Native American rights - federal government Flashcards
Did the federal government improve the rights of Native Americans?
Certainly until the 1930s, and New Deal, they did not support the rights.
Possibly it was only from 1969 and Nixon’s presidency that they did anything for self-determination.
Instead they tried to assimilate Native Americans.
What is Manifest Destiny?
The land in the West was seen as representing America’s freedom.
Through legislation the government encouraged its settlement, bringing white settlers into contact and conflict with Native Americans.
How did Manifest Destiny cause railways?
Their belief encouraged the government to make grants of land that cut across the great plains, where many Native Americans lived, to rail companies.
The 1862 Pacific Railway Act allowed companies to take sufficient materials for the building of the line from the land.
Granted 155 million acres of land, depriving Indians of large land.
How did Native Americans occupying land conflict with Manifest Destiny?
It prevented the White Americans from occupying the whole continent.
How did the structure of the tribes conflict with Manifest Destiny?
It meant they had some self-determination, and their tribal laws meant that they were not subject to the full law of the country.
How did the Nomadic lifestyle conflict with Manifest Destiny?
The lifestyle of following the buffalo herds contrasted with the permanent settlements that the new European settlers had established.
How did religious practices conflict with Manifest Destiny?
The stark differences and use of hallucinatory drugs during tribal ceremonies caused them to be seen as savages who needed to be controlled and ‘Americanised’.
This meant converting them to Christianity, educating them and providing them with permanent land to farm.
What is the Reservation Policy 1871-87?
Aimed to end their nomadic life and separate them from the buffalo.
Allowed control and prevented them from leaving the reservations.
It would also be easier to educate them and remove tribal customs.
Called them ‘wards of the state’ who did not have civil rights.
How did Reservation policy worsen?
After 1871 the Native Americans lost the right of treaties.
The government pursued more aggressive assimilation, encouraged by Manifest Destiny.
This meant if the government required the land they were unwilling to negotiate for it - without consultation.
Why did Allotment Policy come about?
The defeat of Custer in Little Bighorn made some politicians realise that the unrest was due to reservation policy.
There was a growing recognition that the policy had failed to accomplish assimilation.
This led to a change in the way the government sought to bring it about.
What is Allotment Policy 1887-1934?
Through the Dawes Act of 1887, where reservation lands were divided into homesteads.
Supporters hoped it would improve conditions, but it did nothing for civil rights.
It continued to ignore the tribal nature, and to destroy it.
How did Allotment Policy improve Native American rights?
Native Americans were given land, and after 25 years could own it, having full citizenship and therefore rights.
But Native Americans didn’t want this.
Even if they did want this, in practice it meant little as they were discriminated against.
What is the evaluation of the Allotment policy?
Native American position worsened because they were in basically the same position, except the tribes were more broken up, which made it harder to preserve tribal culture and tradition.
It was a clear indication the government either didn’t understand their wishes or didn’t want to understand them.
Why did Termination policy happen?
The change in policy under the New Deal was short lived and ended in 1953.
The government realised that previous policies didn’t bring about assimilation.
The lands on which many of the Native Americans lived were wanted by mining and forestry companies, so the government gave the Indian citizens rights.
What is Termination Policy 1953-69?
It ended the recognition of Native American tribes and saw proposals to end the reservation system.
Native Americans were encouraged to relocate by offering them accommodation and help to find work.
But this meant a loss of lands and further disintegration of remaining tribal life.
How did the economy impact government support?
During times of economic decline and when the government faced competing claims for revenue, support declined further.
What was the impact of the economy in 1865?
During the civil war government spending increased, so the amount of aid sent to Native Americans on reservations decreased.
Additionally, the officials responsible for ensuring the aid were corrupt.
What was the impact of the economy in 1880s?
Meat subsidies to the Sioux were stopped because the government had other financial demands in the time of economic decline.
It was the tribes lives, not only civil rights, that were not protected.