Insight into univeristy Flashcards


Why Would You Like To Join Our University?


University: Plymouth Uni
Reason 1: Course structure Very practical Patient focused
Explanation 1: Only university where you see patients in first year (clinic inductions)
Practice with clinical partner
Match theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge
Become familiar with various different clinical scenarios from early on
Improve confidence , communication skills, more at ease dealing with patients with more complex needs
Modules such as interpersonal engagement and professionalism improve skills needed as a clinician
Lots of focus on practical skills. Offers many skills labs that contain a lot of phantom head to practice on before patient. Get to use phantom heads from year 1 unlike with other universities)
Clinical placements in different places in the southwest e.g exeter and truro
> move around see different places - enjoyable and unique experience
>See different demographic of patients and how clinical dentistry is practiced in different social and cultural contexts
Draws me in further
Reason 2: Nice location
Explanation 2: By the sea/beach, wonderful environment to go to and calm down/fresh air
Aside from the dental shcool.
I usually go out to the meadows whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed, so living in a nice natural environment, not clogged up by the busy city, appeals to me more
In summer really nice to spend time with friends there
landmarks e.g smeaton’s tower, lighthouse, never seen before
New experience, would like it .
Location is key aspect, living for 5 years, not enjoy, harder
Draws me in further
Reason 3: Societies and uni life
Explanation 3: Many different societies to join e.g crochet and knit
Astro society, not many unis offer/same activities e/g stargazing at the plymouth hoe and hiking on dartmoor
Relax , Given the opportuntiy I’d like to join to tha
Inclusive, sober society, not many unis have that e.g bristol and leeds
Start own society, north african one
Get to meet ppl from same culture, keep connected to roots, also get to introduce ppl from other backgrounds our culture and traditions, nice environment to foster

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What Are Some Challenges Associated With Being A Dental Student?



Challenge 1: Workload-social life balance
Volume of knowledge and large number of contact hours is a challenge that may be overwhelming for some
Nature of the course, harder to connect with people
5 years, most peoples are 3 years, the workload of other courses not as demanding
Difference on amount of free time other people have compared to you, may sacrifice social events to keep on track with your work
Essential, vital to maintain a balance with extra curricular, social connections and personal well-being
Time management, Self-discipline and decision making
Challenge 2: Responsibility
Actions as a dental student in a healthcare setting have real-life consequences, esp in plymouth where you see patients from first year
Responsibility, maturity and professionalism is demanded from me
Upholding this may create a sense of pressure and stress
Committed in fostering and enhancing these qualities to ensure success and to become the dentist I aspire to be
Challenge 3: Difference in teaching
Transition between teaching styles from secondary school/sixth form and dental school
More independent and different ways of learning e.g lectures, workshops, OSCE practice
More initiative taking in clinical placements and patient contact
Shift in learning and teaching style requires significant adjustment and self-motivation
Eager to adapt to this environment and thrive
Embracing these challenges as a dental student can be overwhelming and requires a significant amount of adjustment , however I view these as an opportunity for growth and am ready to face the demands of dental school with dedication and resilience

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