Personal Auto Coverage Flashcards


9.1 Learning Objectives: personal auto insurance

1: describe the policies eligibility requirements for individuals and vehicles
2: explain how the following terms are defined in the personal auto policy: you/your, family member, bodily injury, occupying, property damage, covered auto, temporary substitute auto, and non-owned auto
3: explain how coverage for newly acquired auto supplies under the fort personal auto policy coverages
4: for liability, medical payments to others, and uninsured motorist coverage, describe the purpose of the coverage, the conditions that must be met for a loss to be covered, who is considered to be insured, losses that would be excluded, how the limits of liability apply, and how other insurance affects loss payments
5: identify expenses that are covered under the supplementary payments section of Part A – liability coverage
6: explain the purpose of the financial responsibility and out-of-state coverage provisions in Part A – liability coverage


7: COMPARE AND CONTRAST the losses covered under collision and other than collision coverage
8: explain the provisions of transportation expenses coverage
9: describe important conditions that apply to the policy, including the insured’s duties after loss, subrogation, and termination
10: explain the purpose of under-insured-motorist UIM coverage
11: explain the purpose of the following endorsements: joint ownership coverage, towing and labor costs, miscellaneous type vehicle, extended non-owned coverage for named individual, optional limits transportation expenses coverage, and named non-owner coverage

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