Jonathan - Detailed (min/date/class/module) Entire 1-14 Insights Flashcards


Class number one Jonathan modules One, two, five.

Fundamental analysis, graphs, basic terms, mentality, trading in demo. What symbol signifies this type??

Joe one, is for the basic models.
JO2, it's for a class two.
Joe three is class number three. And so on…
For every information and piece of information I distribute in this SRS I must attach the video number model number minute and subject if I really have to.
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Joe number two, biotech companies, financial reports analysis with balance margin and cash flow,.


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Joe number three syllabus.


News analysis.
Reports analysis part one.
• the publishing of reports, quarterly reports and yearly reports.
• publishing of clinical experiments, A very important subject that may affect long-term and short-term investors.
• the publishing and update of the companies business in short (business update).
• • business prediction what is the clean profit, news about the company , Prediction about financial reports.
• • purchasing other companies or other facilities in addition of merges and cooperating together two companies merging into one. This is a really important update in the fundamental.
Send it up publishing about financial recruitment.
• and listing investors, this is a very specific. Action that requires a bitch, researching about potential investors and usually happens when there is a conference. The persuasion of. Homework about investors, showing a lot of inside information about the company in order to persuade investors to take part.
• registering financial power throughout market. Public offering. If investors believe in a company they invest. Many options. Manufacturing of stocks is really a vast world.
*the company is not the same before and after a report, the pricing of any message is unique . News = x but the hype about the message can turn x into 5x.

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Joe number three, minute number 13, mentality about Muse and the pricing of news.

  • we are not profits – – we do not need to know how to price the news in 100%.we need to let the market stabilize the news worth, we want to know a general number. If a company is worth $10 million and she recruited a personal investment of $28 million then, meaning the company recruited more money than it’s markets worth, and amazing point. Investors that know the meaning may invest more and determine the company’s worth.
  • we can determine a companies worth by investors invest in certain amounts in regards to the company. If an investor puts in an amount off less than the companies market price and more than the companies market price we can tell. The price is the king . *Until we get proof inside the graphs we cannot determine.
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Joe number three, examples. Minute number 18


MMRSM company several stores enhance the outstanding flow and bought shares in market price +2,000,000 shares in ATM.
The structure we usually have in this specific announcement is:
Name of the company, description, what the company does and today announced (which is the business announcements or business update.).
The announcement is usually accompanied by number of shares sold and the price of the price. Plus total benefit and expansses before the actual price הוצאות כולל המחיר הכולל של הקנייה.

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Joe number three, minute number 28, example about news announcements, companies name (GEMM aRK )


In this specific company we can take an example about the process of offering more shares to the market, it is usually accompanied by three messages.
• a message that announces the message itself [news]
• an announcement that signifies the price of the offering
• Final announcement about closing the offer [all of the stocks have been sold].
*Underwriters: the underwriters themselves have an opportunity to buy additional shares. Additional proceeds.
*The public offering is structured of 2 to 3 messages.
Message about manufacturing the shares to market itself.
Message about what actually happened how many shares have been sold.
Finally the closing of. The announcement.

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GNMK. Proceeding the successful and listing of money from the market what can we see about this company?


GNMK. This company showed great rising following the successful manufacturing. A great rising followed by the establishing of the movement, later to be supported by actual buyers and eventually rising above previous heights.
RAZ, he knew that this type of movement had a lot of energy and as we can see, the company in a matter of four months had quadrupled it’s worth.

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Joe number three, the news about successful or unsuccessful clinical experiments. Minute number 38.


*finance - p value. Example (p=0.007) with regarding to the P value the smaller its value, the more we have confidence about the integrity of the results of the clinical trials.
We can get the most value by reading the actual announcement rather than getting into the little details. (45 or 105 mg, placebo, duration of trial,) And more.
AXSM example.
INVTAE example- emerge between two companies which is great news, business update.
• N VTA they live in genetics company, and archer DX, a leading genomics analysis company announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement. Meaning merge.
Wcwl? (What can we learn) - jun22.

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Joe number three, financial reports, shufersal. Explanation.


Financial report is constructed of a lot of pages [specifically, 67].
Depending on the company and depending on the specific time.(corona virus and so on)

Retail = קמעונאות. ‏ The purchasing of goods and food is suddenly in the hype do it to coronavirus. Every report has several parts.
Directories is an external part of the company’s decision and is comprised of members, there is a directory meeting every three months. Usually
They make sure that the decisions inside the company are in benefit of the company’s wealth and growth and not the wealth and growth of the CEO and private employees and so on.they have strengths and can determine the CEO and so on.
The directory says a few words about behavior and managing bla bla, if we are “values “ investors it’s a good thing for us to know what is written, the directory gives several tips about the company’s future.
Financial quarterly reports (middle). Unified, meaning, shufersal and all of the companies in its control.(Usually we have the mother company that is the main representative and underneath it there is a pyramid of all the other companies in its control) if this specific company holds even 50% of the total company shares, it is considered the main shareholder. (On top of the pyramid) she can control actions of other companies.
• information about the essence of money separately from the report (general knowledge about the past of the company and its reports, behavior and so on)
• a report about The effectiveness and financial control regarding financial reports and new discoveries.
Regulations and follow up about the companies activities, to prevent. Previous cases like [ENRON)

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Min 46 joe 3 , shufersal company report.


The report is the face of the company, it should be perceived as attractive and sexy. The thing that we are looking for as investors is, to see the details in The highest clarity possible.
*We also have interesting details, other than show offs, like unified margin from sales, the different margins from different sectors etc. but, the company wants to show us what she wants us to see. We can’t in 100% trust these different statistics.
We also have this specific detail about coronavirus and how it affected the company, we can see it in more detail inside the report and it is relatively interesting and shows us a picture about the specific markets influence.
The thing we want to focus on regarding the directory report is The thoughts of the directory about the companies different aspect, we can see references to the lucidity of money, the effect on online purchases, Differences in shifts regarding employees and so on. If you want to look more specifically about any companies problem we can see it inside of those reports, for example do you amount of available money or the balance between assets and loans.
• the main part of the report is the four pillars of accountants.
His job is to make sure that the company doesn’t do anything fishy and that everything is on the check, acting with balance and with regulations. If the accountant thinks that the company hasn’t managed it self well he might as well mention it inside of the report with the detail and with regards to the sector or.
Balance ,assets, fortune, total liability liability. Total of assets worth. The total number of fortune.
The balance shows a certain freeze freeze about the company and its current financial balances. We can also determine other times of the companies actions that are mentioned inside the report, we can see this yearly balance and last year’s balance. From then till now.
Losses and gains report – – always starts with income, then rent, sales method. יש לנו הכנסות מסוימות ובנוסף יש נתון של כמה עלה לנו לייצר את ההכנסות הללו ביחס. כדי לייצר 3.7 מיליון עלה לנו 2 למשל ביחס.
‏ this leaves us with a total income of 1.7 million for example.
We have total expenses as well like marketing investment sales management and so on. Actionable profit after expenses is X minus expenses
In this company specifically we came up with the total earnings of 90 million even though we have invested about 3000 600 million. Not a lot.
The price per share is the raw margin divided by the number of shares. We want to know how much money and investor can profit off of one share. The specific number is 0.38 profit per quarter and 1.5 profit per one year for each share distributed.
• • fortune report the differences in Fortune.
This report analyzes in depth the differences of fortune inside of the company and the effect of gains and losses inside of the company on it’s total fortune. And we will also see the effects of distributing different chairs inside of the company.

• and the last report is cash flow which is a specific Section:
* analyze this single difference inside the balance report.
It is comprised of the assets worth in the beginning of the year and in the end of the year and the cash flow report is analyzing this specific data in depth. “How do we explain this specific difference in assets worth” this is what the specific report explains.
The report is in three parts:
Part one – – business activity of the company
Part two Dash – investment inside a company, Assets and what not.
Part three funding activity, all sorts of liabilities, credit, dividend
• the effect of this three parts about the report is about the fluid activity that manifested cash 534 million. This three sections. And the amount of money invested in them is specified inside report.
Explanation of the difference in margin is down to these three parts and the end result is the growth or decline cash Plus the cash amount in the beginning of the period, this equals the cash flow and the worth of the cash regarding to the end of the period. This explains everything.*If a number is inside parenthesis then it is considered a negative flow of cash, usually investments in assets and so on.

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Joe number three, minute number 62, things to look out for with regarding to financial reports.
Dis truths and fallacies.


• the directory can pretty much write whatever it wants and can leave out whatever it doesn’t want. This part of the report is “in the shadows” with regarding to the general public.
• the balance reports and its alliances are very hard to configure and are checked throughout Lee by an accountant.all is down to regulation and can’t be cheated.
Everyone are under the same rules.
•*we are only touching the surface right now, but all of these data will ultimately come out as information we can use to determine the movement of a certain company, although there are some sections. With which there is no where to get wrong like:
– enlargement in the margin with regards to last year.
– we will build a certain method that will touch on all of this specific data and with that method we will determine not 100% accurately but close enough, the real significance of detail.
– Some of the points Will make us say “well, I do not like what I see or well, this looks good” and we will have to determine the way we are going to act eventually even when details are in a fog.
Two analysts look at the same report with different perspective so this process is mostly individual, not including highlights, eventually the movement of the price shows us and strengthens our point of you about the meaning of the report, as long as we see things positively. For example, RAZ looked at ZOOM reports with disregard and mentioned that these are bad reports and he expected A downfall. “A bubble that is about to burst” but the market fucked differently and kept inflating the hype around the stocks balloon. Asterixwe always wait to see what happens inside the graph and the actual movement of the price before determining different outcomes with regarding to the report.תנועת מחיר והרבה רקע על הנושאים האלו ויהיה שיעורי בית על דוחות פיננסיים ומבחן קשה.

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“The war about the price” minute number 70. We observe and we make conclusions.


Every movement inside the stock market is a war about the price and general value of the company itself. The price of the share is transparent with its actual worth at this moment by the stock market. It’s almost impossible to price the companies worth in a matter of days or even weeks, it’s a long process and therefore the fluctuations that we usually see. The nature of the market is that there is an unlimited dispute.

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Homework for lesson number three. Module number 2,6 13,14.



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