Module 3 Flashcards
Comments on longitude
- Location of prime meridian is arbitrary = Greenwich observatory in UK 1 Degree of
- Lines of longitude converge at the north and south poles
- To find longitude typically requires a clock, although there is a technique, called the lunar method that relies on the fact that the moon moves ½ of a degree per hour.
Magnetic Declination
sometimes called magnetic variation, is the local angle between magnetic north and true north. Declination is considered positive east of true north and negative when west.
The geomagnetic field
field is a combination of several generated magnetic fields sources (Magnetosphere, currents in Ionosphere, and the Earth’s internal magnetic
These fields are superimposed on and interact with each other. More than 90% of the field measured is generated INTERNAL to the planet in the Earth’s outer core. This portion of the geomagnetic field is often referred to as the Main Field.
The magnetic field varies across the Earth
the magnetic field changes with location, time and rate. It is so irregular that it must be measured in many places
At the magnetic poles, a dip needle stands vertical (dip=90 degrees; north magnetic pole, the north end of the dip needle is down), the horizontal intensity is zero, and a compass does not show direction At the magnetic equator the inclination is zero. Unlike the Earth’s geographic equator, the magnetic equator is not fixed, but slowly changes.
Coordinate Systems
There are many different coordinate systems, based on a variety of geodetic datums, projections, and units in use
Geographic coordinate systems (no projection): Spheroid or Ellipsoid-based systems. •
Projected coordinate systems: examples UTM, state plane. BASED ON MAP PROJECTIONS
Classes of Map projections
Physical models:
• Cylindrical projections (cylinder) -
• Conic Projections (cone)
• Stereo planar (Azimuthal) projections (plane)
Distortion properties:
• Conformal (preserves local angles and shape)
• Equal area or equivalent (area)
• Equidistant (scale along a center line)
• Azimuthal (directions)
Basics of Map Projections
- A map projection is a mathematical model for conversion of locations from a three-dimensional earth surface to a two-dimensional map representation. This conversion necessarily distorts some aspect of the earth’s surface - area, shape, distance, or direction.
- Every projection has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. There is no “best” projection.
- Distortions of conformality (shape), scale, distance, direction, and area
- Some projections minimize distortions in one properties at the expense of maximizing errors in others.
- Some projection are attempts to only moderately distort all of these properties
- The mapmaker must select the one best suited to the needs, reducing distortion of the most important features.
Cylindrical projections
- the meridians are straight, parallel, and equally spaced. The parallels are straight, parallel, and perpendicular to the meridians. The projection outline is rectangular.
- Ex: The Plate Carree, Mercator, Equidistant Cylindrical, Lambert Equal Area Cylindrical
Mercator Projection (1569)
Directions are true along straight line of any two points,
Distances are true only along equator, and reasonable correct within 15° of equator.
In secant model, distance along two parallels are correct in scale instead of the Equator.
Areas and shapes of large area are distorted.
Distortion increases away from Equator and is extreme in polar regions. However, map is conformal in that angles and shapes within any small area is essentially true. -
Used for navigation or maps of equatorial regions.
Transverse Mercator Projection (Lambert 1772)
- Distances are true only along the central meridian selected by the mapmaker or else along two lines parallel to it, but all distances, directions, shapes, and areas are reasonably accurate within 15° of the central meridian.
Distortion of distances, directions, and size of areas increases rapidly outside the 15° band.
Because the map is conformal, however, shapes and angles within any small area (such as that shown by a USGS topographic map) are essentially true
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
- 60 zones, 6° wide, 80°S-84°N.
- Each zone uses a Transverse Mercator projections with its own central meridian and is further divided into North and South.
- The central meridian in each UTM zone has a scale factor of 0.9996, which means that measurements along it fall short of true scale by 4 units in 10,000 (or 1 unit in 2,500). This is the maximum scale error anywhere within the zone.
North Zones: false easting of 500,000 m
South Zones: false easting of 500,000 m, false northing of 10,000,000 m
Secant slices should be
close to surface to minimize SF distortion.
Gnomonic model:
The gnomonic projection displays great circles as straight lines. Can be constructed by using a point of perspective at the center of the Earth. r(d) = c tan(d/R); so that even just a hemisphere is already infinite in extent. Preserving shortest route, a trait preserved only by the gnomonic projection
Conic Projections
- the parallels (latitudes) are partial concentric circles.
- The meridians are straight, equally spaced radii of the circles.
- Conic projections usually don’t show the entire world
- the projection outline is fan-shaped.
- Ex: The Albers Equal Area Conic, Lambert Conformal* Conic, and Equidistant Conic
Planar (Azimuthal) Projections
- In planar (azimuthal) projections, the parallels are full concentric circles centered on a pole.
- As with conics, the meridians are straight, equally- spaced radii of the circles.
- Some planar projections show the whole world; others show just a hemisphere.
- The normal aspect for planar projections is polar.
- Ex: The Stereographic, Orthographic, Gnomonic, Lambert Azimut Equal Area, and Azimuthal Equidistant