Explanation For Forgetting Flashcards


Outline Interference theory as an explanation for forgetting (6 marks)


One explanation for forgetting is the interference theory. This suggests that forgetting occurs due to two lots of information that are coded at different times and disrupts the recall of another memory in the long term memory. This is most likely to occur when the information is similar. One type of interference is proactive interference where forgetting occurs when past information stored disrupts the recall of recent information stored. For example, the memory of an old phone number means you forget your new phone number. Another type of
interference is retroactive interference where forgetting occurs when recent information stored dissupts the recall of past information stored. For example, the memory of a new car
registration number means you forget your previous registration.

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Discuss Interference theory as an explanation for forgetting (3 X AO3)


Research to support interference theory as an explanation for forgetting was conducted by McGeoch & McDonald, who gave participants a list of words to learn (List A). Participants had to learn this list of words until they could remember them with 100% accuracy. Participants then had to learn a second list of words (List B) (this is the interference). Participants were then asked to recall List A. It was found that if List B was a list of similar meaning words to List A recall was poor (12%), however, if the words in List B were different to List A recall was higher (26%). This supports the interference theory as an explanation for forgetting BECAUSE it demonstrates that interference is strongest the more similar the items are, which is what the theory predicts.

A strength of interference as an explanation for forgetting is that much of the research, such as McGeoch and McDonald is high in reliability. It is conducted in a controlled, lab setting and therefore can be repeated in the same conditions for example give each participant the same time to learn the wordlist in order to gain consistent results into the effects of interference on forgetting. Therefore, strengthening the support the research provides for interference theory as an explanation of forgetting.

However, critics would argue that there is a much greater chance of interference demonstrated in research studies than in real life situations. This is because the research lacks mundane realism as artificial tasks such as learning lists of words are often used. Therefore, it is difficult to generalise the findings to real life examples of forgetting, as the research does not reflect what we would try to remember in everyday life such as birthdays so these memories are less likely to be contaminated by interference as they are more meaningful to us. Thus limiting the support the research provides for interference as an explanation for forgetting.

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Outline retrieval failure due to an absence of cues as an explanation for forgetting (6 marks)


One type of retrieval failure due to an absence of cues is context - dependent forgetting. This suggests that forgetting occurs due to a lack of external cues to trigger recall because the environment is different at recall to when the information was coded, meaning forgetting is more likely. For example, a person may forget information when sitting an exam in a different classroom to which they learned the information. Another type of retrieval failure is state dependent forgetting. This suggests that forgetting occurs due to a lack of internal cues to trigger recall because a persons internal, physical or emotional state is different at recall to when the information was coded meaning forgetting is more likely. For example, a person may forget a dance routine on stage because when they learned the routine they may have been calm, but an stage they are anxious.

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Discuss retrieval failure due to an absence of cues as an explanation for forgetting (3 X AO3)


Research to support context-dependent forgetting was conducted by Godden & Baddeley. Scuba divers were given a list of words to learn either on land or under water. They were then asked to recall the list in either the same setting they learned, or the opposite. It was found that the participants were more likely to forget the words if tested in the opposite location to where they had learned the words. This gives support to context dependent forgetting BECAUSE it demonstrates that when there is a lack of external memory cues, forgetting is more likely.

Research to support state-dependent forgetting was conducted by Goodwin et al. Male volunteers were asked to learn a list of words when either drunk or sober. They were then asked to recall the words, 24 hours later, in either same state or opposite state. It was found that participants were more likely to forget the words if tested in the opposite state to which they had learned the words. This gives support to state dependent forgetting BECAUSE it demonstrates that when there is a lack of internal memory cues, forgetting is more likely.

However, it could be argued that the research into retrieval failure due to an absence of cues, lacks mundane realism. This is because artificial tasks, such as learning lists of words are often used. Therefore, it is difficult to generalise the findings to every day cases of forgetting, as in real life we may be learning much more complex information, such as psychological theories, that may not be as easily accessed with an internal or external cue. Therefore, reducing the external validity of the research and questioning retrieval failure due to an absence of cues as an explanation for forgetting.

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