Prolapse and Incontinence Flashcards
What supports the upper third of the vagina?
Ligaments attach to cervic and suspend uterus
Cardinal ligaments -> pelvic brim
Uterosacral ligaments -> sacrum
What supports the mid portion of the vagina?
Endofascial condensation (endopelvic fascia) -> pelvic side walls
What supports the lower third of the vagina?
Levator ani muscle which incorporates the perineal body (pelvic diaphragm)
pubic symphysis -> pelvic brim, sacrum
What nerve supplies the levator ani?
Pudendal (S2,3,4)
keeps the poo off the floor
What is a urethrococele?
Lower anterior wall prolapse
Involves urethra
What is a cystocele?
Upper anterior wall prolapse
Involves bladder
May be combined with urethrococele
What is an apical prolapse?
Prolapse of uterus, cervix and upper vagina
What is an enterococele?
Prolapse of upper posterior wall
Contains intestinal contents from pouch of Douglas
What is a rectocoele?
Prolapse of lower posterior wall
Involves anterior wall of rectum
What causes prolapse?
Vaginal delivery - mechanical injury and denervation of pelvic floor
Congenital factors - abnormal collagen metabolism
Menopause: deterioration of collagenous connective tissue after oestrogen withdrawal
Chronic factors: obesity, chronic cough, constipation, heavy lifting, pelvic mass
Iatrogenic: pelvic surgery
How does prolapse present?
Dragging sensation, worse at end of the day or when standing up
Urinary frequency
Stress incontinence
Difficulty defecating
How are pessaries used for prolapse?
Act as artificial pelvic floor
Changed every 6-9 months
May need HRT to prevent ulceration
What surgery is used for uterine prolapse?
Vaginal hysterectomy - most subsequently present with vaginal vault prolapse
Hysteropexy - uterus and cervix are attached to sacrum via mesh
What surgery is indicated for vaginal vault prolapse?
Sacrocolpopexy - vault is attached to sacrum
Sacrospinous fixation - suspend vault to sacrospinous ligament
Can cause nerve or vessel injury
What surgery is indicated for stress incontinence?
Tension free vaginal tape
Trans-obturator tape procedure
Burch colpo-suspension