S.s Test Ch 11 Concepts Flashcards
What area did a lot of the France explorers claim?
They claimed a lot of Canada’s land
French traders set up camps to trade. What did the french trade?
They traded pelts and furs of beaver, fox, and other mammals
Who did France partner with?
The Huron and Algonquian Indians
Since there were no roads in New France, how did they travel around?
Boats, boats came to via rivers with heavy loads
Who tried to convert the Native people?
Catholic missionaries
The English started a colony. What was it called and when was it started?
It was called Nova Scotia and it started in 1625
England and France started competing over what land?
Canada’s land
The British colony formed Hudson Bay Company, what could it also be known as?
A trading company
In the French and Indian War France and England fought for control, when did Great Britain gain control?
They gained control in 1713
Canada was controlled by who at the time?
They were controlled by France and Great Britain
British colonies wanted to unite with Canada. To help Canada Britain Parliament passed a law to create what?
The Dominion of Canada–a self-governing region
What was the dominion of Canada made up of?
New nation was made up of provinces