gothic architecture + artworks Flashcards


Explain the Virgin and the Child enthroned.

What year was it made? What was it made of? what art style was in it? who made it? why was it important? where can it be found?


it was made in 1305-10 CE; tempora and gold on wood panel; florence; gothic art style; its important because it shows religious devotion (object itself was considered a devotional object ad people would leave their offerings) to the virgin mary and jesus christ. shows baby jesus on his mothers lap and they’re seated on a gold throne (throne depicts traditional gothic style with a pointed arch and tall spires); although christ is shown as a child he is viewed as a baby adult which is why he is on the throne; shows a shift from flat and symbolic style to a more naturalistic approach (emphasis on the three dimensionality and emotional depth); characters are individualized than medevial artworks; drapery of mary’s germents show the emphasis of Giotto naturalism - gentle gaze shows an emotion (motherly) connection to jesus christ (dark blue signifies purity which is a reference to the virgin mary story); virgin mary and jesus being surrouned by saints shows that they are surrounded by all of divinty

created during a time were visual narratives were important which is why

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Explain Fresco cycle in the arena chapel

who made it? what year was it made? why was it important? what art style was it in? where can it be found?


was made in 1205-06 by Giotto and depicts many biblical scences such as the “raising of lazarus” and “lamentation”; was used as a devotional object and the background depicts normal gothic architecture with pointed arches. “raising of lazarus” depicts tge biblical episode where jesus raises lazarus from the dead and emphasizes the divine power of christ ober death and the anticipation of the resurrection (themes of faith, hope, and the relevation of christ’s divinty) contributes to the theological narrative of redemption. “lamentation” portrays the aftermath of the cruicifixion, where the lifeless body of christ is mourned (virgin mary, john the evangelist and other saints express their sorrow) serves as a powerful meditation on the themes of suffering, compassion, and the redemptive significance of chirst’s death; characters are more naturalistic and humanized

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explain the maesta altarpiece

who made it? what year was it made? why was it important? what art style was it in? where can it be found?


made in 1308-11 by Duccio, tempera and gold on wood panel. shows biblical scenes such as: “tempataion of christ” depicts the biblical episode found in gospels Matthew and Luke, where jesus is tempted by stan in the wilderness and shows spiritual struggle and triumph of chirst over temptation- emphasized the interaction between christ and the devil (reinforced christ role as the divine savior who, despite being tempted, remains steadfast and sinless - emphasized christ humanity and his ability to overcome the challenges faces by humanity); “christ entry into Jerusalem” portrays jesus triumphant entry into the city, and event known as palm sunday - captures the joyous reception of jesus by the crowds who spread palm branches before him (symbolizes christ’s kingship as th epeople recognized him as the long awaited messiah); liturgical practices, particulary the celebration of palm sundat, enhances the alterpiece role in the worhsip experience; “betrayal of christ” depicts the moment of Judas betrayal in the garden of gethsemane, leading to christ’s arrest. the scene is marked by a sense of betrayal chaos, and tradegy (uses gestures, facial expressions, and compositional elements to convery narratives) use of color especially gold leaf, symbolizes the divine and adds spiritual refelction and prayer

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explain allegory of a good government in the city and the allegory of go

who made it? what year was it made? why was it important? what art style was it in? where can it be found?


made my ambrogio lorenzetti in 1338-40; was made during a time of political instability and represented the desire for a stable government; testament to the civic idealism prevalent in siena in the 14th century (aspired to represent a model of good governance, emphasizing the well0being and prosperity of the communities - promotes values of justice, peace, and civic responsibility); urban environment - many scenes depict activites that contribute to the well being of the environment including education, commerence, and the aministration of justice. justice holds a sword and scales, indiccating fair assessment and admniistration of laws. peace is portrayed with an olive branch. ideal rural setting with cultivated fields, livestock and a harmonious interaction with nature (emphasizes the impotance of agriculture for the sustance of the community) allegorical figures such as tyranny and justice convey moral lession and emphasize the consequence of a corrupt government

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ambulatory and radiating chapel of the abbey church of saint denia

who made it? what year was it made? why was it important? what art style was it in? where can it be found?


made by ABBOT SUGER in 1140-44 (he started flowing interior space and colored light which led to the widespread use of stained glass) west facade and narthex combined norman tripartite facade design with sculptured portals two towers, round windows, ribbed groin vaults, round piers, pointed arches, wall buttresses (allowed for greater height); ambulatory: passage way that encricles the choir of the church, allowing for a continuous flow of movement around the central space (circular layout of the ambulatory and radiating chapels symbolized eternity and celestial realm - shape reflects the idea of the heavenly jerusalem and emphasize the divine) allowed pilgrims to circulate the high altar, enabling a more immersive religious pratice. radiating chapels: small chapels that branch off the ambulatory, forming a CIRCULAR ARRANGMENT AROUND THE APSE (7 pretty sure); provided additoinal space for private prayer, smaller masses, and the veneration of relics; Saint denis was associated with the FRENCH MONARCHY and serves as a BURIAL SITE FOR MANY FRENCH KINGS - expressed power and prestige of french monarchy;

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chartes cathedral

who made it? what year was it made? why was it important? what art style was it in? where can it be found?


found in france and was made in 1135-1220 nave was added in 1192-1220; north transport shows the world before christ and the south shows later events in christian history; center shows chrsit enthroned with 4 evengelists; flanking doorways are a monumental jamb figures depicting old testament kings and queens; pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses (allowed for greater height and more light) incorporated quadripatitive vaulting to the nave (allowed for more spacious interior); west facade features royal portals, adnormed with sculpted figures and scenes (last judegment and mary and christ) educational and devotional purpose; windows played a large role in conveying psiritual messages to the illeterate pilgrims; north and south rose windows are adnored with intricate tracery and depict biblical scenes; labrinth served as a symbolic path of pilgrimage and mediation for worshippers (walking the labrinyth became a spiritual exercise, mirroring the journey of the soul) presence of relics made chartes a popular pilgrimage site

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royal portal, west facade of chartes cathedral

who made it? what year was it made? why was it important? what art style was it in? where can it be found?


made in 1145-55 (tympanum of christ in majestry, jamb figures of prophets and ancestors of christ (kings and queens of hebrew bible)) central theme of tympanum is christ in majesty, iconic representation of christ as the triumphant ruler of the universe (christ is seated on a thronw symbolizing divine radiance) portrayal of christ inmajestry emphasizes his authority and soverignty (conveys s sense of divine power with christ as the ultimate judge and ruler of creation) scene often includes angels, four evangelists, and celestial symbols (reinforce the eschatological themes of christs eventual return and final judgement) jamb figures on each side represent prophets from the old testament (foretell the coming of the messiah, sculptures function as a visual narrative, connecting th eold testament prophecies with the fullfillmit of those prophecies in the figure of christ) thematic continuity underscores the theological unity of the old and new testament (each prophet is often characterized by its distinct attributes, such as scrolls, identifying them as messangers of the divine realms - visual amd symbolic link between the prohecies of the past and fullsillment of christ) future kings and queens flanking the portal represents the ancestors of christ, tracing his lineage back to david (inclusion of kings reinforce the lineage where the deivine ruler emerges - arranged hierachy with christ at the apex followed by the prophets)

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