Inference Flashcards


Committee chairperson: No new course will be approved for next year’s schedule unless a proposal for it has already been received either by this committee or by Dean Wilson. Dean Wilson has received only one new course proposal, and all of the new course proposals that this committee has received are for upper-level courses. It has been decided that, beginning next year, all upper-level courses will have prerequisites.

Which of the following can be properly inferred if the chairperson’s statements are true?

A) If there are no new upper-level courses next year, then there will be no new courses next year that have prerequisites

B) If all the new courses next year are upper level courses, then all of the new course proposals submitted to the committee will have been approved

C) If there is more than one new course next year, at least one of them will be a course that has a prerequisite

D) If the new course proposal that Dean Wilson received is for an upper-level course, then all courses offered next year will have prerequisites

E) If there are no new upper level courses next year, then the new course proposal that was submitted to Dean Wilson will have been approved



C) If there is more than one new course next year, at least one of them will be a course that has a prerequisite

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In the troposphere, the lowest level of the earth’s atmosphere, the temperature decreases as one processes straight upward. At the top, the air temperature ranges from -50 degrees Celsius over poles to -85 degrees Celsius over the equator. At that point the stratosphere begins, and the temperature stops decreasing and instead increases as one progresses straight upward through the stratosphere. The stratosphere is warmed by ozone. When an ozone particle absorbs a dose of ultraviolet sunlight, heat is generated.

If the statements above are true, which one of the following must also be true?

A) The troposphere over the poles is thicker than the troposphere over the equator.

B) It is warmer at the top of the stratosphere over the poles than it is at the top of the stratosphere over the equator.

C) The temperature in the middle part of the stratosphere over the North Pole is at least as great art the temperature in the middle part of the stratosphere over the equator.

D) The temperature at any point at the top of the stratosphere is at least as great as the temperature at the top of the troposphere directly beneath that point.

E) Depletion of the earth’s ozone layer would increase the air temperature in the stratosphere and decrease the air temperature in the troposphere.


D) The temperature at any point at the top of the stratosphere is at least as great as the temperature at the top of the troposphere directly beneath that point.

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The solidity of bridge piers built on pilings depends largely on how deep the pilings are drive. Prior to 1700, pilings were driven to “refusal,” that is, to the point at which they refused to go any deeper. In a 1588 inquiry into the solidity of cement for Venice’s Rialto Bridge, it was determined hat the bridge’s builder, Antonio Da Ponte, had met the contemporary standard for refusal: he had caused the pilings to be driven until the additional into the ground was no greater than two inches after twenty-four hammer blows.

The following can be properly be inferred from the passage?

A) The Rialto was built on unsafe pilings.

B) The standard of refusal was not sufficient to ensure the safety of a bridge.

C) Da Ponte’s standard of refusal was less strict than that of other bridge builders of his day.

D) After 1588, no bridges were built on pilings that were driven to the point of refusal.

E) It is possible that the pilings of the Rialto Bridge could have been driven deeper even after the standard of refusal had been met.


E) It is possible that the pilings of the Rialto Bridge could have been driven deeper even after the standard of refusal had been met.

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Newtonian physics dominated science for over two centuries. It found consistently successful application, becoming one of the most highly substantiated and accepted theories in the history of science. Nevertheless, Einstein’s theories came to show the fundamental limits of Newtonian physics and to surpass the Newtonian view in the early 1900s, giving rise once again to a physics that has so far enjoyed wide success.

Which one of the following logically follows from the statements above?

A) The history of physics is characterized by a pattern of one successful theory subsequently surpassed by another.

B) Long-standing success of substantiation of a theory of physics is no guarantee that the theory will continue to be dominant indefinitely.

C) Every theory of physics, no matter how successful, is eventually surpassed by one that is more successful.

D) Once a theory of physics is accepted, it will remain dominant for centuries.

E) If a long-accepted theory of physics is surpassed, it must. be surpassed by a theory that is equally successful.


B) Long-standing success of substantiation of a theory of physics is no guarantee that the theory will continue to be dominant indefinitely.

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