extremely good Flashcards


Mmm! This is terrific!


You are eating dinner at your wife’s cousin’s house. You don’t know this cousin very well. You are enjoying the food and want to thank your wife’s cousin’s cooking. While you’re eating, you say this.
Mmm! This is terrific!
When something tastes good, people make this noise:

Mmm! Yummy!

“Mmm” sounds similar to the sound “m” but lasts longer.

(something) is terrific
The word “terrific” means “extremely good”.

He’s a terrific singer too.

“Terrific” is a useful word because it shows strong positive feelings but it’s not too casual. You can use it in business situations, speeches, with people you don’t know very well, and in writing.

A much more casual, slangy word that shows strong positive feelings is “awesome”:

Jamie, this meat loaf is awesome!

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Wow, this is actually pretty good.”


You bought a bottle of wine on sale for only $4. You try it out, and are surprised that it’s better than you thought it would be. You say this about the wine.
Wow, this is actually pretty good.
pretty (adjective)
You use “pretty” before an adjective to show how much of that quality something has.

“Pretty ___” is somewhere between “kind of “ and “really”. It basically means “a little more than you expected”. For example:

This soup is actually pretty good.

I think I have a pretty good shot at getting the job.

That song is pretty catchy.

(something) actually (is / does something)
“Actually” is a word that you use when you’re saying something that you think will be surprising or new information to the listeners. For example:

Wow, this is actually pretty good.

I actually did it myself.

You can use “actually” in several places in a sentence. One place is before a verb, like this:

We’ve actually had to turn away business.

“Wow” shows that you’re surprised.

People often say “wow!” in a a really excited tone of voice, but you can also say it in a relaxed and calm voice if you’re reacting to something that’s only a little surprising.

(food/drink) is good
Food and drinks are most often described as “good”, rather than “tasty” or “delicious”. These words are used as alternatives, when you want to say something more than just “good”.

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She’s pretty awesome.


You’re a single guy. You met a girl at your friend’s party and hit it off with her. Now your friend is asking what you think of her. You like her, so you say this.
She’s pretty awesome.
pretty (adjective)
You use “pretty” before an adjective to show how much of that quality something has.

“Pretty ___” is somewhere between “kind of “ and “really”. It basically means “a little more than you expected”. For example:

This soup is actually pretty good.

I think I have a pretty good shot at getting the job.

That song is pretty catchy.

(something) is awesome
The word “awesome” is a casual way of saying “great” or “wonderful”. Actually, the meaning of the word has changed a bit over time. So 20 years ago, you would have used “awesome” to describe something that was really amazing, but today people often use it to describe things that are just good.

It’s used mostly by people in their mid-20’s to mid-30’s but can also be used by younger or older people without seeming strange.

When you describe a person as being “awesome”, it means that the person has a good personality and is fun to be around.

pretty awesome
People often combine “pretty” and “awesome”. It’s a funny expression because “awesome” is supposed to mean “great”, but “pretty” has sort of the opposite effect. Other similar phrases include:

That’s pretty great.

This kind of phrase sounds like something a young person would say in a casual conversation. It would be strange in a formal business setting.

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