Era of National Unification Flashcards

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The Era of National Unification, 2/23


Change occurring, ambitions of liberal nationalism

Crimean War 1853-56, war to restrict Russian influence in ottoman empire

Austria remained neutral, politically supported France and Britain

Hundreds of thousands died between allied casualties, in hundreds of thousands

Russia lost title of strong man in Europe, political reform began to spread in ottoman and Russian empires

Europe destabilized, viceroy of Egypt pushed for the Suez Canal, France initiated, Britain opposed it due to slave labor

Effect on trade is dramatic, completion of US Continental Railroad

France political problems at home, Emperor Napoleon III initially popular, more liberal but dangerous foreign policy

Pushed into Mexico to support allies, executed

Prussia under leadership of Otto Von Bismarck

Germany and France great rivals, tension gave rise to Franco-Prussian war, immediate proposal to place Prussian prince on throne of Spain

Prince Leopold withdrew, France demanded that Prussia never attempted another attack

France was insulted by situation, declared war on Prussia

Napoleon went into exile, France declared a republic

Italy had no single government, France became involved

Carbonari, revolutionary conspirators, failure of uprising led to Young Italy (political movement), led by Giuseppe

Italy later under leadership of Cavour, wealthy man, became a liberal and allied with France to defeat Austria

Austria defeated, peace with Napoleon, Austria still maintained territory in Italy

Giuseppe landed with troops in Sicily, Little Italy vs Italy

Prussia and Austria at war, Prussia aided by Italy, who won Venetia during the war

Garibaldi attempts to take Rome, France troops withdraw from Rome, king excommunicated

German unification transformed balance of Europe, masterminded by Bismarck, who attempted to make Germany great again

War with Austria occurred over administration, Treaty of Prague occurred that excluded them from German affairs

King of Prussia given title German Emperor, 2nd Reich in effect, vast natural resources, sophisticated education system, one of best armies and navy to rival the British

Changes in Russia happened despite absolute monarchy

Changes in army of Russia, Poland remained problem

European political structure established, Nationalism and democracy shaped such, but social unrest caused by workers seeking greater economic and political gains

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