Chapter 4 Flashcards
Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal
The formal procedures that an organization uses to assess job performance of employees.
Merit Pay
Tie raises to the level of job performance.
Theoretical Criterion
The idea of what good performance is.
Actual Criterion
Way in which the theoretical criterion is assessed or operationalized.
Criterion Contamination
The part of the actual criterion that reflects something other than what it was designed to measure.
Criterion Deficiency
The actual criterion does not adequately cover the entire theoretical criterion.
Criterion Relevance
Extent to which the actual criterion assesses the theoretical criterion it is designed to measure, or its construct validity.
Dynamic Criterion
Variability of performance over time, performance and not standard that changes.
Contextual Performance
Extra voluntary things employees do to benefit their coworkers and organizations.
Objective Measures
Counts of various behaviors or of the results of job behaviors.
Subjective Measures
Ratings by people who should be knowledgeable about the person’s job performance.
Incentive System
Pays employees for what they produce, such as a commission or piece rate.
Graphic Rating Form
Used to assess individuals on several dimensions of performance.
Behavior-Focused Rating Form
Concentrate on behaviors that the person has done or could be expected to do.
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
Rating scale in which the response choices are defined in behavioral terms.