Influence (military, economic, political) Flashcards


Describe in detail two ways the world power you have studied can have an economic influence on other countries


P- Is that it one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
E- This means that other countries will want to trade with the USA as this will make that country lots of money as the USA is a large market. However, America could impose tariffs on goods from other countries 8 to make them more expensive and protect their own industries.
E- For example, President Trump imposed tariffs on a number of Chinese goods.

P- Another way the USA has economic influence on other countries is that many multinational companies are America.
E- This means they have set up in countries around the world and pay tax to that country’s government and create jobs for the country’s citizens.
E- For example, American company McDonald’s has approximately 1300 restaurants in the UK employing more than 120,000.

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Explain in detail two ways the world power you have studied can have a military influence on other countries


P- It has the most powerful military in the world.
E- America spends a huge amount on its military and has a huge number of nuclear weapons.
E-Other countries will want to be allies with America so that they can offer them protection and other countries won’t want to anger America as they can retaliate with military force.

P- Another way the USA has a military influence on other countries is that it is the main member of NATO.
E- NATO is a military organisation of 29 countries and if one member is attacked it is seen as an attack on all NATO members.
E- After 9/11 all NATO members had to provide troops and equipment for the war in Afghanistan. This had an impact on other countries’ economies as it is expensive to fight a war and also lots of soldiers and Afghan civilians were injured or killed.

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Describe in detail two ways the world power you have studied can have a political influence on other countries


P- Is its ability to make agreements with other countries.
E- The USA and China came to an agreement during COP26 to cooperate on limiting emission to address the global climate crisis as they are the world’s top two greenhouse gasemitting countries.
E- The USA was able to persuade China to commit to action and this agreement will have a major impact on tackling climate change as you need to have the USA and China on board.

P- Another way America has political influence on other countries is through its financial contribution to the United Nations.
E- The USA is the largest provider of financial contributions to the UN, providing 20% of the entire UN budget in 2019.
E-If America decided to pay less money to the UN, then the UN wouldn’t be able to help as many countries as their aid and peacekeeping budgets would be much smaller.

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