interview Flashcards


Why did you leave your last job?


My last job was at a law firm in Sydney. It provided me with invaluable experience and insight of the legal industry. I learned more about the business and how law firms operate, I learnt new skills and applied it to the tasks I performed and I enjoyed working with likeminded people. However, I could only work there for so long before I had to return to Canberra. I am currently looking for new opportunities and challenges here so that I can apply and build upon the skills and knowledge I have gained and work closer towards my career goals.

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Can you work under pressure?


Yes, I work well under pressure. As a law and commerce student, working under pressure is inevitable. I have tasks that I have to complete in a time frame. For example, I am often given a short amount of time to complete an assignment. I also have to take exams, which you have to complete within a certain time period. However, by planning, managing my time and managing my stress, I am able to work effectively under pressure. Also for me, when I finish a task while working under pressure, I experience a sense of accomplishment

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What did you like about your last job?


My boss was hands off, and everyone was focused on their own tasks, but we didn’t hesitate to offer help and work together when needed. I also enjoyed the fast paced working environment as it ensured productivity.

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What can you do for us that no one else can?


I believe I have a unique set of skills and experiences. I can adapt current skills and knowledge I acquired from my previous job to this current role. I am willing to take challenges and learn. I am young, driven, hardworking and have a strong desire to be successful. And I would like to be part of your team to work together towards a common goal to succeed and grow

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Tell me about yourself


I am currently in my third year studying Bachelor of Laws and Commerce at Australian National University. I haven’t always been certain about what I wanted to do in the future. It was only until last year where I became sure and driven to become a lawyer. I have developed a great interest in law and finance. I enjoy reading cases, learning about the law and applying it in problem scenarios. I also enjoy learning new formulas in finance and performing calculations to solve financial problems. As my long term goal is to become a lawyer, I am taking action to acheive it, and one way is by gaining experience in the legal industry. I have built some of that experience by recently undertaking a legal clerkship at a busy law firm in Sydney. Tasks I performed, included managing files, drafting correspondences, preparing submissions for solicitors, making and answering calls, booking appointments and conferences, and general clerical tasks such as faxing, scanning and filing. This opportunity allowed me to gain relevant and valuable experience in the legal industry which I hope to continue building.

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Why did you choose this particular career path or what led to your chosen profession?


Truthfully, I enrolled in law school originally because I was not sure about my future and did not have a career goal. At first I found law school challenging because I excelled at business and economics in high school and law was something new that I have never done before. However, I am a firm believer of the quote “if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you” and “everything happens for a reason” because last year it become clear to me that I wanted to become a lawyer. Law is still challenging but I enjoy the challenge; I like pushing myself as that is how I can grow as an individual. I enjoy researching, reading about cases, learning about the law, applying it in problem scenarios, working with others and I want to turn this passion of mine into a career.

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What are your salary requirements?


I am flexible with my salary. At the moment, I am looking for something between 40,000 and 45000.

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Why should I hire you?


Because I have the experience and qualifications you are seeking. I have worked in personal injury law and am comfortable with working this area. I can engage in correspondence with different parties in both verbal and written form, manage diaries including appointments for clients, do banking tasks, manage calls and do general administration. Furthermore, I have excellent communication skills, I am a fast touch typer, I am organised, pay great attention to detail and I am approachable and friendly.

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In summary, I would like to work at mills Oakley as I


admire what your company does, your company’s business culture and your company vision and I believe my motivation and strong desire to succeed will complement your company

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What are your biggest accomplishments?


My biggest accomplishment to date is coming first in my grade for several subjects in my senior year and getting a higher ATAR than I expected which got me into law school. However, I believe that my greatest achievements are in the future.

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How do you take direction?

How do you accept criticism?


I can take direction very well. I would prefer if the direction were detailed and explained clearly. However, I understand that this may not always be the case particularly when the person giving direction is busy. In my last job, when the solicitor was busy, they would give me direction on sticky notes or they would give a very brief description. Sometimes, it wasn’t clear, but I would eventually find out what the solicitor wanted me do.

I can accept criticisms. If I constructive criticisms, I would listen carefully to what they have to say and try to improve in that area. If it were a direct insult, I wouldn’t take offence and would just ignore it.

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How would you react to unwarranted criticism by your boss?


I would ask to meet my boss in privately and ask them why they made that comment, listen to them and tell them how it dampens my work morale and makes me feel uncomfortable

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What is the most difficult situation you have faced? Could you describe a difficult problem and how you dealt with it?


When I was working at the personal injury law firm, I had to deal with calls from different parties. Some of the most difficult calls come from the party at fault usually in motor accident claims. Often when they are not insured, these parties attempt to deny liability by trying to convince us that they were not at fault or our client contributed to the accident. They would call us or email us a couple of times. For example, the party at fault’s cousin called and said that his cousin drove his car, got into an accident and they both do not have insurance. When we receive these calls, I would apologise that they had to experience this but if they do not believe you were at fault, they would have to discuss this with their insurer or lawyer as we provide legal advice to our clients and act on our client’s instructions.

During the second week of working at the personal injury law firm, I answered a call from the party at fault in a motor accident claim. The party was agitated. She complained yelling that she has been receiving several letters of demand from us where we threatened to commence litigation to recover compensation. She said the accident occurred a few months ago, she is insured and her insurer paid our client two months ago. She did not know why she was receiving these letters and they worried her to the point she was going to call the police. Just for background, we send letters of demand as a formality to the parties at fault to request for compensation. If the other party is insured, after the initial letter of demand, we do not send any more and instead engage in correspondence with their insurer. Anyway, the entire time I was on the phone with her, I listened to what she had to say and took notes. I apologised that she had to experience something this. I thought she did not have an insurer and that was why she had continued to receive these letters, but she did, which meant that she should not have been receiving these letters. I proceeded to calm her down and ensure her I will investigate where these letters are coming from. I asked for the name of our client so I could search it up on our database and see if our company has been sending these letters to her. She said the letter did not have our client’s name. It only had a reference number. This was strange because all our letters of demand have the client’s name in the subject area. I looked up the reference number but nothing came up on our system. I apologised and informed her I could not find the letter on our system and asked her to confirm if she was sure the letter did not have our client’s name. She sounded even more frustrated than before and said it had to be from us because she is calling us from the contact number on the letter. I apologized and reassured her I’ll try to investigate again. I briefly explained the situation to a colleague. My colleague recognised the reference number and said it belonged to a company we outsource to and sometimes they send out letters without knowing the full situation. She told me not to worry if the other party is insured. I took her advice and informed the party not to worry because this case has already been settled with her insurer. I apologised she had to experience this inconvenience. In the end, I calmed the other party calmed down, I resolved the issue calmly and professionally and the other party thanked me for looking into this. To avoid parties from receiving unsolicited letters in the future, I told my boss that this was an issue and she needs to get in contact with the outsourcing company and inform them of this issue.

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What are some of the things that bother you?


I get bothered when there is a lack of organization and when members of my team do not complete their task on time, especially when I have to rely on their completion in order for me to proceed on to the next task. An example is when I was working on an assignment with another student. We split up sections of the assignments to do and agreed to combine into one on a particular date. On the agreed date, my teammate had not completed their part, which included research and writing. This bothered me because I had to wait for them to finish before we could combine our parts and make it flow as one.

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What do you consider your most significant strengths?


I am determined, focused and hardworking. I am a firm believer that hard work beats talent and hard work pays off. I am very analytical and am good at problem solving, which means I am attentive to detail, and can carry out tasks with little direction. I am also proactive and have great organization and planning skills. Time is a commodity and I use it productively by carrying out tasks immediately and ensuring I use the extra time to increase the quality of the work. At university, I start my assignments early and study for exams early on. I balance this with exercising every morning, as this is way for me to have a clear and fresh mind for the day and start off the day productively.

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What are your weaknesses?


Sometimes I can be too focused on a task and details that it can slow me down, even if it means better quality work is produced. I can also be bothered when I have to complete a task and I cannot move on until someone finished their part. For example, I needed a client to sign an authority in order for me to attach the authority to a letter I was about to send to the doctor. I called the client and told them I have emailed them the authority and I needed them to sign it and email back to me soon. The client agreed. I reminded them by text again later during the day. However, it took more than a day and a half for them to sign the authority and email it back which meant I had to send the letter to the doctor a day and a half later than planned.

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Do you prefer working with others or alone?


It depends. I enjoy working alone because it means I have full control over my work and I do not have to worry about relying on teammembers who do meet deadlines and teammembers who do not put in effort. However, I do enjoy working in a team because there is greater motivation and of course, two minds is better than one. More ideas are shared and more work can be done. For example, one of my tasks included managing the mail. In the morning, my colleague would open the letters, and stamp the date it was received and I would organize the letters according to which solicitors it was for. In the afternoon, I would fold letters and put it in the envelope, and my colleague would stamp it and mail it out. This allowed us to work quickly and efficiently.

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We are a fast moving company and things are always changing, how do you think you will fit in with our ever changing and fast paced environment?

How well do you handle a change?


I can handle change very well because I am open minded and flexible. When there is change, I am aware that I have to do something new, unfamiliar and maybe challenging but I enjoy learning new things and facing challenges as that is what helps me grow. I trust the process and know that it would lead to something better in the long term. After all, if it does not challenge you then it does not change you.

Also I believe, when there is change, a high position person such as the senior manager usually makes this decision. They take time to weigh up the advantages and consequences whenever they make a decision. Therefore, usually change is for the better and you just have to trust the process.

In a part-time job that I had, a well-known competitor opened in the same shopping centre and our sales dropped. Our manager was concerned and hired a business consultant to boost our sales. The business consultant changed everything on the menu, changed our uniform, hired new employees, changed the way we would provide customer service, which included smiling and having a positive attitude. I handled the change well because I trusted the business consultant knew what he was doing. It is their job to reverse poor sales. For you to handle change well, you have to be part of the change and trust the process. As a result, of my positive attitude to the change and able to quickly adapt to it, the business consultant commended my efforts and used me as an example role model for the other employees to look up to. The change attracted new customers and existing customers wanted to try the new items on the menu, which ultimately lead to higher sales.

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How do you react to problems?


I respond in a controlled manner. Worrying and complaining about the problem will not solve it. It is important to stay calm and recognise that a problem exists, but there is a solution. It is also important to be aware of potential problems and addressing them early so that they can be avoided.

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Do you consider yourself a risk taker or do you like to play it safe?


I consider myself to be a mix of both. I take risks as it usually leads to a high pay off and helps me grow. But at the same time, I try to reduce the uncertainty associated with risk taking by analyzing the advantages, consequences of taking the risk.

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When conflict arises between you and another co-worker, what do you do?


I don’t experience conflicts with co-workers as I am understanding and easy to get along with. If I do experience conflict, I would explain my side, listen to their side and try to understand from their point of view and come up with a solution that we are both happy with.

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What are you willing to do to get what you want?


I will be willing to do whatever it takes. It may not be easy but it will be worth it and I want to try my best.

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How do you get along with different types of people?


I can work well with anyone. Despite differences in personality, experience, rank, skills, age, education, I have always been able to work well with my teammates in group assignments and colleagues and different parties at work. I believe the key to getting along with others is to have a positive attitude and be open-minded, genuine and understanding and to treat others the way you would like to be treated.

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Give me an example of a project that didn’t work out well?


When I had just begun working at the law firm, I was left with a sticky note on a client’s file, which read “complete form” and “client statement”. It was vague and unclear but I tried to understand and figure out what to do myself, which took me a while. After I finished the tasks, I gave it to boss and was told I did not do the task correctly. My boss fixed my mistakes and provided me with a precedent as a guide. Since then, I have learned it is okay to ask for clarification or to ask my colleagues who have done something similar before to give me a run through. As a result of that experience, I now ensure I know what the task requires me to do before I perform it.

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What are some of the things that you and your supervisor have disagreed about?


Sometimes, I have to shift my focus on a task I am working on to do another task. It can be frustrating as I like to focus on my tasks, however, with good time management and planning, this is not a problem.

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How do you handle important decisions


I would analyse the decision by gathering all relevant information, looking at the alternatives, looking at its advantages and consequences and how the decision will help achieve our goal. I would consult team members, listen to their advice and combine it with my own research and experience. This ensures I will be making an informed decision.

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What would your past boss say about you.


She would tell you that I can was willing to take challenges, friendly, hardworking and completed all my tasks on time.

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What are your goals for the future?


In the short term, I want to gain experience in the legal field and get good grades at uni by balancing my studies and work as this will help achieve my long term goal

In the long term, I want to continue to learn, take opportunities and challenges with new and greater responsibility to grow into a successful lawyer.

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What would your good friends say about you?


My good friends would tell you that I am loyal, caring, energetic, motivated and someone that would have their back and they they are proud to call a friend.

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How would your co-workers describe you?


That I am reliable, hardworking, a good team player and am always willing to offer help.


What is your definition of success?


All too often, the first thing that comes into people’s minds when you mention success is wealth and power. However, I believe, that is a narrow definition of success. Success is achievable everyday. Success is whenever you have achieved something you have set out to do. If you planned to finish your assignment in 5 days and you complete in 3 days, then you have achieved something you have set out to do and you are successful. That is success to me.


What is definition of failure?


There is a negative connotation attached to failure. Everyone experiences failure, even the most successful. There is a quote that goes “to be successful you have to fail”. Some people fail, stop trying and give up. Others experience failure, pick themselves up and use failure as a learning experience and motivation to succeed and grow. That is why I believe failure is essential in life as it is challenges you mentally. It an experience you can later look back and say, I am here because I didn’t give up.


What activities did you participate in at college?


I was a member of several college societies such as the law students society, ANU students’ association, japan club, China club, AFEC students society (Actuarial Finance, Economics and Commerce) and I occasionally participated in the events


Have you found your internships to be a valuable experience?


Yes I have gained valuable and relevant experience from undertaking the internship.

I definitely believe that the experience I gained from the clerkship has prepared me for the legal secretary/assistant position


Did you ever have a boss that you did not like or get along with?


I have gotten well with my past bosses as we were likeminded, I have a good attitude and carried out all my tasks with care and skill.


Do you feel that you are an organized person?


Yes I am very organised. In fact, it is one of my strengths. I have a habit of planning out my day on both the day before and on the day so that there is direction and purpose everyday. I like to keep my area clean and organised as it helps me think clearly and focus on my tasks.


How do you manage your time?


I write down all the tasks I need to complete. I organize the tasks according to its deadline, how long it will roughly take me to complete, which depends on its difficulty, and if I have done something similar before. When I am studying, I use a timer app and I would study for 45minutes non stop followed by a 5 minute break and I would keep repeat this. This all ensures I am using my time productively.


How do you motivate others?


I motivate others by highlighting their strengths and making sure they know it. I will praise them by saying “Keep up the good work” and “You are doing very well.” To remind them they are doing an excellent job.


Describe a typical day at your past or present job?


On a typical day, I would enter the office and there would be handful of mail on the front desk. I would open the mail, stamp the letters with the date it was received and organise the letters according to which solicitor it is for. Usually, a solicitor would come by and give me some tasks to complete, or I would go to the solicitor’s office and collect a pile of work from the “To Do” tray to complete. I would prioritize my tasks from most urgent to least. Throughout the day, I would answer incoming calls. Unless it is from a client or urgent, the solicitors prefer not to take the calls on the spot. I would take a message and email it to the relevant solicitor for them to contact later. At the end of the day, I would fold new letters into the envelope, stamp it and mail it out.


Your boss went on vacation for a week and sent you an assignment.

You have some important questions that you need answers to before you can begin working on the assignment and you are unable to contact your boss.

What would you do?


I would first ask my teammates. Their advice can be particularly beneficial if they have done something similar. If my teammates cannot answer these questions, I’ll ask other managers. If my questions are still not answered, I’ll try my best in figuring out what to do to get started and wait for my boss to come back.


The person we hire for this position will be working with three senior level professionals who have been with the company for over 20 years. How do you think you will fit in with them?


I can get along well with everyone. I have always been approachable and maintained good working relationships in my previous jobs. I am certain that my professionalism, determination and positive attitude will help create a good working relationship.


What would you say to your boss if he told you to do something that was wrong and you knew if you did it, there would be severe consequences?


I would go talk to my boss and tell them I respect their decisions but explain how there are severe consequences attached.


What are you looking for in your next job that you don’t have in your current job?


My last job was a small law firm. Everyone knew each other and got along well. However, the law firm was in Sydney and I needed to return to Canberra. I want to continue to build upon the skills and experience I gained and search for a place in Canberra that will allow me to grow professionally and reach my career goals


I have told you everything I can about this position, what do you like and dislike?


Kate, everything that you have told me about the position sounds perfect. Everything should work out great.


How do you deal with the least enjoyable parts of the job?


Every job has tasks that you may not enjoy. The key is to be positive and not complain because complaining will not get the task done. So I would just it done without complaining and focus on how I’m lucky to be working here.


You don’t have all of the skills and experience for this job, how do you intend to make up for your shortcomings?


I have always been a fast learner and I enjoy learning. I am motivated to learn everyday and gain new skills and experience. Even though initially it may take me a bit longer than to complete the tasks, once I pick up the skills and gain more experience, I will be working productively. To make up shortcomings, I can work late or on the weekends


Are there physical problems you have that may prevent you from performing all aspects of your job?


No, I do not have any physicals problems that would prevent me from performing my job.


Did you have any trouble finding our office?


“No not at all, the directions were perfect and thank you for asking.


What do you do to stay in good health?


I am actually avid about health and fitness. In fact, I exercise 6 days everyday, usually in the morning so then I can approach the day with a clear and fresh mind. I also have a clean diet to ensure my body and mind are functioning at its best.


Can you create well written documents?


Yes I can. This is reflected from my experience in my previous job and the writing skills I have gained from writing essays and long answers


How do you handle it when others disagree with your ideas? Do you stick to your guns or compromise?


I handle it well. You have to be open minded and listen to others have to say. You cannot always think your ideas are right and the best. So what I would do is listen to what they have to say and understand why my idea may not be as good as I thought and try to find ways that I can improve.


Have you ever been stressed out at work? How do you deal with stress in the work place?


Yes, it happens here and then. The key is to planning and organising your tasks. I always prioritize urgent tasks so that i won’t have to deal with last minute stress. I also drink plenty of water to keep hydrated, exercise daily, eat well and make sure I get enough sleep every night so that I feel good and have a clear and fresh mind everyday.


Can you describe what you think the relationship should be between a supervisor and an employee?


An employee and a supervisor should have a strong, professional relationship. I have always had a good working relationship with my supervisor. I believe it is because there were clear communication lines and I had understood their expectations and always delivered work to meet and exceed their expectations.


What motivates you on the job?


I am motivated by the challenge and the invaluable skills and experience.


How do you evaluate your success?


Success is when you have accomplished something you have set out to do. I measure and evaluate by success by reflecting on my goals. I will ask myself am I closer to where I want to be than yesterday, if yes, then I am making progress and am closer to achieving my goal. I like to use milestones as a way to evaluate my success. When I reach a milestone, I feel a sense of accomplishment as it shows I am making progress and am going in the right direction. It motivates me to keep going and achieve the big goal at the end.


Have you ever delivered more than what was expected at your job?


Yes I definitely have. It is a habit actually which I have developed from school. When I study, I would always go beyond the set readings and lecture, slides and do my own research on the topic.


Can you work weekends?


Yes I can work on weekends if you need me to. It would be good if it were scheduled so that I can plan out my time.


What makes a good leader?

Give me an example of when you were placed in a leadership role and how you handled it.


Good leaders have a clear vision of something they want to achieve. They develop strategies with their team, provide guidance and empower their team to reach their potential to fulfill a common goal. They are someone who is able to communicate effectively. A good leader is understanding and recognise each team members weaknesses and strengths. They are committed to their goals and respected by others.

I was working in a group assignment for Law. We had to solve this problem scenario together. We had to define the relevant legal issues, find the applicable law and apply the law to the facts. This was the first time our team members met. I took on a team leader position. I was responsible for leading my team through the problem scenario, dividing responsibility such as assigning each member with a different issue. I would also organise meetings where we would share and combine our ideas and possible solutions. I came to every meeting prepared, showing I was organised and committed in which gained respect from my team. I listened to everyone’s ideas and plans and combined it into our final solution. I kept my team motivated by praising their efforts and contribution. As a result, we produced an outstanding solution to the problem scenario and were commended for our teamwork.


If we offer you the job, how long will you stay here?


I plan to stay here in the long term, provided I continue to be challenged and given opportunities to grow professionally.


Have you made any mistakes that you have learned from?


Definitely. Every time I make a mistake, I treat it as a learning process. For example, when I make mistakes in quizzes or exams, I will observe my mistake, understand why I got it wrong and learn correct it for the future.


Can you give me an example of how you set goals and the steps you go through to achieve them?


My goals are SMART, that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound. I will ask myself, is this where I want to be? If no, what can I do to do get there? For example, I would like to get a high distinction for a particular. I then ask myself how am I going to achieve it. For getting a high distinction, I’ll have to know material inside out. I then will have to set out a plan of action. For example, for the week such as today, I will research and summarise cases. Next day, I make a summary from the lecture slides. I will do something everyday that will bring me a step closer to achieving my goal.


What is your idea of the perfect work environment?

What are you looking for in a job?


I’m looking for a job where I can utilise my current skills and knowledge and continue to build upon them. I want to be part of a business culture embodying open communication, respect, trust and where everyone is empowered to reach their potential and work towards a common goal. I’m looking for a place where I am challenged and can grow professionally, and am treated fairly and awarded for my work.


Tell me when you had to do something that was right, even though you did not agree with it.


When I was working at HY solicitors, I was working at the front office desk and was responsible for answering incoming calls. Usually, when someone called, they were looking for a particular solicitor in our office. Ordinarily, I transferred the call to the relevant solicitor, which is what I did the first time. I was told however by the solicitors that they do not take calls unless they’re urgent or from a client. They told me to take a message and email it to them.

So instead of transferring the call to the solicitor, I would tell the caller the solicitor they are looking for is currently unavailable and make up and excuse such as they are currently at lunch, they currently are with a client, they are not in the office, they are at a meeting or at court, and I would tell the caller I can take a message and if they would like the solicitor to call them back, I’ll take their number and pass it on.

Most of the time, the callers were happy to leave a message. And although, I had to make an excuse that the solicitor is unavailable, I had to understand from the solicitors’ and business perspective. It would be inefficient for me to transfer every call to the solicitor. Calls take time and can interrupt them in the middle of a task. Of course, I would transfer if it were urgent or from a client, but it would be unnecessary for the solicitor to take every call. Emails were more efficient, and it allowed the solicitors to understand what the call is for and better prepare a response. As a result, it just ensured the office ran smoothly and efficiently.

Most of the time, our clients are unfamiliar with the procedure involved in making a motor accident claim. When our clients do not report the accident to the police, we have to report it for them by calling the police assistance line. Depending on which police officer you get, some of them will allow you to make the report on your client’s behalf, and some make it clear that only the client can report the accident.

I asked my colleagues if they were sure we could report the accident because some police refuse to let you report on behalf of your client. They said they have done this many times and it depends on the police officer you get. It is better for us to report on behalf on our client because we have all the information required to make a report such as the date, time, number plates, address. It would be more efficient than telling the client to go to the police station or going with the client to the police station as we risk delay and the client may not have all the information. As a result, I make reports on behalf of our cilents. If I get a police officer who does not let me report, I will call again later during the day. This way, the office is able to run smoothly and efficiently.


Describe a time when your boss asked you to do something you felt was wrong, inappropriate or even unethical?


At my first part-time job, I realised everyone including me was being paid below the minimum wage. Some of them have been underpaid severely for a year. They were unhappy but they were afraid to bring this to our boss’s attention. They were afraid they would lose their job and be replaced if they did.

I talked to the colleagues and told them I will be reporting our boss’s actions to Fair Work Australia. My colleagues told me to report anonymously so that our jobs will not be at risk. An investigator came in that week. I am not too sure what happened but I think because our boss paid in cash, he was able to cover up the underpaid wages.

My boss suspected that I had made report and asked what was the point of reporting. I admitted to my boss that I had made the report, because he was taking advantage of my colleagues and what he was doing is against the Fair Work Act. I told him my colleagues have been holding it in and were afraid to confront him so I had to take action on behalf of my team. As he continued to refuse to listen to our concerns, and comply with the Fair Work Act, all I could do was voluntarily resign. My colleagues admired my courage and thanked me for ensuring our boss knew that what he was doing was unfair. It just seemed like the right thing to do.


If someone on your team didn’t do his job, how did you resolve this problem?


In my opinion, when a team member doesn’t do their job, reprimanding them will not solve anything. You need to talk to them to find out why they are not doing their job, what is holding them back? Be understanding of their situation and provide to help and motivate them to get back on track.

In this partner assignment I had, we split up sections of the assignment to do and set a deadline for us to finish so that we could combine our research, solutions and writing. On the agreed date, my partner had not finished their part. I relied on their work because we needed to combine everything together and make it flow before handing in our assignment.

I talked to my partner and she told me she was not able to find time to work on her assignment as she had other study commitments. She also said she did not completely understand. I went through the assignment with her and helped her with research and gave her ideas of possible solutions and what to write about. I ensured she had motivation and support by making myself available to help whenever I could. At the end, we were able to complete the assignment before the deadline


Which areas of law are you most interested in?


I am interested in personal injury law, commercial law, family law and criminal law.


Why did you decide to become a legal assistant?


I decided to become a legal assistant because it was an oppourtnity for me to progress in my career and work towards my career goal. I enjoy working with likeminded people and interacting with different parties. And I believe my attention to detail, organization and time management skills make me suitable for this role.


Which subject did you like the least, and why?


I like all my subjects, but if I had to say one then it would be chinese course that I took in first year because I took the level 1 course and it did not challenge me or help me grow.


What made you choose to attend [name of school]?


I decided to go to ANU as I have lived in Sydney my entire life and I wanted a change of atmosphere so I decided to relocate to Canberra to study law at ANU. I am also proud to be an ANU student as ANU is Australia’s number one university and one of the top universities in the world.


How has your education prepared you to work for us?


I study law and commerce so I have a good grasp of legal concepts and terminology. My education so far has taught me how to plan out my tasks and manage my time, how to work effectively and efficiently in a team, how to handle stress and how to stay focused.


What qualities do you feel are most important for a successful legal assistant?


A legal assistant has to be organised, have excellent time management and be able to work under pressure as they will be given many tasks to complete in a given time frame.


Can you give me an example of a situation where you needed to deal with multiple priorities at once and how you deal with it?


During the exam period, my exams were my priorities. Even though all my exams were important, I needed to plan out my study time so that I could do my best in all my courses. I would prioritise according to how prepared I am for the course. For courses I am less prepared, less confident and have more weaknesses that I need to address, I study them first and allocate more time. Of course, if I know that I have weaknesses in a course, I would address it a few weeks before so that I do not have to deal with last minute preparation. Another way I would prioritise my study time would be according to the exam timetable where I would prioritize studying for courses with a closer exam date.


Can you give me an example of a situation where you demonstrated an eye for detail?


I had to draft a client statement for an application to resolve dispute claim. I knew nothing about the client as I did not interview the client. I had to look at his file to learn who he was, where he was employed, when did he get injured, what caused the injury, what treatments our client received and how did this affect his daily activities. It was important that I was attentive to detail so I did not miss any relevant information or write down incorrect and irrelevant facts. For example, if our client sustained a shoulder injury and I did not mention it, then it would be more difficult for us to make a claim for the shoulder later on. Another example is if I accidentally wrote that our client took 2 weeks off work instead of 12 or failed to mention our client could no longer lift objects more than 5kg. As you can see, I had to be attentive to detail to ensure the client’s statement contained nothing but detailed facts of what had occurred.