Interview Questions Flashcards


Tell us about yourself.


I have been doing quality assurance and quality control for the last five years predominantly in the medical device industry and have helped reach daily and quarterly production goals in team oriented settings that require versatility. I hope to further integrate that experience with my educational background of Electrical Engineering.

[What value could you bring?; What problems could you solve for the company?; What’s in it for them?]

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When have you handled huge pressure in a work related situation?


While working at AT&T as a Jr. Test Engineer I took over daily health check responsibilities in which I would configure two devices in the testing lab chamber and would run basic call, text, and data usage between the two devices within the proper APN and rf panel settings and I had to figure out why MMS would always fail while all other functions worked.

I knew that SMS message transfer was working so I knew that the issue did not lie in the connection or APN settings, but I went over the data packets on the wire shark program using the SIP filter and those traces confirmed that the issue lied with the MMS settings. I relayed this information to my superiors and they were able to walk me through on how to adjust them MMS settings.

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Can you describe a stressful situation and how you handled it?


While working as an Electro-Mechanical Assembler I was tasked with preparing our medical devices for end of line quality assurance checks before packaging. The task consisted of applying the proper labels and manuals to the device based on the specific order. The supervisor did not believe I was doing the task correctly although it was a simple task and the only problem that I observed from how I performed the task was the quickness of completing one order to the other. I made a mistake of placing the wrong manual with the wrong order and already performed the scanning which digitally associated the manual with the order.

I noticed my error and asked the supervisor to clarify how I can correct the mistake. The supervisor was convinced that I was incompetent as far as completing this task and reprimanded me for not referencing documentation for the workstation. And obviously I knew that I was in the wrong, but I could not reconcile having to reference the documentation along with the time-sensitive nature of the assembly line task.

Ultimately, I recognized that I would have to be proactive as far as getting a grasp of that stations reference documents during the time before our team meetings.

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Can you give an example of how you dealt with conflict in the workplace?


There were multiple occasions in which I had co-workers that were really to no fault of their own causing me frustration simply because they were joking around, and in essence wanted a social dynamic while I was still getting the hang of the tasks. And I simply had to conduct a mental evaluation through a lens of emotional intelligence to realize that whatever conflict I thought was there was only in my head and I realized that my co-workers were simply trying to lighten the mood and my frustration stemmed from the fact that they were able to process the intricacies of the task both mentally and physically much quicker than I and that I had to remind myself that I am an individual that processes slowly by default and just had to lock in to the task and be more proactive so that I could lock in more seamlessly to where I can partake in the social atmosphere that my coworkers were trying to create.

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Can you tell me about a mistake you made at work and how you handled it?


While working as a Electro-Mechanical Assembler one of the units was showing signs of failure and I simply assumed that it failed although it could have been an issue with the fixture so it may not have been a true failure as I was supposed to contact my Supervisor for grey area situations as it would be inconvenient to have a unit that could be passed on to the next station be sent to rework. My Supervisor was made aware and I took responsibility for my bad judgement and I recognized that it all stemmed from my impulsivity and that I needed to slow down and be less impulsive in order to make the right decision.

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You have a degree in Electrical Engineering, how come you are not an Electrical Engineer?


Right after completing College a friend of mine offered to set me up with an interview with Sea-Bird for the position of Test Technician and after coming off of a poor capstone performance and just a poor collegiate tenure overall from having a gpa that is not worth putting on my resume I had to wrestle with that Subjective experience and ultimately did not have the confidence to even apply for that position. And in the fall of 2021 my friend convinced me to apply to Astronics as a Customer Return and Repair Test Technician. I knew I would not ultimately be able to work at Astronics because I did not meet ITAR regulations to work at a defense company, I have the DACA status under category C33, but ultimately I went through with the interview and was offered the job and that experience was to simply build confidence.

I had a poor outlook with my Subjective Experience and always tried to figure how to reconcile with this perspective. And I realized that I, and perhaps human beings in general, were not designed or built to reconcile. We were built and designed for redemption in the form of cultivating a positive outlook with our own individual subjective experience.

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