Genital Tract Malignancies Flashcards
What is endometrial cancer?
Most common genital tract cancer
Very rare pre-menopausal
Adenosquamous carcinoma (poor prognosis)
What is the aetiology of endometrial cancer?
High ratio of oestrogen to progesterone
What are the risk factors for endometrial cancer?
Exogenous oestrogens w/o progestogen
Obesity (conversion of androgens to oestrogens)
PCOS - prolonged amenorrhoea
Late menopause
Ovarian granulosa cell tumour (ovarian secreting)
What is the premalignant syndrome of endometrial tissue?
Oestrogen causes cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium -> atypical hyperplasia
PMB and is premalignant
How does endometrial cancer present?
Postmenopausal bleeding
Abnormal cervical smear
How does endometrial cancer spread?
Directly through myometrium into cervix and upper vagina
Lymph -> pelvic and para-aortic lymph nodes
-> bladder or bowel
How is endometrial cancer treated?
Most present with Stage 1
Hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-ooepherectomy
External beam radiotherapy - follows surgery in high risk/lymph node involvement patients
also used for pelvic recurrence
What is the 5 year prognosis of endometrial cancers?
Stage 1 - 85%
Stage 2 - 70%
Stage 3 - 50%
Stage 4 - 25%
Overall - 75%
What uterine sarcomas exist?
Endometrial stromal tumours (perimenopausal)
Mixed mullerian tumours (old age)
When does cervical cancer peak?
During 30s and 80s
What are the histologies of cervical cancer?
90% squamous cell carcinoma
10% adenocarcinoma (worse prognosis)
How does cervical cancer present?
Occult - picked up on biopsy or LLETZ
Offensive discharge
Later stages: uraemia, haematuria, rectal bleeding, pain
Where does cervical cancer spread?
Stage 1 - confined to cervix
Stage 2 - invasion into vagina or parametrium
Stage 3 - Invasion of pelvic wall/ureteric obstruction
Stage 4 - Invasion of bladder/rectal mucosa
How are cervical cancers investigated?
Confirm diagnosis - biopsy
Stage - vaginal and rectal exam, MRI, cystoscopy
How are microinvasive cervical cancers managed?
Cone biopsy (-> post-op haemorrhage or preterm labour) Simple hysterectomy in older women