Chapter 5 Flashcards


What happens in chapter 5


One night Gatsby is with Nick and asks him if he would like to take a swim in his pool

When Nick demenurs, he offers to take him on a trip to Cooney island. Nick is initially baffled by Gatsby and realises that he is anxiously waiting for Nick to arrange his meeting with daisy - Nick agrees to do it

Gatsby almost wild with joy responds by offering him with a job, a “confidential sort of thing” and ensures Nick he will not have to work with Meyer wolfshiem

It rains on the day Gatsby and daisy are to meet, and Gatsby is becoming extremely apprehensive

The meeting takes place at nicks house and initially their conversation is stilted and awkward

They are all embarrassed, when Gatsby clumsily knocks over a clock Nick tells him that he is behaving like a little boy

Nick leaves the couple alone for a few minutes and when he returns they are luminosly happy

There are fears of happiness in daisys face

They make their way to Gatsby mansion, there Gatsby procedes to give them a carefully rehearsed tour

Gatsby shows daisy newspaper slipping detailing his exploits

She is overwhelmed and when he shows her his vast collection of imported shirts she begins to weep tears of joy

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The exchange between Nick and Gatsby highlights the uncertainty in their relationship

Is Gatsby mearly using Nick to draw closer to daisy or is he genuely fond of Nick

It becomes clear that Gatsby has great affection for Nick it is also true that he uses money and power for leverage in all his personal relationships

Gatsby in his extreme insecurity about class cannot believe anyone would befriend him if he did not have a mansion or make several million dollars a year

Fitzgerald seems to bitterly affirm his insecurity given that fact that Gatsby was abandoned by daisy because of his poverty

Only Nick doesn’t make friendships based on class

The gross materialism of East and West egg areas explains the obsession Gatsby takes in his reunion with daisy

The afternoon if given over to a display of wealth, he shows daisy his collection of British antiques and takes her on a tour of his wardrobe

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Analysis part 2


Fitzgerald implies that Gatsby is trying to live the life e of a European aristocrat in the New world of america

This chapter presents Gatsby as a man who cannot help but live in hate past, he longs to stop time as though he and daisy never separated and she never married Tom

During their meeting Nick remarks the Gatsby is “acting like a little boy”. In daisy presence Gatsby looses his normal manner and acts awkwardly like any young man in love

He describes Gatsby as “ Running down like an overwound clock”

It is significant that in Gatsby nervousness about weather daisy still has feelings for him he knocks over Nicks clock which signifies Gatsby desire to stop time and his inability to do so

In short Gatsby transforms daisy and she becomes almost human and more sympathetic in this chapter than at any other point

The song “ain’t we got fun “ is significant as the opening lyrics imply care free spontaneity which is in stark contrast to the tightly controlled meeting of the reunion

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