Lecture 12 - efficient nutrient use Flashcards
why are rice paddy fields highly productive?
- no limitation by water
- little competition from weeds
- nutrients are made available to rice by waterlogging
- up to three rice crops can be planted in a year
what is the issue with paddy fields?
- contributing >10 % of global methane emissions, and have made increasing contributions to N2O fluxes too
- Is argued that eating rice is worse for the environment than most other cereal crops
how do rice crops contribute to GHG emissions?
the root anatomy - air channels that run through the roots allowing gases to escape out the soil via the plants up into the atmosphere through the stomata
- Enable gases to bypass the microbial communities within the soil that normally process the greenhouse gases and convert them to products that are less damaging to the environment
paddy rice production has increased 130% - what is this down too?
due to semi-dwarf, early-maturing rice varieties that can be planted up to three times per year and are responsive to nitrogen fertilizers
- These new rice varieties grown in irrigated land contribute to nearly three-quarters of the world’s total rice production
why is it hard to compare the greenhouse gas potential of methane and nitrous oxides?
they gradually break down but at different rates - so depends on the time frame you look at
- N20 persists more than methane
what is important when considering the effect of greenhouse gases?
the time frame over which they do these assessments is important - need to expand timeframes beyond 20 yrs to understand long term consequences
what is a redox potential?
measure of the oxidation-reduction status
what is redox driven by?
water saturation of the soil -related to the soil structure, drainage and water inputs
why is redox driven by water?
because co2 and o2 diffuse much more slowly in water than in air however the solubility of co2 in water is much higher than oxygen therefore as oxygen gets used up by microorganisms living in water the rate at which it can diffuse back in is very slow however co2 is much more mobile within a waterlogged system
Soil saturated with water quickly runs out of available O2
how does reduction affect PH?
removes free H ions and PH increases
how does oxidation affect PH?
releases H ions and PH falls
what is the consequence of most agricultural crops having roots close to the soil surface?
- A lot of deep agricultural soils are potentially losing nutrients below the depth at which the plants are rooting
- In dry conditions they can’t access some of the water content in the depths of the soil because of the shallow root systems
what is the issue with focusing on breeding crops with maximum grain yields?
there isn’t enough attention on maximising the effectiveness of root systems for capturing water and nutrients
why is capturing water via root systems important?
because climate change is causing increased droughts and reduced reliability of rainfall therefore efforts need to be put into considering root systems
what is another advantage of putting plants with deeper roots back into rotations ?
they may generate more pore space deeper in the soil and make it easier for the next crop to get into those spaces