Model performer Flashcards


What is a model performer


A model performer i someone who can carry out a performance in any of the 4 factors to an almost ‘perfect’ level

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Describe the ways in which a model performer can be used when gathering data on the mental factor?

(Change for each factor given) (2)


I used a model performer when comparing my mental results in the performance profiling wheel (ppw). The section that had the biggest red difference between my model performer and i was identified as a weakness.

Another way is that i used the model performer as inspiration. I chose a performer who was a high mental performer in my class and aimed for them. Then i used the model performer as motivation to push myself

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Evaluate your physical strengths and limitations in comparisons to a model performers


‘I share some strengths and weaknesses in relation to a Physical Model Performer.’

‘One strength I have is my CRE because in my Performance Profiling Wheel both I and my Model Performer scored 10/10. This meant that like my Model Performer, both of us managed to last the whole game without tiring. This lead to us both continuing to maintain a high skill level as we were fresh enough to continue focusing on our sub-routines.’

‘Another strength I have is my Reaction Time because in my PPW I scored 9/10 and my Model Performer scored 10/10. This meant that both of us were first to react to loose balls and quickly regain possession for our sides as we beat our opponents to the ball. This lead to us restarting new attacks.’

‘However, a weakness of mine is my Agility because in my PPW I scored 2/10 whilst my Model Performer scored 10/10. This meant that unlike my Model Performer, I was unable to change direction quickly whilst retaining my balance. This meant when the opponent I was marking changed direction, I was unable to stay with them and they were able to drive into space away from me.’

‘Another weakness of mine is my Power because in my PPW I scored 3/10 whilst my Model Performer scored 10/10. This meant that unlike my Model Performer, I was unable to get any power from my legs when jumping and not gaining enough height. This lead to my opponent jumping higher than me and winning the tip-off.’

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What’s the strengths and limitations in a social model performer 4


‘I share some strengths and limitations with a Social Model Performer.’

‘One strength of mine is my Co-operation as like my Model Performer, I scored 10/10 in the PPW. This meant that when training, I am capable of working with a teammate of mine to provide them with feeds for their spikes and give them feedback after each shot. This lead to them improving their performance with the aid of my feedback.’

‘Another strength of mine is my Team Dynamics as like my Model Performers, I scored 10/10 in the PPW. This meant that both of us would encourage and support our teammates after they missed an easy chance rather than criticise them. This lead to their confidence and resilience staying high as they felt encouraged by my support.’

‘However, a limitation of mine is my Communication as unlike my Model Performer, I scored 2/10 whilst they scored 10/10. This meant that I did not call loudly for the ball as it came over the net. This lead to two of us going for the same ball, colliding and hitting an inaccurate dig out of the court.’

‘Another limitation of mine is my Etiquette as unlike my Model Performer, I scored 4/10 whilst they scored 10/10. This meant that I did not apologise when my shot clipped the top of the net to deceive the opponent and bounce in in a different area of the court. This lead to the opposition getting angry at me and our game being played in an unsportsmanlike manner.’

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Evaluate your mental strengths and weaknesses in relation to a model performer


‘I share some strengths and limitations with a Mental Model Performer.’

‘One strength of mine is my Decision Making as like my Model Performer, I scored 10/10 in the PPW. This meant that both of us were capable of making good decisions when in a 2vs1 situation as we passed the ball to our teammate in a better goalscoring position to us who went on to score.’

‘Another strength of mine is my Motivation as like my Model Performer, I scored 10/10 in the PPW. This meant that I gave my all in both training and games as I had a great desire to be successful. This lead to me fulfilling my role and responsibilities successfully to help contribute to my teams success as I got the better of my direct opponent.’

‘However, a limitation of mine is my Concentration as unlike my Model Performer, I scored 2/10 whilst they scored 10/10 in the PPW. This meant that when using the man to man marking tactic, I got distracted by those moving around me and stopped focusing on my man. This lead to them getting into space and having time and space to receive a pass then score.’

‘Another limitation of mine is my Resilience as unlike my Model Performer, I scored 1/10 whilst they scored 10/10 in the PPW. This meant that when I made a mistake, I was unable to move on and bounce back. This lead to me feeling down and playing within myself as I was scared of making future mistakes and therefore lowering the effectiveness of my performance.’

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Explain why a model performer can be limited when collecting data on the physical factor


One limitation is that it can be time consuming collecting and analysing information in regards to a Model Performer. This can lead to you getting bored and rushing the process. This can lead to data being incorrect and invalid.

Another limitation is that you may select a poor Model Performer who is actually not that great in regards to the Physical factor. This can lead to you watching and copying poor sub-routine performances and picking up bad habits in your performance.

A further limitation is that you may select an inappropriate level of Model Performer such as Andy Murray. This can lead to you setting unrealistic and unachievable goals of an elite level athlete and losing motivation and confidence when you find that you are not meeting them. This can mean that you then give up during your development plan and never improve.

A final limitation is that you may not have enough knowledge to correctly analyse a Model Performer. This can lead to you identifying Physical strengths when they are in fact Physical weaknesses. This can mean that you are then ignoring areas that need improving as you have wrongly collected data on them.’

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