Neurofacilitation Techniques Flashcards
What is neuro-facilitation?
To promote normal movement patterns through application of sensory stimulation by the therapist
What are the 4 theories of neuro-facilitation?
- Brunnstorm
- Bobath (NDT)
- Rood
List 5 similarities between the four theories of neuro-facilitation.
- Developed in the 1940s and 1950s
- Based on reflexive and Hierarchical models
- Augmentation / Manipulation of sensory inputs
- Emphasize developmental and biomechanical sequence
- Philosophy to move away from primitive, reflexive or synergistic movement to skilled, volitional, isolated movement
What is the basis of Margret Rood’s theory of neuro-facilitation?
Use of sensorimotor stimulation to facilitate muscle activity during movement/attempts to move.
What receptors did Rood believe in stimulating for light work? Examples?
Exteroreceptors for light work —upper extremity—open chain such as reaching, wrist extension
Examples: Stimulating afferent nerves through stroking, brushing, icing, warmth, pressure & vibration to increase muscle activation
What receptors did Rood believe in stimulating for heavy work? Examples?
Proprioceptors for heavy work—closed chain tasks
Examples: Stretch, resistance, positioning, joint compression & joint distraction used to stimulate reflexes
What are Rood’s 4 stages of motor control?
- Mobility—mass (synergistic) patterns (flexion and extension)
- Stability (co-contraction) —facilitation postural control
- Controlled mobility (isolated movement)
- Skill—stable proximal to allow distal aspect of limb to move
Rood’s techniques follow normal ______ patterns and include _____ and ____ techniques to help normalize ______.
- Neurodevelopmental
- Facilitation
- Inhibition
- Muscle tone
What is the normal neurodevelopmental pattern of movement followed by Rood?
Pivot prone> quadraped> kneeling>stance>gait
Provide 2 examples of facilitation and inhibition techniques promoted by Rood’s theory of neuro-facilitation.
- Working out of extensor patterns through full flexion trunk
- Utilizes rolling to facilitate lateral trunk control to promote movement upper & lower extremity into flexion
What did Signe Brunnstrom encourage during early recovery from neurological impairments? What was used to promote movement?
1; Encourages flexor/extensor synergy patterns during early recovery
- Use of reflexes, associated reactions, and mass synergies to promote movement (any movement is good)
Brunnstrom promoted use of ______ to assist in movement of involved limb for desired outcome. This technique preceded _____ techniques.
- Uninvolved limb
2. Bi-manual techniques
What belief is a limitation of the Brunnstrom theory of neuro-facilitation?
Belief that can “break out” of these synergy patterns by then facilitating antagonist of synergy
List the 5 techniques that combine to form the Brunnstrom theory of neuro-facilitation.
- Proprioceptive stimulation (Rood)
- Exteroceptive stimulation (Rood)
- Resistance is often applied to uninvolved limb to promote overflow to involved
- Push/pull technique upper ext/ flex to facilitate trunk and LE extension
- Emphasis on postural stability
What 2 things did Karel and Berta Bobath emphasize in their neurodevelopmental technique (NDT)?
- Handling techniques to normalize tone, inhibit primitive(reflexive) movement patterns (RIP)
- Promote normal movement patterns as believes continuous use of primitive movement patterns will become “habit” at the expense of normal pathways