Impetus Role Flashcards




Co-lead a team of four Project Consultants, coordinating tasks weekly, giving constructive feedback and guiding them in optimising deliverables and consulting presentation skills
Engage with key stakeholders consistently such as the client, industry representatives and other members of Impetus to ensure the deliverables serve the client well.
Coordinate workload evenly between Project Consultants and Co-manager
Ensure team cohesiveness and engagement
Last Sem was a PC and responsible for creating a deliverable that helped the client engage in growth strategy

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Problems faced


S: Project consultants coming up with new ideas that were a bit beyond their area of focus for the project that were good ideas.
T: Work out if their ideas align with the scope and if so, find a way to logically structure them into our deliverables
A: Slightly restructured their area to incorporate their ideas (i.e purely pricing into brining in new customers and customer retention with the pricing aspect and the customer communication aspect) or group their idea into someone else’s section and have a tough discussion that someone else will need to present their idea but they can keep working on it.
R: Project consultants who are motivated through brining their ideas to life

S: Some project consultants straying too far from the scope
T: Realign them with the direction of the project and how their area of focus serves the scope
A: Created a top down visual that flows from the problem to their solutions so that they understand the connection
R: Project consultants coming up with ideas and work that strongly aligns with the scope

S: Initially in the project, my co-manager and I weren’t working well together, communication lines weren’t strong and workload wasn’t being shared evenly.
T: Work on a solution to align our work and improve our communication
A: Discussed with HR and with co-manager, created a document outlining weekly tasks and deadlines where we could allocate ourselves to and set policies that we would review each others work before being sent to the project consultants
R: A highly efficient project and good team dynamic were work was being shared and ideas were on the same page

S: I believed the storytelling aspect and order of our presentation wasn’t logical when my co-manager believed it was
T: Pitch the idea that the order I believed was right and get support / evidence
A: Seeked feedback into both structures from industry professionals and external people and explained my order to the co-manager using industry story telling standards and external feedback
R: A logical story that gives our team structure and flows in regards to story telling

S: Impetus, given a client and scope that was completely different to anything I or Impetus had done before, with a strong finance and business structure focus for a start up.
T: Learn how to provide an innovative and relevant solution to help this business succeed
A: Leveraged my network, reached out to industry professionals for some guidance early in the project and seeked continuous help throughout to help structure our team’s research and deliverables.
R: Strong recommendations that address all troubled areas of the clients business, including pricing, logistics, financial structure and tracking (dashboard) and appropriate customer group.

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