General Knowledge/Rules Flashcards
What are the IFR cruising levels?
West = Even 1000’s
East = Odd 1000’s
When aerodrome lighting is required and PAL is not available, what is the requirement for lighting to be available?
Departure: 10 mins before until 30 mins after
Arrival: 30 mins before until end of taxi
What is the min validity for a TAF at the arrival/alternate aerodrome
No less than 30 min before and 60 mins after planned ETA
What is the IFR fuel requirements and how are they calculated?
+10% for each leg not including taxi fuel
When departing an aerdrome, what are the requirements for tracking?
Must be established within 5NM
Unless departing via the SID
What source f QNH are considered accurate and how long are they valid for?
- ATC given
Valid for 15 mins
When should the accuracy of the altimeter be checked?
At “some point” prior to take off
What determines a positive fix?
- Passage over a NDB, VPR/TACAN, marker beacons or DME
- Intersection of two or more radials that are not greater than 45º separated
What is required to be established reference a ground aid?
LOC/VOR/TACAN/RNP = Half scale deflection as shown
ND = +/- 5º
DME = +/- 2NM from ARC
When must PAL be activated for landing/departure?
Departure: Before taxi
Approach: Within 15NM of the AD
You are told to climb/descend, how long do you have to initiate and what RoC/RoD is required
- 1 minute
- Min 500ft/min
Explain IFR separation for other aircraft in each class of airspace:
Class C: ATC seperate from IFR and VFR
Class D: ATC seperate from IFR and SVFR only
Class G: Pilots receive FIS but no separation, that is the pilots responsibility
What is the tolerance for altimeters to be accurate within for IFR flight?