptical whether it will happen or doubt it’s a good idea.


Motion Leadership

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Collaborate To Win

Multiply Capacity and Win


We are hardwired to influence and copy one another

The surprising power of networks.

Emotions, ideas, people are contagious

When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate one another.

The more connections in a group can:

  1. Reinforce behaviour
  2. Can ope up new behaviours
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How to build collaborative cultures

  1. Focus- set a small number of goals

Focus should Capture the main goals and strategy for getting there- if possible fewer than 10 words

  1. Form a guiding coalition

Leader and key leaders must be at Center of a coalition must be in agreement about the core goals and strategy AND be able to clearly and consistently communicate those goals.
Then progress doesn’t depend on one leader

  1. Aim for collective capacity building pg 114**

Teamwork is mandatory wow! I am part of their team really? Do they think/feel they are part of a team. No.

How to build/ create this.

  1. Work on individual capacity building
  2. Reap the benefits of collaborative competition
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3 Signs if Misery at Work

  1. Anonymity
  2. Irrelevance
  3. Immeasurement

Resolute leaders engaged in a dynamic change process while Building collaborative practice,

  1. Help create personal identity (eliminates anonymity)
  2. Creates collective meanjng(relevance)
  3. Then people become interested in results(measurements)

Which in turn creates more of all three

Knowing your impact is central to the 333’s above
And leaders never enjoy impact or influence if their clients aren’t finding it(impact) either.

Change leaders focus on small number of key things, doing them together well, and being transparent in lavishly communicating the practice and progress

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Because I’m responsible for learning and leading change, what does it take for me to be a master change leader?

Who else is responsible for change?

Our owners, our coaches- this is what we do if we do anything

Consultants? Advice givers or Master Morph agents- helping others become change masters

  1. Desire- do you want to be more responsive and responsible, more creative, more engaging and create more dynamic results.
  2. Commitment- am I will to do what it takes to create next level flexibility and adaptability knowing it will create more excitement and enthusiasm and energy for me and those I influence.
  3. Calling- this is engraved in my heart part of my purpose and wrapped in my identity. “I am a window that’s a door!”

Transformation- superhero Metamorpho

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The Art of Change Leadership


Understand where people are at in change cycle

Understand how people respond to change

Understand how to help them succeed in it
and inspire them to engage and embrace it

We need to be better at why people might be resistant to a specific direction

Understand how to shift them to be part of a change

Behavioural economics:
- Status quo bias
- loss aversion

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Change Leader keystone Approaches

Consistent vigilance on focusing on

  • the compelling future
  • the compelling opportunities
  • the change needed to take place around the world and in each city and each clinic.

See the need, see something needs to changed, and take consistent action to “make it so” (Picard)

Desire to

  • set a new standard
  • say no to status quo
  • create a better future

Added value to all stakeholders

  • customers
  • employees
  • investors
  • consultants


Building leadership and learning capacity - relates to Added Value

  • Disney U
  • platform Academy

Desire for mastery, to inspire change leadership and learning and energy

  • WOW…self assessment of
    1. What’s working
    2. Opportunities
    3. What’s next
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How do we shift people’s disempowering beliefs and behaviours to fully engaged and empowered ones?

People have different response for various reasons to change

This is the variable that requires the most focus, time, energy and skills.

People need to embrace and claim their new version of themselves

  • new roles
  • new capacities
  • new practices
  • new language
  1. Inspire and create a story, a compelling story where WE are the heroes.
  2. Belief that everyone is a change leader
  3. Shared leadership- everyone takes initiative
  4. Help people become more change adept.
    - new roles
    - new language…new lexicon that guides, inspires people to desire growth and newness, and expanded influence and impact.
    - new identity
    - new practices
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Hack The Status Quo


The differences between change managers and change leaders

Chart pg 61

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Influence is leadership and vice versa


Principles skills and practices that create quick, profound, and lasting change

This ability is called influence.

A leader is an influencer who have the capacity to influence other to change fheir behaviour in order to achieve NB results.


Dream Teams Insights

Cognitive diversity


How we roll

Frame the problem

  • routine?
  • breaking new ground

Cast for best possible team to contribute their mental toolkit

What group of people will give us the best shot at a breakthrough


Bringing Life to Change


Change can’t be slotted into neat increments or steps

It occurs in the tangled webs of relationships-the networks- that characterizes all living systems.

There are no simple phases or stages or easy to manipulate causal loops.

Most changes occur almost imperceptibly, invisibly, and quickly, concealed in density of interrelated connections.

How do living systems transform themselves? What are the processes it uses, goes thru?


Living systems Transformational Process

Big Idea

How life organizes and transforms

  1. The foundational reality is that every living being develops, changes, transforms b/c it has the freedom to create, recreate and preserve, protect itself.

Biology word is auto-poiesis! (Poetry)
Each of us us the author, writer of our own existence throughout our life span.

Freedom to choose is a inalienable biological condition of life itself.

People need to be creatively involved in how their work, our work gets done.

Thus freedom shuts up in many different ways:
- what we notice
- what disturbs us, disinterests us
- what gets our attention- not how loud, how often, rather if meaningful. This is a failure of shared significance not failure to communicate.


Recognizing the essential Freedom if All Livjng beings.

How life organizes and transforms

4 Freedom Practices

First, participation is not a choice


Helps us reinterpret their responses in positive light


We can begin to contemplate how to work with this gray energizing principle.

  1. Participation is not a choice. We ignore their freedom at our own peril. We have no choice but to involve people in the process of rethinking, redesigning, restructuring the organization.

If we involve, they will create a future that already has them in it. No need to sell it. Get them to enroll, incentivize

People ONLY support what they create

Life insists in freedom to participate. It can never be sold, bossed into accepting your plans.


Recognizing the essential Freedom of All Livjng beings.

How life organizes and transforms

4 Freedom Practices

First, participation is not a choice

Second, life ALWAYS reacts to directives, it never obeys them.

Life accepts only partners, not bosses


No matter how clear, how inspiring, visionary our message, it can only elicit reactions, not compliance

Therefore. When communicating, writing, emailing, must only be an invitation to others to become involved with us.

If we offer our work as an invitation to react, respond, it opens the relationship up to partnering which is what life craves.

Life accepts only partners not bosses.

Each reaction reflects a different perception of what’s important, meaningful, and if explored a partnership can develop.

We all need to see and feel there is room for input in how it gets done.


Recognizing the essential Freedom of All Livjng beings.

How life organizes and transforms.

4 Freedom Practices

First, participation is not a choice

Second, life ALWAYS reacts to directives, it never obeys them.

Life accepts only partners, not bosses

Thirdly, we don’t see reality. We each create our own interpretation of what’s real.

“What you notice becomes your life” Michael Chitwood


No Sense arguing right or wrong, or blaming, criticizing. We are all different

“What you notice becomes your life “ Michael Chitwood

What matters is the ability of our members to enter into a world whose significance they shared. If everyone thinks what is shared, occurring is significant (even if perceived from different perspectives) there’s no convincing one another, we can act quickly, rapidly, creatively and in concert.


Recognizing the essential Freedom of All Livjng beings.

How life organizes and transforms.

4 Freedom Practices

First, participation is not a choice

Second, life ALWAYS reacts to directives, it never obeys them.

Life accepts only partners, not bosses

Thirdly, we don’t see reality. We each create our own interpretation of what’s real.

“What you notice becomes your life” Michael Chitwood

Fourthly, to create better health in a living system, connect it to more of itself.


When a system is failing, performing poorly, the solution will be discovered within the system IF more and better connections are created.

A failing system needs to start talking to itself.

The critical primary task for the leader is to increase the number, variety, and strength of connections within the system.

Bringing in more remote and ignored members, providing access across the system, and through these connections stimulate the creation of new information.


3 simple rules to create a better world

  1. take care if yourself
  2. Take care of each other
  3. Take care of this place

When Change is Out if Our Control



Core principle for developing loyal, relationships you can rely on.

People must be engaged in meaningful work together if we are to transcend individual concerns and develop new capacities.

To ensure this reality is in place BEFORE crisis occurs:

  1. Nourish a clear organizational identity of significance and meaning.
  2. Focus people on the bigger picture
  3. Demand honest, forthright conversations and communication
  4. Prepare for the unknown
  5. Keep meaning at the forefront
  6. Use rituals and symbols
  7. Pay attention to individuals

3 Self organization and creation dynamics

The 3 primary domains of self-organizing organizations

  1. Identity- a self gets organized-
  2. Information- a world of shared meaning develops, info gets noticed, interpreted, and transformed. The medium if the organization.
  3. Relationships- networks of relationships take form


The Sense/Makjng Capacity of the Organization


How do organizations spin itself into existence?

All efforts begin with an intent, a belief that something more is possible now that the group is together.

Organizing occurs around identity - a self is what gets organized

This identity in motion becomes the sense-making process of the organization

In deciding what to do, a system will refer back to its sense of self- identity.

We all interpret events data according to who we think we are; everything we know is determined by who we think we are.

“You can never direct a living system. You can only disturb it.” Maturana and Varela

The self we are is our vision, mission, values and more: includes
- current interpretations of history, present decisions and activities, sense of future

Every organizing effort, team, project, nation, needs to BEGIN by exploring and clarifying the intention and desires of its members

Why are we doing this? What’s possible now that we agreed to try together? How do the purpose of this effort connect to my personal sense of purpose and to purposes of larger system.

Leaders need to engage people in their desire to contribute, to create to a worthy purpose. Commit to creating a coherent clear sense of identity.

This clarity frees people to contribute in creative and diverse ways. Clear alignment around principles and purposes allies for maximum autonomy.


Information- the medium of the organization


Information lies at the heart of life.

Information is the difference that makes a difference. Pg 52


Relationships- the pathways of organization


Relationships are the pathways to the intelligence of the system.

Through relationships, Information is created and transformed

Without connections nothing happens

More access people have to one another, the more opportunities, possibilities there are.


Leadership in Self Organizing Organizations


Self organization can never be known ahead of time. No stages, models, steps.

“The road is your footsteps, nothing else” Machados poet.

“We make the road by walking “

Therefore leaders begin with a strong intention, not a set of action plans.

Also, leaders must have confidence in the organizations intelligence. The future is unknown but we are talented enough, creative more than we know in order to organize as future requires.

This faith in our talent, creativity, resources fullness will be tested. Tempted to go back to command control.


Primary Task of Being a Leader


My primary task is to make sure that the organization knows itself.

The leaders task is to call people together often, so that everyone gains clarity about what their doing and why.

Clarity if who they are, have become, and how they are changing as they do their work.

Good leaders support continuous conversations about organizational identity and significance and how we are changing as we do our work together in a changing world

Are we clear at our core?

People always want to talk about what they do! What they see! How they can improve things? What they know about their transformation consumers.

Leaders support these conversations- our essential task.

When everyone in the organization is clear on our identity and creates, contributes, and connects to enacting this, there are high levels of commitment and capacity

What are our processes that help us know ourselves?

Meaningful conversations and communications.


Leadership and Action

There are no quick fixes

Self organization takes time. It is a long term exploration requiring support and self awareness.

Meaningful change is a 3-5 year process

How long have we been struggling with quality, with excellence, with engagement?

How many years to build effective teams.

Legacy is a more important issue than quarterly plans, measures of success.

Our work must mean something and it must endure beyond my tenure.


Leaders put a premium on action

Organizations that talk and think together and know themselves are filled with intelligent action

They take initiative (individual freedom) and make creative changes (creativity)

How do leaders support self organizing behaviours and responses. 
People don’t need directions, rules, timelines, plans, charts, they do need from leaders:
- information from multiple sources
- access to one another’s resources 
- trust
- follow thru
- freedom to experiment 
- help create connections

All the while keeping us clear and focused on what we agreed to accomplish and who we wanted to be.

To develop organizations, teams that endure with greater capacity and sustainability we have to turn to our people
We have to support encourage creativity and commitment and connection that we all experienced when we first joined.

We gave to learn how to get past the distress and distrust and cynicism created in past years and figure out how to reengage people in the important work if organizing together.


Leader coaches acknowledge and rely on Everyone’s Creativity


How can we evoke the innate human need to create?

How do we acknowledge everyone is creative and a potential innovator?

How do we meet the great challenge- to create the conditions of where human genius, ingenuity can flourish?


People given up for dead come alive, find new energy and become great innovators when:

  • conditions change and
  • they FEEL welcomed back
  • they care deeply

The capacity to create and adapt is universal.

How do we meet the great challenge- to create the conditions of where human genius, ingenuity can flourish?

  1. Shift the paradigm of people resist change, that we dig in our heels to people and organizations are LIVING systems, all capable of adapting, alert to changes in environment and innovate strategically.
  2. Engage Creativity thru Meaning

All change begins with a change in meaning yet we each see the world differently.

  • we recognize thru our diversity there is a shared dream and a sense of injustice we must address
  • past hurts and negative histories get left behind and we actively seek relationship WHEN and because the problem is so damn important
  • the meaningfulness of the issue is LOUDER Rohan past grievances or difficulties.
  • we are willing to work it out b/c it is the only path to achieving our aspirations and overcoming the challenge.

Every change, every burst of creativity and innovation always begins with identification of a problem or opportunity that somebody finds meaningful. To discover what’s meaningful, notice what people talk about and where they spend their energies.

  • what topics generate most energy, positive and negative
  • what issues do people keep returning to
  • what stories do they tell repeatedly
  • put ideas, proposals and issues on table as experiments to see what’s meaningful.

Cultivate curiosity, diversity of perspectives

  1. Depend on diversity
    - ask people for their unique perspective, share the world as they see it
    - different people do things differently
    - when Change is afoot, the solution is always somewhere within the organization. Someone is already doing it.
    - make experimenting the norm
  2. Involve everybody who cares
    - as leaders, broad based support and participation is not an option
    - we must figure out how to invite in everyone who’s involved in the change, to design it
    - people only support what they help create
    - we cant force anyone to change
    - no two people see the world the same way
  3. Encourage diversity as the path to unity
  4. Expect to be surprised by people’s contributions

Leadership in uncertain, chaotic, turbulent times(which are now the new normal) is spiritual vs scientific


Spiritual Principles of leading in turbulent times

  1. Life is uncertain
  2. Life is cyclical
  3. Meaning motivates people
    - nothing motivates more than meaning
    - ask how the world will change b/c of work we do
    - leaders create time to reflect and remember why we’re doing this work
    - what were we hoping to accomplish when we started
    - who are we serving by doing this work
    - this is where idealism, desire, dreams, energy. Nd commitment and red education live
  4. Service brings us joy
    - the joy and meaning of service to others
  5. Courage comes from our hearts
    - comes from coeur- core
    Notice it doesn’t come from planning or analysis
    Open our hearts , tell stories that open others
  6. We are all interconnected with all life.
    - oneness, how we impact each other
    - is this decision going to bring people together? Weave a stronger web? Or create further disintegration and separation.
    - am I turning towards others or away? Am I moving closer or retreating from
  7. We can rely on human spirit and goodness
    - during chaotic times, rely on and expect hope, resiliency, and love and courageousness.
  8. We need peace of mind too
    - acceptance and open-ness
    - help people work from place of peace and calm vs anxiety and fear
Therefore attend to yours and others spiritual health, fitness 
- start the day off peacefully 
Drive to work in silence, listen to soothing music, Mediterranean on a spiritual phrase or parable, look out window, walking, 
- learn practice mindfulness 
- slow things down
- create personal measures and rituals 
- expect surprise
- practice great-fullness

3 Strengths

  1. Enjoy each other’s gifts. You take delight rather than diminish each other’s talents.
  2. You know you need each other.
  3. You live creating and claim that freedom.

These three work together synergistically


Dark Night of the Soul


What happens to our ideals, our values?

Values, those things that matter, no treasure, diminish

Higher principles recede into background, have little influence.

Meaning is lost, identity disintegrates, conviction fades,

There’s only one way thru the dark night of the soul

  1. Illuminate identity, the truth of who we are
  2. Surface our grief, loss, disappointment and regret we feel
  3. Reclaim our values, principles, that would bring back light and life
  4. Walk willingly into the abyss of darkness to find again those values we hold dear, to clarify that identity that has its own luminosity.

It is difficult to look truthfully at these times were in. It’s painful to acknowledge that our ideals are no longer vibrant, vital, and who will stand up and do something if we are to prevent further deterioration. It takes patience, trust,

  1. Reclaim our ideals, of who we are and who do we choose to be
  2. Then from there, those who care about Ideal Protein, our company, have conversations about values, vision and behaviours that would restore, IP to its intended character and original founding principles

This is the exploration, the conversation that matters

What is it you love about IP?
What must be protected at all costs


Leading the Possible vs. The Probable


Marshall Mclulan
“We drive into the future using only our review mirrors”

VUCA, complexity is about getting our heads and hearts around what’s possible b/c anything could happen.
Instead if what’s probske(based on the past-what’s happened before.

This is bigger than it sounds.


3 Habits of Mind to Lead the Possible

  1. Asking Different Questions
  1. Asking different questions/ diff questions can transform mindsets

Leading doesn’t mean we have all the answers, rather we must learn to ask different questions
Ask, what questions are you asking yourself right now?
Ask questions about your questions? Group them…in common

Fig. 1.1 Questions and Mjndsets pg. 416/5082

Asking questions is about shifting mindsets
Barrier #1- forgetting the transformational character of questions

  1. Taking multiple perspectives
  2. Seeing systems
  1. Taking Multiple Perspectives

Good Leaders don’t think in terms of us and them rather, let’s gather everyone’s perspectives.

Bridge builder metaphor

They need to see a multi-dimensional picture

Leadership is gathering people and helping gather all perspectives to build bridges that take all of us to new places.

No one is acting out of evil intent but they are heroes just trying to make difference. Acting out of a heroic story

  1. Seeing Systems

Complexity helps leaders look at what is emerging rather than what is being produced.

Emergence helps leaders look at what conditions they can strengthen and what they can weaken.

Leaders can influence the way systems work as one NB task

Brain looks for cause n effects but also narratives/stories.
Our worlds are complex systems not just cause m effect linear stories.


Founder’s Mentality


Close all crappy stores

Double down on training, standards, and customer experience

We have a bold and commonly understood sense of noble purpose, culture, mission vs vague

We challenge the status quo and industry paradigms to create disruptive customer value and experiences

Obsession with needs of customers that pushes power to front line. Coaches are empowered to act on behalf of customers needs and interests

Customer experience is as powerful live enactment of our unique brand story

A series of moments of truth and then apply and implement brilliant deliberate delightful design intent to each interaction on client journey to be jaw dropping experiences distilled from amazing remarkable brand stories brought to life with combinations of art, theatre, science and humanity.


Change Leader

Key insights

  1. Doing is the crucible of change

The effective Change Leader (CL) actively resolutely participates as a learner in helping the business, organization change

  1. Be resolute/ act with resolute moral purpose and impressive empathy for those who disagree/are in my way, who’s values experiences are very different.

My role is to overcome reticence, apathy, and or direct opposition,

Impressive empathy is only way to understand and possibly reach these people.

A crucial mission requires I stay the course and be impressively empathetic to early opposition.

Focus on small # of core priorities, stay on message, and develop others toward same end and make corrections as new learning occurs.