one way anova Flashcards


Sure! Here are some multiple-choice questions based on the F distribution:

  1. What does the F distribution help us determine?
    a) The mean difference between two groups
    b) The proportion of variability within a single group
    c) The variability between two or more groups
    d) The correlation between two variables
  2. The F distribution is named after which statistician?
    a) Albert Einstein
    b) Isaac Newton
    c) Ronald Fisher
    d) Carl Gauss
  3. What are the two numbers associated with the F distribution?
    a) Mean and standard deviation
    b) Mode and median
    c) Numerator and denominator degrees of freedom
    d) Skewness and kurtosis
  4. A large F-value in an F distribution indicates:
    a) A significant difference between two groups
    b) A small difference between two groups
    c) Random variations between two groups
    d) No difference between two groups
  5. The F distribution is commonly used in which statistical technique?
    a) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
    b) Chi-square test
    c) t-test
    d) Linear regression

Remember to review the answers for accuracy and adjust them if necessary based on the specific context or level of difficulty you desire.


Answer: c) The variability between two or more groups
Answer: c) Ronald Fisher
Answer: c) Numerator and denominator degrees of freedom
Answer: a) A significant difference between two groups
Answer: a) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

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Sure! Here are some multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions based on the content:

Multiple-choice questions:
1. What can ANOVA detect among the groups?
a) Mean difference
b) Variability difference
c) Proportion difference
d) Correlation difference

  1. What are posthoc tests used for in ANOVA?
    a) Determining the overall significance level
    b) Identifying the differences between groups
    c) Checking the assumptions of the test
    d) Calculating the effect size
  2. Which method is commonly used for posthoc tests in ANOVA?
    a) Bonferroni method
    b) Chi-square method
    c) t-test method
    d) Regression method
  3. What does the Bonferroni method aim to control?
    a) Type I error rate
    b) Type II error rate
    c) Effect size
    d) Statistical power

Fill in the blanks:
1. ANOVA can detect a difference among the groups, but not ____________.
2. Posthoc tests are performed to determine ____________ the differences are.
3. The Bonferroni method is used to control the ____________ error rate.

Remember to review the questions for accuracy and adjust them if necessary based on the specific context or level of difficulty you desire.


Sure! Here are the answers to the questions:

Multiple-choice questions:
1. a) Mean difference
2. b) Identifying the differences between groups
3. a) Bonferroni method
4. a) Type I error rate

Fill in the blanks:
1. ANOVA can detect a difference among the groups, but not which group(s) are different.
2. Posthoc tests are performed to determine where the differences are.
3. The Bonferroni method is used to control the Type I error rate.

Please note that the answers provided are based on the information given in the questions.

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Multiple-choice questions:

  1. In the Bonferroni posthoc test, comparisons between groups are done:
    a) One at a time
    b) Simultaneously
    c) Randomly
  2. The Bonferroni posthoc test uses which statistic to calculate the t statistic?
    a) Pooled variance
    b) Weighted variance
    c) Standard deviation
  3. The degrees of freedom in the Bonferroni posthoc test are:
    a) Within groups degrees of freedom
    b) Between groups degrees of freedom
    c) Total degrees of freedom
  4. The p-value in the Bonferroni posthoc test is adjusted by:
    a) Multiplying it by the total number of possible pairwise comparisons
    b) Dividing it by the number of groups
    c) Adding it to the significance level

Fill in the blanks:

  1. The Bonferroni posthoc test compares groups ______ at any one time.
  2. The pooled variance in the t statistic calculation is replaced by ______.
  3. The degrees of freedom in the Bonferroni posthoc test are ______.
  4. The p-value in the Bonferroni posthoc test is adjusted by multiplying it by the ______.

Please note that the answers are not provided here.


2. b Weighted variance
3.a)within group degrees of freedom
4. a0 multiplying it by the total number of possible pairwise comparisons

The Bonferroni posthoc test compares groups one at a time at any one time.
The pooled variance in the t statistic calculation is replaced by weighted variance.
The degrees of freedom in the Bonferroni posthoc test are Within groups degrees of freedom.
The p-value in the Bonferroni posthoc test is adjusted by multiplying it by the total number of possible pairwise comparisons.

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what are other examples of posthoc test


Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (HSD)
* Dunnett’s test
* Scheffe’s procedure
* Šidák correction (Dunn-Šidák correction)
* Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) procedure

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