Early Agriculture Flashcards
Why did people change their stone tools into bronze, iron, or copper tools?
They did this because bronze, iron, and copper was a stronger material than stone
What are some NEGATIVES or COSTS of farming?
- It took a lot of time and energy (planting crops and herding animals)
- Farming was uncertain, if the crop failed due to bad weather or disease, a family might starve
- It was also dangerous, some bans of nomads could attack farmers and steal their food
What are some POSITIVES or BENEFITS of farming?
- It produced more food
- required less land, only needed 6-7 acres of land
- Only required to stay in one place
- Provided not just food but cotton for clothing as well
Besides food what else did farming provide?
Cotton for clothing
Where were all the first farming communities located?
They were all located near rivers which made richer soil in south west Asia
What were the BENEFITS of domesticating animals?
Animals produced food, wool, and they helped with farming
What did they do with their leftover surplus?
They traded it for more goods or resources they did not have
What was a result of specialization within a farming community?
Since not all people farmed, people were able to take on other jobs like blacksmith, pottery, baking, someone who makes clothing, and weavers that weaves baskets.
All their huts were the same, what did this mean?
It means they did not have any social classes
Why did they domesticate the plants?
Because it made the plants bigger and it made them more nutritious