Chlamydia Flashcards


Chlamydia trachomatis



1) Obligate Intracellular
_Fail to grow on artificial media

2) Gram Negative
3) **Lack Peptidoglycan Layer btwn the two membranes


Life Cycle:

1) Elementary Body: Inert
_Adapted for Extracellular Growth
_Rigid Cell Wall

2) Reticulate Body
_Highly Active, Duplicating Form
_High RNA:DNA Ratio
_Adapted for Intracellular Growth
_Tan and Granulated b/c High Concentration of Ribosomes
_Fragile Cell Wall


Replicative Cycle:

1) EB Attaches to Plasma Membrane:
_**Major Outer Membrane Proteins (MOMP) of EB Function as Cytoadhesin

2) Enters Epithelial Cells via Endocytosis
3) Converted to RB form inside Phagosome
4) Phagosome Fuse with Each other, but Not with Lysosome
5) RB Multiplies; Endosomal Membrane Expands by Fusing with Golgi
6) Converts to EB form
7) EBs Released
8) Infection of Other cells


Trachoma: Conjunctivitis
_Redness, Itching, Eye Discharge, Swollen Eyelids, Light Sensitivity

Transmission: Fingers; occasionally by Water

Leading Cause of Blindness Worldwide
Mostly @ poor rural communities in Middle East, North Africa, etc.

Tetracycline, Azithromycin, Surgery


Genital Infections:

Clinical spectrum of STD similar to Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Most Patients do NOT Notice symptoms.
_If Symptoms appear, usually 1-3 Weeks After Infection

Men: Urethritis
Women: Cervicitis, Salpingitis

Salpingitis and PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease):
5-30% of infected Women
_Scarring causes Sterility and Ectopic Pregnancy

Baby Born to Infected Mothers: Get Eye Infection

Symptoms in Women:
_Abnormal Vaginal Discharge, 
May have Odor
_Bleeding Between Periods
_Painful Periods
_Abdominal Pain with Fever
_Pain with Sex
_Itching or Burning in or around Vagina
_Pain with Urination

Symptoms in Men:
_Small amounts of Clear or Cloudy Discharge from Penis
_Painful Urination
_Burning or Itching around Opening of Penis
_Pain and Swelling around Testicles


Adult Inclusion Conjunctivitis:

Due to Exposure to Infected Genital Secretions

Transmission: Fingers in Eye or occasionally Water in swimming pools, poorly chlorinated hot tubs, sharing makeup

Usually just 1 Eye involved

Stringy Discharge of Mucus and Pus

Follicles (little bumps) Inside Lower Eyelid

Eye is Red



1) Tropism for Epithelial Cells
@ Genital tract, Urethra, Rectum, Conjunctiva

2) Early Release of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines, IL-8
3) Formation of Aggregates of Lymphocytes and Macrophages

4) Progress to Necrosis,
Followed by Fibrosis and Scarring

5) Persistent or Recurrent Infections: Cause Chronic Eye or Genital Sequelae
6) Immunity is Short-Lived



1) Swab Specimens @ Urethra (Men), @ Cervix (Women)
2) Or Voided ***Midstream Urine for Lab Test

_At start of urination, normal flora would be in urine.
Thus, need Midstream.

1) NAAT (PCR) on these samples:
(90% Sensitivity; 99% Specificity)

3) Culture using Idouridine-Treated or **Cycloheximide-Treated McCoy Cells for 3-7 Days
=> **To Slow down DNA Synthesis in the McCoy Human-Like cells by providing stressful growth conditions to facilitate infection of the cells by the bacteria

4) Then, immunofluorescence for Intracytoplasmic C. trachomatis

5) and Iodine for the Glycogen in the Inclusion Bodies
_Inclusion Bodies contain the many **RBs

(Serodiagnosis is not useful for most genital infections)



Oral Azithromycin or Doxycycline

Partner too

Clears up in about 1-2 Weeks.

**Must use the whole antibiotics given, even if pt feels better, b/c takes longer to completely remove the bacteria b/c they are *Intracellular!

Women with Severe Chlamydia infection may require hospitalization, IV antibiotics, pain meds.

Retest the pt after taking the antibiotics to be sure infection is Cured.

Do not have intercourse until both patient and partner are confirmed to be cured.


Neonatal Inclusion Conjunctivitis

Infected Mother can pass C. trachomatis to Baby during Childbirth.

1/3 of babies born to infected mothers.

Due to newborn passage through Infected Birth Canal.

Develops 5-14 Days After Birth.

Swollen Both Eyelids and Conjunctivae

May have Discharge of Pus from Eyes

Can Lead to Corneal Scarring and Permanent Vision Damage

5-10% Develop Pneumonia
(6 weeks - half yr)



=> Treat Pregnant Mother with
Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, or Erythromycin

1) Deliveries should be conducted under hygenic conditions.

2) Newborn’s Closed Lids should be thoroughly cleansed and dried

Infected Infant: Erythromycin

  • *Tetracyclines:
    1) Safe in First 18 Weeks of Pregnancy

2) Do Not Use in Children Under Age 8:
=> Affect Bone Development and Cause Tooth Discoloration in Fetus as Develop in Infancy.


Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)

Rare in US
(Mainly in South America, Africa, Southeast Asia)

1) Starts with a Painless, Transient Genital Lesion
2) Followed by Inguinal Adenopathy
3) Lymph Nodes become Suppurative
4) Fever, Chills, Headaches, Arthralgia, Myalgia common


  • Doxycycline
  • Drain abscesses by needle
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Chlamydia pneumonia



1) Obligate Intracellular
_Fail to grow on artificial media

2) Gram Negative
3) **Lack Peptidoglycan Layer btwn the two membranes



Account for 10% of Pneumonia and 5% of Bronchitis

Transmission: Person-to-Person

1) Pharyngitis


2) Lower Respiratory Tract Disease

Treatment: Tetracycline or Erythromycin


Life Cycle:

1) Elementary Body: Inert
_Adapted for Extracellular Growth
_Rigid Cell Wall

2) Reticulate Body
_Highly Active, Duplicating Form
_High RNA:DNA Ratio
_Adapted for Intracellular Growth
_Tan and Granulated b/c High Concentration of Ribosomes
_Fragile Cell Wall


Replicative Cycle:

1) EB Attaches to Plasma Membrane:
_**Major Outer Membrane Proteins (MOMP) of EB Function as Cytoadhesin

2) Enters Epithelial Cells via Endocytosis
3) Converted to RB form inside Phagosome
4) Phagosome Fuse with Each other, but Not with Lysosome
5) RB Multiplies; Endosomal Membrane Expands by Fusing with Golgi
6) Converts to EB form
7) EBs Released
8) Infection of Other cells

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Chlamydia psittaci



1) Obligate Intracellular
_Fail to grow on artificial media

2) Gram Negative
3) **Lack Peptidoglycan Layer btwn the two membranes


Psittacosis (Parrot Disease)

Pneumonia Transmitted from Birds (Parrots, Parakeets, Turkeys)

Associated with Poultry

Acute Infection of Lower Respiratory Tract

1) Acute Onset Fever, Headache, Malaise, Muscle Aches,
2) Dry Hacking Cough
3) Bilateral Interstitial Pneumonia

Diagnosis: Serology

Treatment: Tetracycline or Doxycycline


Life Cycle:

1) Elementary Body: Inert
_Adapted for Extracellular Growth
_Rigid Cell Wall

2) Reticulate Body
_Highly Active, Duplicating Form
_High RNA:DNA Ratio
_Adapted for Intracellular Growth
_Tan and Granulated b/c High Concentration of Ribosomes
_Fragile Cell Wall


Replicative Cycle:

1) EB Attaches to Plasma Membrane:
_**Major Outer Membrane Proteins (MOMP) of EB Function as Cytoadhesin

2) Enters Epithelial Cells via Endocytosis
3) Converted to RB form inside Phagosome
4) Phagosome Fuse with Each other, but Not with Lysosome
5) RB Multiplies; Endosomal Membrane Expands by Fusing with Golgi
6) Converts to EB form
7) EBs Released
8) Infection of Other cells

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