Factors behind Henry VIIs successful consolidation of power/authority Flashcards


State the key 5 factors behind Henrys successful consolidation


1 - Financial policies + administration of crown finances

2 - Early steps he took to establish dynastic security

3 - Suppression of threats to his security

4 - Largely successful Foreign Policy

5 - Centralisation of government + control this ensured

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Explain the significance of Henry VIIs Financial policies + administration of crown finances in consolidating his power by 1509


His attitude toward finances ensured he possessed availability of huge sums of finances which was created due to acts, the utilisation of attainders + systems of wardship he utilised to both gain finances + lands whilst aided his consolidation dramatically;

Past act of resumption in 1485 recovering all crown properties previously given away since 1455, allowing some nobles to keep land in order to ensure support.

Through his acts of Attainder Henry gained more lands into his own assets, thus increasing earnings for running the kingdom + through using Escheats instead of lands of deceased nobles being passed onto other Noble families the H absorbed them for himself, again increasing land and revenue for royal finances.

Huge benefit which arose as a result of increased lands held by monarchs using efficient management meant annual income of crown lands increased from £29,000 on death of R3 to £42,000 by 1509.

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Are there any key drawbacks of Henry VIIs financial policies?


However it can be argued he received significant backlash for these financial policies so cant be regarded as a complete success;

Some of Henry’s financial policies were extremely exploitative. Mediaeval feudalism placed the monarch in position of power to own all lands in the realm and as overlord king could demand payments whenever changes took place in landowning arrangements.

This paved the way for the exploitation of his nobles. He did this many occasions. One system was Wardship where Henry could claim warship of heir to estates and demand huge payments to allow the transfer of ownership of the lands to its rightful owner.

This was just another way of extracting money out of his country’s nobility, despite producing large finances he used these to great extent to exhort money from his people.

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State the significance of Henry VIIs Early steps in establishing dynastic security had in consolidating his power by 1509


Henry VIIs victory at Bosworth in 1485 terminated plantagenet rule within England however rit certainly did not leave him in any unchallengeable position. Thus immediately he too rapid steps to ensure his consolidation and took a number of political actions combined with military successes;

He predated his reign from the 21st of august, the day before bosworth allowing him to proclaim anyone who fought against him as traitors and arranged the detainment of Elizabeth of york daughter of edward vi and following his coronation married her, in doing so united the red and white rose and the two houses allowing him to exploit royal propaganda + consolidate his claim. By 1486 he had a male heir which completed a vital and invaluable step in his consolidation, parituarly as prince Arthur was now a male heir which embodied both houses, further reinforcing the permanence + legitimacy of the new tudor dynasty.

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State the significance of Henry VIIs suppression of threats in consolidating his power by 1509


The suppression of threats to his security which was achieved both through Henry VIIs personal character + tactics;

Suppression of lambert simnel + perkin warback were vital in consolidating his power + this was achieved due to a variety of factors including his personal tactics + actions;

Henry had plenty of notice that a rebellion conspiracy was being planned due to his financial policies + funds for spy network so had aample opportunity to plan his response and action to prevent it. Once aware of the plot and exhibited the real Earl of Warwick in tower of london decreasing support for Simnel.

He took a considerable gamble in reinstating the untrustworthy Duke of Northumberland who’d previously led a section of Richard 3rds army at Bosworth however it helped neutralise Richards ole power base + simultaneously ensured the traditionally Yorkist Howard family would have no part in the rebellion or joining conspirators. Henrys victory was significant as it brought an end to the wars of the roses + henrys position - though not secure, became safer. He’d overcome a crisis via his shrewdness + organisational skills + people across England supported him.

Henrys decision to have the 29 other Nobles who fought against him at Stroke were attained as traitors + had all land, titles and finances stripped off them and made Henrys this increased his own financial base. He also introduced the ‘Bonds of Good behaviour’ to help ensure well-behaved landowners who might have otherwise faced final ruin - aiding his further consolidation of power through finance.

Spy + informant networks which were crucial in uncovering plots + traitors early on to ensure henry could effectively suppress them ie the reason he could exhibit the real earl of warwick before support for simnel grew rapidly was due to spy network which relief on finances + the reason sir william stanley’s involvement within the perkin warbeck conspiracy.

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Explain the significance of Henry VIIs foreign policy in consolidating his power by 1509


Foreign Policy played key role in Henrys consolidation;

FP was vital not just for diplomatic recognition via marriage treaties + alliances. Medina Del campo + his effective FP in france whereby he invaded knowing france was preoccupied with italy + would offer peace proved mor successful than his initial aims to relief brittany + secure a french pension which equated to £159,000 overall. It also ensured he, following the instability of the wars of the rose was perceived internationally as a permanent monarch + largely accepted within Europe.

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Explain the significance of Henry VIIs centralisation of government had on consolidating his power by 1509


Henry’s centralisation of government via revoking the traditional role of nobility + asserting control + decreasing nobility played a vital role in his consolidation.

Henry’s reformation the Chamber in the 1490’s ensured that there was a centre to patronage + communication between the king, his ministers, + gentry at court which was achieved by increasing the power of Justices of the Peace by, in 1495, giving them the power to replace juries they believed had been bribed, thus reducing the influence of the nobility in court and simultaneously increasing the Kings authority.

  • The establishment of the Council of Learned in Law 1495 ensured that Henry’s interests as feudal overlord were guarded. The council learned essentially formed a ‘specialist board’ to maintain the kings revenue + exploit his ‘prerogative’ rights. The council learned made up the system of bonds + recognises work + could entrap many of the kings subjects + was significant in maintaining order + authority swell as increasing finances. Members of the gentry who made up both groups were far more likely to agree with Henry’s policies and seek to fulfil his desires in an attempt to win his patronage and move up the social ladder as their own power depended on Henry’s benefaction. This reduced the power of the nobility thus strengthening royal authority. This when paired alongside his dramatic decreasing of nobility ensured over mighty magnates did not pose a serious threat + that Henry remained in maintain control.
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