overflow day 35 (eng from 33, all 3 from 34, all 3 from 30) Flashcards


When did Heaney’s father die?

Harvest Bow 5 stanza summary


1986 - still alive when he completed Field Work

1) Physicality of Heaney’s father; his words come from his actions. He becomes gentler with age - sense of gentle movement.
2) He has been in his profession for so long that it is like second nature. Heaney however has to read his work like ‘brail’ - has to read this physical manifestation of his father’s emotions in a physical way.
3) Heaney evokes a childhood atmosphere, does not romanticise his youth (depicts reality - ‘midges’) however these are still fond memories to him. Idea of united but separate as they both grow older
4) Heaney homesick for the evenings - child poet within him aware of the preciousness of these moments. Father violent imagery reminds us of his farm physical profession
5) ‘the end of art is peace’ - Yeats quote - ultimate achievement of art is to create peace. Heaney is still creating art - there is no peace yet. Corn trapped by a snare but the spirit slips away suggests even though the father is gone but the echo of his spirit and love will always remain in the Harvest Bow.

Tone - sorrowful/mournful because growing apart from father
Rejoicing/warm - appreciating how wonderful his father is

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