Key Debate 4 - How far were issues relating to the empire and minorities neglected by Alexander II? Flashcards


How far were issues relating to the empire and minorities neglected by Alexander II?


Much of the accounts of russian history under Alexander II look at the effectiveness of his reforms. However, many of these accounts treat peasants from all nations as the same regardless of where they resided, which is untrue.

Alexander II tried extensively to compromise with the Polish government to create their own land reformation programme. Extremists opposed them and rebellion erupted. After the Polish rebellion was put down in 1864 the tsar imposed reforms that benefitted the peasants at the expense of the nobility. Polish Rebellion (1863) was quite cleary the start of the Russification progress, showing that Alexander II was committed to maintaining order across the entire empire

Other regions
Other hints of seperatism were investigated heavily. - official commission set up to investigate seperatist in Ukraine 1876.
Many Jews allowed to live outside the Pale of the settlement.

Alexander was well aware of the needs of the entire empire, and often listened to the demands of minorities.

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