what are the three things identified by post-mods?
club culture
neotribes [ maffesoli ]
supermarket of style [ polhemus ]
who found club culture?
MIPS [ manchester institute of pop culture studies ]
club culture shows that…
ysc no clear gender, ethnicity, class distinctions
what does Redhead say about the media?
subcultures are formed in the media, drives subcultures
who found neotribes?
what are neotribes?
loosely organised and no commitment subculture
what do young people do in neotribes?
they flit from tribe to tribe
what does Bennett say about neotribes?
based on fashion, music and lifestyle
who says neotribes are based on fashion, music and style?
who found the supermarket of style?
what is the supermarket of style?
ysc pick and mix different cultures
what do ysc not want to do which leads to supermarket of style?
didn’t want to choose a style and restrict change
what did post-mod say abt supermarket of style?
shows that fluidity and choice is important in ysc
a criticism of post-mod is that there are subcultures…
that are distinct and have clear music and fashion choice e.g. goths and emos
a criticism of post-mod is that ysc are…
mainstream and not artificially made by the media