Inversion Flashcards



  • مفهومش اینه که ترتیب رو توی جمله تغییر میدی
  • کلا ساختارش اینجوریه که فعل رو قبل سابجکت قرار میدی
    Verb + subject
    ⭕️You are tired
    Are you tired?
  • حالیت هست که چند تا فعل داریم مثل وقتی که فعل کمکی داریم، توی این حالت فقط اولین فعل رو میاریم قبل سابجکت
    Present simpel: am i
    Past simple: were you
    Present continuous:am i going
    Past “: was he going
    Prsent perfect: have we gone
    Presenet perfect cont: has she been going
    Past perfect: had you gone
    Past perfect cont: had he been going
    Future simple: will they go
    Future cont: will you be going
    Future prefect: will they have gone
    Future perfect cont: will she have been going
    Modal verbs: should i go

Present simple: do you go
Past simple: did you go

When use inversion

2)Use a negative adverb or adverb phrase at the beginning of the sentence
Some negative adverbs and adverb phrases that we often use with inversion:
Hardly, never, seldom, rarely, only then, no sooner, scarcely, only later, not only…but, nowhere, little, only in this way, in no way, on no account
Not only does he love chocolate and we’re but he also smokes.⭕️
⭕️ Seldom have I seen such beautiful work
*this sentence emphasizes what beautiful work it is
⭕️I have seldom seen such beautiful work
* this sentence is normal with no special emphasis

  • use inversion when the adverb modifies the whole phrase and not when it modifies the noun
    ⭕️hardly anyone passed the exam(No inversion)
  • in the following expressions, the inversion comes in the second part of the sentence:
    Not until, not since, only after, only when, only by
  • وقتایی که میخوایم خیلی تمرکز کنم روی جمله و تعجبم رو نشون بدم
    ⭕️Not until I saw John with my own eyes did I really believe he was safe
    ⭕️Only by working extremely hard could we afford

3)can use inversion instead of “if” in conditionals with “had” “were” and “should”.
had : conditional type3
Were : conditional type2
Should : conditional type1
normal conditional:
If I had been there, this problem wouldn’t have happened
Conditional with inversion:
Had I been there, this problem wouldn’t have happened

4)use inversion if we put an adverbial expression of place at the beginning on the sentence.
ادامه جمله + سابجکت+ فعل+ مکان
All the money we had lost was on the table
Inversion: on the table was all the money we had lost
The knights came round the corner
Round the corner came the knights

5)use inversion after ‘so + adj….that’
So+ adj+ verb+ subject+ that+ ادامه جمله
The girl was so beautiful that nobody could talk of anything else
So beautiful was the girl that nobody could talk of anything else

How well did you know this?
Not at all